Diplazon laetatorius

Diplazon laetatorius (Fabricius 1781, Ichneumon ) Ichneumon dichrous Schrank 1781 Anomalon attractus Say 1835 Bassus albovarius Wollaston 1858 Bassus cinctipes Holmgren 1868 Bassus sycophanta Cresson 1868 Bassus tripicticrus Walsh 1873 Scolobates varipes Smith 1878 Bassus venustulus Saussure 1892 Ba...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Klopfstein, Seraina
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2014
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6135634
Summary:Diplazon laetatorius (Fabricius 1781, Ichneumon ) Ichneumon dichrous Schrank 1781 Anomalon attractus Say 1835 Bassus albovarius Wollaston 1858 Bassus cinctipes Holmgren 1868 Bassus sycophanta Cresson 1868 Bassus tripicticrus Walsh 1873 Scolobates varipes Smith 1878 Bassus venustulus Saussure 1892 Bassus balearicus Kriechbaumer 1894 Bassus terminalis Davis 1895 Bassus generosus Cameron 1898 Bassus senegalensis Ferrière 1925 (in Vayssière & Mimeur 1925) Bassus ikiti Cheesman 1936 Diagnosis. (No males found in Europe). Fore wing length 3.5–6 mm. Antenna in females with 16–17 flagellomeres. Face with punctures clearly distinct from the background sculpture. Mesopleuron smooth and polished with weak to strong punctures on lower half, upper half largely smooth but with punctures along anterior margin. Propodeum with a full set of carinae enclosing basal, lateral and petiolar areas. Tergite 1 0.9–1.1, tergite 2 0.55–0.7 times as long as wide; tergites 2 and 3 with large, distinct punctures on a rugose or on tergite 3 rather smooth and polished background, punctures with distinct margins. Transverse impressions deep on tergites 1 to 4. Metasoma dorsoventrally depressed. Colouration of females. Antenna orange, brown dorsally. Head and mesosoma black, face with yellow along inner orbits, usually without yellow central face patch, yellow on clypeus and mouthparts, hind corner of pronotum, tegula, subtegular ridge, shoulder mark, upper mesepimeron; scutellum largely yellow. Legs including coxae orange; hind tibia tricolored, with a dark base, then white band, then black band and a broad, orange apex, hind tarsus dark. Metasoma orange at least on tergites 2 and 3, often also hind margin of tergite 1 and parts of tergite 4 orange. Material examined. Holotype of Bassus cinctipes Holmgren: South Africa. 1 ♀, at NRM. New for Kazakhstan: 12 km South from Urda village, bound between Khaki saline and Ryn-Kum, leg. Karalius, Miatleuski, 1.– 3.VI. 2001. 1♀, at MR. Argentina (20), Finland (1), France (2), Germany (2), Hungary (> 500), Iceland (1), Iran (4), Kazakhstan (1), Norway (1), Portugal (1), Russia (1), Spain (Canary Islands: 1), Sweden (> 500), Switzerland (> 300), Tadzhikistan (1), Turkey (1), Ukraine (1), United Kingdom (60), USA (4), Zambia (1). Distribution. Worldwide. Figures. Mesoscutum (Fig. 12 A), habitus (Fig. 29 A). Notes. This species has a cosmopolitan distribution and reproduces parthenogenetically in most of its range. Males are to date only known from North America and India. : Published as part of Klopfstein, Seraina, 2014, Revision of the Western Palaearctic Diplazontinae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), pp. 1-143 in Zootaxa 3801 (1) on pages 40-41, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3801.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/249944 : {"references": ["Fabricius, J. C. (1781) Species insectorum. Tom. I. Hamburgii et Kilonii, 552 pp.", "Schrank, F. v. P. (1781) Enumeratio insectorum austriae indigenorum. Augustae Vindelicorum, Vienna, 548 pp.", "Say, T. (1835) Descriptions of new North American Hymenoptera, and observations on some already described. Boston Journal of Natural History, 1 (3), 210 - 305.", "Wollaston, T. V. (1858) Brief diagnostic characters of undescribed Madeiran insects. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 3 (1), 18 - 28.", "Holmgren, A. E. (1868) Hymenoptera. Species novas descripsit. In: Kongliga Svenska Fregatten Eugenies Resa omkring jorden. Zoologi. P. A. Norstedt & Soner, Stockholm, pp. 391 - 442.", "Cresson, E. T. j. (1868) A list of the Ichneumonidae of North America, with descriptions of new species. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 2, 89 - 114.", "Walsh, B. D. (1873) Descriptions of North American Hymenoptera. Transactions of the Academy of Sciences of St. Louis, 3, 65 - 166.", "Smith, F. (1878) Descriptions of new species of Hymenopterous insects from New Zealand, collected by Prof. Hutton, at Otago. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1878, 1 - 7.", "Saussure, H. d. (1892) Hymenopteres. In: Grandidier, A. (Ed.), Histoire physique naturelle et politique de Madagascar, Paris, pp. 590.", "Kriechbaumer, J. (1894) Himenopteros nuevos de Mallorca recogidos por Dr. Fernando Moragues. Anales de Historia Natural de la Sociedad Espanola, 23, 239 - 253.", "Davis, G. C. (1895) A monograph of the tribe Bassini. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 22, 17 - 30.", "Cameron, P. (1898) Notes on a collection of Hymenoptera from Greymouth, New Zealand, with descriptions of new species. Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 42 (1), 1 - 53.", "Vayssiere, P. & Mimeur, J. (1925) Au sujet des Pucerons ennemis du Cotonnier, du Mil du Sorgho en A. O. F. Agronomie Coloniale, 12 (88), 121 - 152.", "Cheesman, L. E. (1936) Hymenoptera of the New Hebrides and Banks Islands. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 85 (7), 169 - 195."]}