Poraniidae Perrier 1893

Poraniidae Perrier 1893 Asterinidae (pt) Gray 1840: 288 (Porania); Viguier 1878: 683; 1879: 220; Perrier 1891: K 107, 163 Goniasteridae (pt) Perrier 1875: 185 [1876: 11] Gymnasteridae (pt) Perrier 1884: 165, 168, 229; Sladen 1889: 355; Verrill 1895: 137 Poraniidae Perrier 1893: 849; 1894: 163–164; V...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Mah, Christopher L., Foltz, David W.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2014
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6133812
Summary:Poraniidae Perrier 1893 Asterinidae (pt) Gray 1840: 288 (Porania); Viguier 1878: 683; 1879: 220; Perrier 1891: K 107, 163 Goniasteridae (pt) Perrier 1875: 185 [1876: 11] Gymnasteridae (pt) Perrier 1884: 165, 168, 229; Sladen 1889: 355; Verrill 1895: 137 Poraniidae Perrier 1893: 849; 1894: 163–164; Verrill 1914 b: 17; 1915: 68; Fisher 1919: 407; H.L. Clark 1923: 274; Mortensen 1927: 89 –90; Fisher 1940: 154; Djakonov 1950: 57 (1968: 48); A.M. Clark 1962: 34; Bernasconi 1964: 263; Tortonese 1965: 166; Spencer & Wright 1966 (pt): U 69; Downey 1973: 81; Hotchkiss & A.M. Clark 1976: 263 –266; A.M. Clark & Courtman-Stock 1976: 73; Blake 1981: 380 –381; Tablado 1982: 88; A.M. Clark 1984: 20 –49; H.E.S. Clark & McKnight 2001: 165 Gymnasteridae Bell 1893: 21, 78; Ludwig 1900: 459; Farran 1913: 16 Asteropidae (pt) Fisher 1911: 247 –248 Asteropidae Koehler 1921: 40 –41; 1924: 151; Mortensen 1933: 249; Fisher 1940: 136 Included genera: Bathyporania n . gen , Chondraster , Clavaporania n. gen , Culcitopsis, Marginaster , † Noriaster, Glabraster (resurrected), Porania, Porania (Pseudoporania ), Poraniomorpha, Poraniopsis. : Published as part of Mah, Christopher L. & Foltz, David W., 2014, New taxa and taxonomic revisions to the Poraniidae (Valvatacea; Asteroidea) with Comments on Feeding Biology, pp. 327-372 in Zootaxa 3795 (3) on page 330, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3795.3.7, http://zenodo.org/record/252134 : {"references": ["Perrier, E. (1893) Traite de Zoologie, 1 (2). Masson, Paris, 864 pp.", "Gray, J. E. (1840) A synopsis of the genera and species of the class Hypostoma (Asterias Linnaeus). 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