Chyliza vittata Meigen 1826

Chyliza vittata Meigen, 1826 (Figs. 1–3) Chyliza vittata Meigen, 1826: 369; Iwasa 1989: 160. Orchidophaga gastrodiacola Kato, 2006 in Kato et al . 2006: 856. syn. n. Male. Body yellow to orange in ground color, with black markings. Body length 5.3–6.5 mm (n= 18), wing length 4.5–5.3 mm (n= 21). Head...

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Main Author: Sueyoshi, Masahiro
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2013
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Summary:Chyliza vittata Meigen, 1826 (Figs. 1–3) Chyliza vittata Meigen, 1826: 369; Iwasa 1989: 160. Orchidophaga gastrodiacola Kato, 2006 in Kato et al . 2006: 856. syn. n. Male. Body yellow to orange in ground color, with black markings. Body length 5.3–6.5 mm (n= 18), wing length 4.5–5.3 mm (n= 21). Head yellow, with dark brown marking on posterior side of occiput, 4 / 3 as high as long; frons yellow, with sparse, fine, yellow setae; face whitish yellow, without dark markings; gena yellow, covered with yellow setae; genal seta long and black. Head chaetotaxy: 1 oc , 1 poc , 2 or , 2 ivt , 1 ovt , 1 pvt setae; orbital setae reclinate. Antenna yellow; scape and pedicel with fine black setae; postpedicel with fine yellow setae; arista dark brown with short pubescence. Proboscis yellow; palpus dark brown to black, with distinct black setae, as long as labium. Thorax yellow to brown, with dark brown to black markings on tergites and pleura; anterior margin of scutum, propleural lobe, anepisternum, katepisternum at middle, anepimeron, laterotergite, mediotergite, and dorsal half of meron dark brown; scutum yellow in ground color, with distinct dark marking on anterior 1 / 8 of scutum and indistinct longitudinal dark marking on posterior half of scutum anterior to dc scutellum yellow. Thoracic chaetotaxy: 1 acr , 1 dc , 1 sa , 1 pa , 1 npl , 2–3 sctl acr and dc positioned just before scuto-scutellar suture. Wing (Fig. 1 a) hyaline, with dark brown marking on wing apex from apex of cell r 1 to apex of cell m and along vein M to crossvein dM-Cu. Legs entirely yellow, dark brown marking on femora variable, distinct or indistinct on apices of mid and hind femora; fore coxa without distinct black setae; fore and mid femora without distinct setae; fore tibia anteroventrally with 10–20 distinct, short spine-like setae. Abdomen entirely dark brown, covered with dark brown setae; 5 th abdominal sternite divided into 3 sclerites, median sclerite with short spine-like setae on posterior half, 5 th abdominal sternite consisting of lateral and median sclerites (Fig. 1 b: 5 S); epandrium (Fig. 2 a, b: ep) dark brown; surstylus (Fig. 2 a, b: s) yellow to yellow brown, united with epandrium at base, tapered to apex; apical part of surstylus directed outward; hypandrium (Fig. 2 c, d: h) oval in ventral view, with lateral apodeme; distiphallus (Fig. 2 c, e, f: dp) bifurcated, outer lateral side sclerotized, inner lateral side, membranous. Female (body length 6.6–6.8 mm, n= 3; wing length 5.3–5.6 mm, n= 4) similar to male but differing as follows: scutum yellow in ground color, with longitudinal median dark brown marking from anterior margin of scutum to transverse suture, lateral dark marking on line of dc seta from posterior margin of propleural lobe to dc seta; these dark markings fused and forming broad dark marking on scutum in some specimens; no distinct setae on fore tibia; syntergosternum 7 (Fig. 1 c: ST 7) dark brown, with rod-like apodeme on anterior margin; eversible membrane shorter than syntergosternum 7; syntergosternum 8 longer than syntergosternum 7; 9 th abdominal tergum (Fig. 2 g) and sternum distinct, as long as cercus; cercus (Fig. 2 g: c) round, with tuft of short setae, as long as epiproct. Specimens examined. Orchidophaga gastrodiacola – Holotype (3): “ Holotype / Orchidophaga gastrodiacola Kato, 2006 / 3 Aug. 2003, Kiso-Koma-Kogen, Kiso-cho,/ Nagano Pref., Japan. collected by M. Kato,/ reared from flower shoot of Gastrodia elata /”, “ Holotype ” [hand-written], “03.8.3. KSO/ Oninoyagara [in Japanese characters] FR/ v. 4.10 e ” [hand-written], “photographed in 2007 [in Japanese characters]/ 1129156 ”. Other specimens: 13, same locality and date as holotype (Cz. 1001) (KUM): 1 Ƥ, same locality, 1. viii. 2003 (Cz. 1002) (KUM). Other specimens: Chyliza vittata – [HOKKAIDO] 83, Hamanaka, Rebun T, 25.vii. 2011, N Sugiura leg. (Cz. 2001-2008) (BLKU); 33, same locality, 26.vii. 2011, N Sugiura leg. (Cz. 2009–2011) (BLKU); 432 Ƥ, same locality, 27.vii. 2011, N Sugiura leg. (Cz. 2012–2017) (BLKU); 23, same locality, 28.vii. 2011, N Sugiura leg. (Cz.2018, 2019) (BLKU); 23, Kushuko, Rebun T, 29.vii. 2011, N Sugiura leg. (Cz.2020, 2021) (BLKU). [Honshu] Iwate P: 13, Man’nyokaisawa, Kawai V, 9.viii. 1996, M Sueyoshi leg. (Cz. 2022) (BLKU). Sweden: 13, Messaure, Jokkmokk kommun, 12.vii. 2012, M Sueyoshi leg. (Cz. 2023) (BLKU). Denmark: 13, undetermined locality, 1976, collector unknown (Cz 3001) (ZMCU); 1 Ƥ, undetermined locality, 1906, collector unknown (CZ. 3002) (ZMCU). Distribution. Europe (Soós 1984). Japan: Hokkaido including Kunashiri and Rishiri Is. (Iwasa 1989), Honshu (Kato et al . 2006), Kyushu (Iwasa 1989) (Fig. 3). This is a transpalaearctic species. Remarks. Chyliza vittata is distinguished from other congeners in having a whitish yellow face, yellow frons, black palpus, dark brown laterotergite, fore coxa without distinct black setae, and yellow femora (Shatalkin 1997). It also has a yellow scutum with median and lateral longitudinal dark brown markings. A pair of the specimens (Cz.1001, 1002) was reared from G . elata by M. Kato and was examined by him at the time of the description of O . gastrodiacola but have not been assigned as types. A series of these specimens (Cz. 2001-2021) from Hokkaido were collected on flowers of G . elata (N. Sugiura, pers. comm.). : Published as part of Sueyoshi, Masahiro, 2013, Orchidophaga gastrodiacola Kato, 2006, is Chyliza vittata Meigen, 1826 (Diptera: Psilidae): discussion on its taxonomy and biology, pp. 473-480 in Zootaxa 3620 (3) on pages 474-476, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3620.3.7,