Mniotype kobyakovi Volynkin, Matov & Behounek, sp. n.

Mniotype kobyakovi Volynkin, Matov & Behounek, sp. n. (Figs 31–34, 73, 74, 91, 110, 111) Type material . Holotype : male, 19– 2011, Russia, Altai Rep., Ust-Koksa distr., 2 km SE Chendek vill., Terektinsky Ridge, 50 º 16 ’23.9’’ N, 85 º 55 ’50.8’’ E. Volynkin A.V. leg. Slide AV0692 Volynkin...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Volynkin, Anton V., Matov, Alexei Yu., Behounek, Gottfried, Han, Hui-Lin
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2014
Online Access:
Summary:Mniotype kobyakovi Volynkin, Matov & Behounek, sp. n. (Figs 31–34, 73, 74, 91, 110, 111) Type material . Holotype : male, 19– 2011, Russia, Altai Rep., Ust-Koksa distr., 2 km SE Chendek vill., Terektinsky Ridge, 50 º 16 ’23.9’’ N, 85 º 55 ’50.8’’ E. Volynkin A.V. leg. Slide AV0692 Volynkin (Coll. ZISP). Paratypes : 3 males, with the same label data as the holotype (Coll. AVB); 14 males, 3 females, 08– 2010, Russia, Altai Republic, Ulagan district, Aktash vill. env., 1350 m. 50 º 19 ’ N, 87 º 35 ' E. Volynkin A.V. leg. (Colls AVB, ZISP); 11 males, 1 female, 29–31.v. 2012, same locality and collector (Coll. AVB); 1 female, 08–09.vii. 2012, Russia, Altai Republic, Kosh-Agach district, Kuraisky Ridge, 5 km E of Chagan-Uzun village, arid stony steppe. 50 ° 24 ’ 27 ’’ N, 87 ° 35 ’ 50 ’’ E, h = 2130 m, at light. Volynkin A.V. leg. (Coll. AVB); 1 male, 1 female, 07–08.vii. 2007, Russia, Altai Republic, Kosh-Agach district, 15–20 km NE of Kokorya vill., Talduair Mts, Buguzun river valley, 2300 m. Yakovlev R.V. & Guskova E.V. leg. (Coll. AVB); 1 male, 2 females, 17– 2007, Russia, Altai Rep., Ulagan distr., 3 km W Aktash vill. Chibitka river valley, 1300 m. Volynkin A.V. leg. (Coll. AVB); 1 male, 16.v. 2009, Russia, Altai Republic, Ulagan district, Aktash vill., bottom of southern steppe stony slope, 1350 m. Yakovlev R.V. & Nakonechny A.N. leg. (Coll. AVB); 1 male, 14.vii. 1983, Altai, Katunsky Ridge, 15 km SE of Katanda, tundra, 2300 m (Coll. SZMN); 1 male, [Russia, East Siberia], Sokhondo strict reserve, Agutsa river, cordon, 1991, V. Dubatolov & V. Zinchenko leg. (Coll. SZMN); 1 male, 1 female, S Siberia, SW Tuva, Zapadniy [Western] Tannu-Ola Mts, Arzaity Pass, Shin riv., 2200–2600 m, 2004, 50º 30 ' [N] / 90 º 54 ' [E], leg. J. Hron, M. Česánek & J. Rekelо (Coll. MDS); 2 males, China, Inner Mongolia, 50 km NE Arxan, Taiping Ling, h- 1300 m, 4–7.vii. 2008, Floriani & Saldaitis leg. (Colls ASV, AFM); 1 male, Russia, 2100 m, Altai Mts, Kurai range, Aktash, 28.v.– 1993., leg. Vodyanov (Coll. PGM); 1 female, Mongolia, Arkhangay aimak, Khangay Mts, 43 km NW of Tsetserleg, N 47 º 39 ', E 100 º 59 ', 1960 m, 8.vii. 2005, leg. B. Benedek & T. Csövári (Coll. BBT). Slides AV0319, AV0364, AV0365, AV0373, AV0379, AV0378, AV0381, AV0690, AV0691, AV0705, AV0723, AV0736, AV0737, AV0742, AV0743, AV0744, AV0745, AV0749 Volynkin, OP 2277 Pekarsky, 3652 Gyulai. (males), AV0382, AV0635, AV0701, AV0722, AV0731, AV0766, AV 1125 Volynkin (females), glyc. prep. Dvořák (male). Diagnosis . The new species is close to M. adusta and M. bathensis . Externally, it differs from Siberian populations of M. adusta in the more colourful ground colour of the forewings and more contrasting pattern and from M. bathensis in the well-defined pattern and less reddish colouration. The male antennae have longer setae compared with those of M. adusta and M. bathensis . The male genitalia of M. kobyakovi (Figs 73, 74, 91) differ from M. adusta in the larger cucullus, narrower clavus that protrudes noticeably from the sacculus and an apically obtuse carina with an eversible dorso-lateral bar arising from its apex; and from M. bathensis in the smaller, shorter cucullus with a shorter corona, less curved digitus, and longer eversible dorso-lateral bar of the carina with shorter teeth on its basal part. The female genitalia of M. kobyakovi (Figs 110, 111) differ from M. adusta in the narrower ductus bursae and from M. bathensis in the much broader ostium bursae with a convex posterior margin, by larger appendix bursae and more strongly sclerotised posterior part of the corpus bursae. Description . External morphology (Figs 31–34). Wingspan 38–44 mm. Head, thorax and abdomen dark brown. Forewing moderately broad. Ground colour of forewing brown. Crosslines thin, double. Submarginal line pale, thin, strongly dentate. Marginal line present as a series of black dots between the veins. Basal dash short, thin, black. Claviform dark brown, with thin black border; medial fascia thin, black. Medial area shadowed around claviform and medial fascia and in the cell and along the costal margin. Terminal area dark brown or grayish brown. Subterminal area pale, brown, inwards from the submarginal line with dark brown or blackish cuneate streaks between the veins. Cilia dark brown. Hindwing pale, brownish grey, discal spot diffuse, semilunar. Cilia brownish grey. Male genitalia (Figs 73, 74, 91). Uncus short, narrow, apically pointed; tegumen moderately long and relatively broad; penicular lobes large, densely hairy; juxta trapezoidal, strongly sclerotised, with two long, thin apical processes serrated in distal half; vinculum short, U-shaped. Valva elongated, broad basally, slightly narrowed at middle; costa strongly sclerotised, with small triangular subapical dorsal lobe; digitus broad, long, triangular, its apical third acute, pointed; cucullus medium-sized, slightly angular, densely setose; sacculus large, broad; clavus represented as narrow setose lobe noticeably protruded from sacculus; clasper moderately long, wellsclerotised; ampulla relatively short, weak, thin, slightly curved, apically setose. Aedeagus long, slightly curved; carina large, triangular, apically obtuse; eversible dorso-lateral bar arises from apex of carina, moderately long, moderately sclerotised, with small teeth in the proximal and median parts and larger teeth distally. Vesica moderately long, its basal third membranous, tubular, with large subconical ventral diverticulum; distal two-thirds of vesica broad, upturned dorsally, its membrane finely scobinate; terminal diverticulum elongated, with long, narrow band of fine, short spinules. Female genitalia (Figs 110, 111). Ovipositor short, conical; apophyses anteriores and posteriores thin, moderately long. Ostium bursae broad, strongly sclerotised, connected to ductus bursae with membranous neck. Ductus bursae strongly sclerotised, moderately long, relatively narrow, flattened, slightly curved. Appendix bursae medium-sized, globular, sclerotised-wrinkled. Corpus bursae sack-like, broad, its posterior part sclerotised-wrinkled; anterior part membranous, with small conical anterior projection and small signum. Distribution . Siberian - Central Asian. South Siberia (Altai and Sayan Mts, Transbaikailia), Mongolia, North China (Inner Mongolia). Etymology . The species name is dedicated to the memory of Pavel T. Kobyakov (†) (Altai Republic, Chendek), a friend of the senior author who was very helpful in organizing expeditions to Central Altai. : Published as part of Volynkin, Anton V., Matov, Alexei Yu., Behounek, Gottfried & Han, Hui-Lin, 2014, A review of the Palaearctic Mniotype adusta (Esper, 1790) species-group with description of a new species and six new subspecies (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), pp. 1-32 in Zootaxa 3796 (1) on pages 10-12, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3796.1.1,