
BOLITOCHARINA Thomson 1859 Austrasilida Ashe 1992 Austrasilida Ashe 1992: 398. Type species: Sternotropa zealandica Cameron, 1948, by original designation. Notes: The genus Austrasilida is endemic to New Zealand, with a single valid species. Austrasilida zealandica (Cameron 1948) Sternotropa Zealand...

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Main Authors: Leschen, Richard A. B., Newton, Alfred F.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2015
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Summary:BOLITOCHARINA Thomson 1859 Austrasilida Ashe 1992 Austrasilida Ashe 1992: 398. Type species: Sternotropa zealandica Cameron, 1948, by original designation. Notes: The genus Austrasilida is endemic to New Zealand, with a single valid species. Austrasilida zealandica (Cameron 1948) Sternotropa Zealandica Cameron 1948: 726. Type locality: North Auckland: Kara, Whangerei district. Type depository: NZAC LT, 1 PLT; BMNH 2 PLT (designated below). Note: comb. nov. ex Sternotropa , Ashe (1992). Distribution: New Zealand (AK,WN; DN). Remarks. Cameron did not indicate the number of specimens; two each were in the NZAC and BMNH and the card stock for the two specimens contained in the NZAC were missing two specimens, presumable the two in the BMNH. In order to stabilize this name a lectotype and three paralectotypes are here designated from this material of Sternotropa Zealandica . Type material examined. Lectotype (NZAC): card-mounted (“ 27 ” handwritten in pencil at base of card), “Coll. E. Fairburn 14 - 3-1938 [in Brookes’ hand] // Coll. E. Fairburn 17 - 3-1938 [in Brookes’ hand] // Kara, Whangerei dist. N. Auckland. [in Brookes’ hand] // Sternotropa zealandica Cam TYPE [in Cameron’s hand, “ type ” in red ink] // Kept 2 [in Cameron’s hand, red ink] // A. E. Brookes Collection // NZAC specimen database record 1007113 // NZ Arthropod Collection Private Bag 92170 Auckland New Zealand NZAC 04065758 [barcode label]”. Paralectotypes: 1 (NZAC) card-mounted (left specimen on same card as lectotype), same data as lectotype; 1 (BMNH), card-mounted, “Para-type [round label with yellow border] // Kara. Whangarei Dist N. Auckland. [in Brookes’ hand] // Sternotropa zealandica COTYPE [red ink, underlined] Cam [in Cameron’s hand] // M. Cameron. Bequest. B.M. 1955 - 147.”; 1 (BMNH), card-mounted (in several pieces), “ N. Auckland Kara Whangarei [in Cameron’s hand] // Sternotropa zealandica Cam. [in Cameron’s hand]”. Euryusa Erichson 1837 Euryusa Erichson 1837: 371. Type species: Euryusa sinuata Erichson, 1837, by monotypy. Notes: The genus Euryusa includes a dozen species in Eurasia, plus one species in New Zealand. Euryusa aliena Cameron 1945 Euryusa aliena Cameron 1945: 163. Type locality: New Zealand: Greymouth (“ type ”). Type depository: BMNH HT, 1 PT. Note: as synonym of Silusa puber in NZAC (nov.?), not mentioned by Klimaszewski & Crosby (1997). Distribution: New Zealand (TO,BR,OL). Remarks. Cameron listed a type and an additional paratype on which to base this species name, both in the BMNH. Type material examined. Holotype (BMNH): card-mounted, “n. sp. [in Broun’s hand] // New Zealand. [red underline] Broun Coll. Brit. Mus. 1922 - 482. // Greymouth. 15 - 1.1908. [in Broun’s hand] // Eyes. Suture. pubescensce. [in Broun’s hand, partly illegible] // Euryusa aliena TYPE [red ink, underlined] Cam. [in Cameron’s hand]”. Paratype (BMNH): “n. sp. 167. [in Broun’s hand] // New Zealand. [red underline] Broun Coll. Brit. Mus. 1922 - 482. // Earnslaw 6.2. 14. [in Broun’s hand; cited as Barnslaw by Cameron (1945)]”. Leptusa Kraatz 1856 Leptusa Kraatz 1856: 60 (conserved, ICZN 2005). Type species: Bolitochara pulchella Mannerheim, 1830, designated by Gusarov & Herman (2003 a: 117); confirmed, ICZN (2005). subgenus Halmaeusa Kiesenwetter 1877: 160. Type species: Halmaeusa antarctica Kiesenwetter, 1877, by monotypy. Notes: Leptusa is a very large genus including about 80 subgenera and 460 valid species, most of them from the Holarctic region but with some subgenera and species occuring in tropical and some southern temperate areas. The subgenus Halmaeusa is restricted to the subantarctic islands of New Zealand (one species) and the Atlantic and Indian oceans (one species). Leptusa (Halmaeusa) antarctica (Kiesenwetter 1877) Halmaeusa antarctica Kiesenwetter 1877: 161. Type locality: Auckland I.: "Hochplateau oberhalb des Venusthales der Hauptinsel". Type depository: ZSMC HT (not examined). Note: distribution, synonymy, Steel (1964), Pace (1989); biology, Klinken & Greenslade (2006); larva, Steel (1964). Distribution: Auckland Is., Campbell I., Macquarie I. (AU,CA,MQ). =Antarctophytosus macquariensis Womersly, 1937: 27. Type locality: Macquarie I.: Buckle's Bay (Station 81). Type depository: ?? 60 ST. Note: synonymized by Steel (1964: 367). = Halmaeusa nesiotes Steel 1964: 369. Type locality: Campbell I.: Courrejolles Penin., 200 m. Type depository: NZAC HT, 5 PT. Note: synonymized by Pace (1989: 246). = Halmaeusa sparsepunctata Steel 1964: 371. Type locality: Campbell I.: Rocky Bay. Type depository: NZAC HT, 39 PT. Note: synonymized by Pace (1989: 246). Phymatura Sahlberg, J. 1876 Phymatura Sahlberg, J. 1876: 85. Type species: Bolitochara brevicollis Kraatz, 1856, designated by Casey (1906: 264). Notes: The genus Phymatura includes about 19 valid species worldwide, with one species endemic to New Zealand. Phymatura neozelandensis Pace 2003 Phymatura neozelandensis Pace 2003: 128. Type locality: N.elle Zélande: Greymouth. Type depository: IRSNB HT ♂, 1 PT ♀. Distribution: New Zealand (BR). : Published as part of Leschen, Richard A. B. & Newton, Alfred F., 2015, Checklist and type designations of New Zealand Aleocharinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), pp. 301-353 in Zootaxa 4028 (3) on pages 318-319, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4028.3.1,