Baris artemisiae Panzer

Baris artemisiae (Panzer) (Figs. 3, 17) Curculio artemisiae Panzer 1794: 10. Lectotype male (designated by Prena 2008), Braunschweig, Germany (NKMB); examined. Transferred to Baris by Germar (1824). Curculio artemisiae Herbst 1795: 101 (not Panzer 1794). Lectotype objective synonym of C. artemisiae...

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Main Authors: Prena, Jens, Yang, Jiani, Ren, Li, Wang, Zhiliang, Liu, Ning, Zhang, Runzhi
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2014
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Summary:Baris artemisiae (Panzer) (Figs. 3, 17) Curculio artemisiae Panzer 1794: 10. Lectotype male (designated by Prena 2008), Braunschweig, Germany (NKMB); examined. Transferred to Baris by Germar (1824). Curculio artemisiae Herbst 1795: 101 (not Panzer 1794). Lectotype objective synonym of C. artemisiae Panzer (designated by Prena 2008). Rhynchaenus absinthii Lepeletier & Serville 1825: 296. Probably based on contemporary opinion and not on type material. Synonymized with B. artemisiae by Prena (2011). Baridius rufitarsis Motschulsky 1860: 157. Syntypes from Russian Far East without precise locality (ZIN). Synonymized with B. artemisae by Faust (1881) [verified by B. Korotyaev, May 2013, in litt .]. Baris corvina Voss 1934: 80. Holotype not located and here considered as destroyed, described from “Sko-Trin” in Manchuria. Interpretation of species based on description and specimen in SDEI identified by Voss (see notes below). New synonymy. Diagnosis. Baris artemisiae is a non-descript, black, elongate species (Fig. 3) that is the type species for Baris Germar, a diverse complex of currently 476 nominal species. Hong et al . (2011) considered the Artemisia - associated Baris ezoana Kôno as distinct from B. artemisiae , because the male has different genitalia and a more deeply depressed first ventrite, but they had very little material for comparison. Several similar but undescribed species are in CAS and ZAFU but their host plants are unknown. The genus will need considerable work before the various species can be separated with confidence. East Asian B. artemisiae usually are not as black as European specimens. Distribution. This species is widespread in the temperate and subtropical zones of Europe and Asia (Prena 2011) and extends over a range of ca . 11000 km. It is reported here for the first time from Mongolia. In China, B. artemisiae has been found in Beijing, Guizhou, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Jilin, Liaoning, Shandong, Shaanxi and Xinjiang (Fig. 17). Notes. The type of Baris corvina Voss could not be located and might have been destroyed with Voss’ private collection in April 1945. The detailed but uninformative description does not reveal the identity of this species. One specimen (SDEI) from “Erzendjanzsy” [=Yuquan, Heilongjiang] identified by Voss around 1941 as B. corvina is B. artemisiae . At that time, the type of B. corvina probably was still in his collection and available for direct comparison. Voss (1934) speculated about a possible similarity to B. auliensis Reitter (an unrecognized synonym of another Artemisia -associated Baris species that obviously was unknown to him), and a neotype should be designated in a future revision of this difficult species group. Biology. The weevil appears on Artemisia species (Asteraceae) in late May to June, in Europe usually on A. vulgaris , in China on an unidentified species. Eggs are laid in the lower stem, from where the larva bores down to the root to pupate. Adults feed on stem and foliage (Perris 1877; Scherf 1964). Hoffmann (1955) claimed the species has two generations per year but this seems doubtful. Material examined. CHINA. Beijing: numerous sites, 29.v. 1948, 11.vii. 1950, 2008 (2 x) (IZCAS 4). Guizhou: Kuankuoshui Natural Reserve, Suiyang, 2010 (IZCAS 1); Xishui Sanchahe, 29.v. 2000 (IZCAS 1). Hebei: Little Wutai Mountain, Beitai, 12.– 16.vii. 1964 (IZCAS 3); Little Wutai Mountain, Nantai, 5.vii. 1964 (IZCAS 1); Wulin Mountain, 1981 (IZCAS 1); Yudaokou, Weichang, 2004 (IZCAS 1); Yuxian, Zhangjiakou, 2009 (HBU 1). Heilongjiang: Dabaishu, Daxing'anling, 18.vii. 1970 (IZCAS 1); Helan Mountain, Haerbin, 1944 (IZCAS 1); Hulin, 12.– 1971 (IZCAS 3); Mao'er Mountain, 8.– 1941 (IZCAS 2); Wumin River, Yichun, 29.v. 1950 (IZCAS 1); Yuquan, Acheng, 1940 (SDEI 1), 1941 (IZCAS 4). Henan: Taiping Town, Xishan, 17.vii. 1998 (IZCAS 1). Jilin: Changbai Shan, Dongwo, 2013 (IZCAS 1). Liaoning: Changtu Quantou, 1963 (IZCAS 1); Tongyuanbao, Fenghuang City, VI/ 1963 (IZCAS 1). Shandong: Yao Village, Taian, 1979 (IZCAS 1). Shaanxi: Houzhenzi, Qinling, 2.v. 2008 (IZCAS 1); Luyashan National Natural Protection Area, 2.vii. 2011 (HBU 1); Shangshawo, Foping, Qinling, 5.vii. 2008 (IZCAS 1); Wutai Moutain, Zhenhai Temple, 1964 (IZCAS 1). Xinjiang: Azubai, Aletai, 6.viii. 1960 (IZCAS 1); Ertai, Qinghe, 1960, 2.vii. 1960 (2 x) (IZCAS 3); Kuitun, 2001 (IZCAS 1); Ulanbuy, Urumqi, 1957 (IZCAS 1). JAPAN: Hokaido Pref.: Misumai, Sapporo, 1989 (JPPC 1). Niigata Pref.: Teradomari, 21.v. 1996 (JPPC 1). MONGOLIA. Bugat, 6.vii. 1960 (IZCAS 1); Tereldsch, Chentej Mts., 1979 (MNKB 2); Jarantaj, 40 km W Bulgan, 3.vii. 1964 (MNKB 1). RUSSIA. Amurskaya Oblast: Kundur, 1.– 10.vii. 1991 (MNKB 2). Chitinskaya Oblast: Urljuk 30 km NW, 16.vii. 1983 (NKMB 1). Irkutskaya Oblast: Irkutsk, 1983 (MNKB 1), 7.vii. 1989 (JPPC 3). Novosibirskaya Oblast: Bugotak, Toguchin District, 6.vii. 1960 (IZCAS 1). Primorsky Kraj: Ussuriysk, 3.– 14.vii. 1993 (NKMB 3). Sakha: Yakutsk, 4.– 1905 (MNKB 1). SOUTH KOREA. Incheon (MNKB 1). : Published as part of Prena, Jens, Yang, Jiani, Ren, Li, Wang, Zhiliang, Liu, Ning & Zhang, Runzhi, 2014, Nomenclatural changes, new country records and range extensions of Baridinae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) from China, pp. 339-363 in Zootaxa 3841 (3) on pages 343-344, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3841.3.2, : {"references": ["Panzer, G. W. F. (1794) Faunae Insectorum Germanicae initia oder Deutschlands Insecten, Heft 18. Felssecker, Nurnberg, 24 pp., 24 pls.", "Prena, J. 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