Harpalus (Pseudoophonus) rufipes DeGeer 1774

Harpalus ( Pseudoophonus ) rufipes (DeGeer, 1774) (Figs 24–25) Carabus rufipes DeGeer, 1774: 96. Type locality: " Sweden ". Carabus ruficornis Fabricius, 1775: 241 (non DeGeer, 1774). Type locality: "sylvis Europae". Carabus pubescens O. Müller, 1776: 77. Type locality: Denmark....

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Kataev, Boris M., Liang, Hongbin
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2015
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6114253
Summary:Harpalus ( Pseudoophonus ) rufipes (DeGeer, 1774) (Figs 24–25) Carabus rufipes DeGeer, 1774: 96. Type locality: " Sweden ". Carabus ruficornis Fabricius, 1775: 241 (non DeGeer, 1774). Type locality: "sylvis Europae". Carabus pubescens O. Müller, 1776: 77. Type locality: Denmark. Carabus nigrosericeus Goeze, 1777: 665. Type locality: not indicated. Buprestis sericeus Geoffroy in Fourcroy, 1785: 54. Type locality: "Agro Parisiensi", Paris, France. Carabus fuscus Gmelin, 1790: 1987. Type Locality: "Europa". Carabus pulverulentus Rossi, 1790: 213. Type locality: "provinces Florentina et Pisana", Italy. Harpalus cribripennis Chaudoir, 1842: 830. Type locality: near Astrabad, Iran. Ophonus ( Pseudophonus ) sagowskii Lutshnik, 1909: 108. Type locality: "Woloschino im Dongebiet (S.)", Russia. Harpalus ( Pseudoophonus ) scabripectus Huang, Hu & Sun, 1994: 264, 267, syn. n. Type locality: Urumqi, Xinjiang, China. Type material . Holotype of H. scabripectus : ♂, labeled "Xinjiang, Urumqi, in Lycium field, 20.VII. 1992, Hu Junhua" [in Chinese], " Harpalus ( Pseudoophonus ) scabripectus " (IOZ). Paratype, 1 ♂, labeled "Xinjiang, Urumqi, in Lycium field, 24.VIII. 1992 " [in Chinese] (IOZ). Additional material examined . More than 1000 specimens (98 from China), including the following specimens from China and Russia. China . XINJIANG: 1 ♂, Urumqi, Nanshan / 1992. VIII. 2, Huang Chunmei collector [in Chinese], " Harpalus scabripectus Huang, det. Liang Hongbin", "compared with type by Liang Hongbin, 2003.5 " (IOZ); 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Emin Co., 29.VI. 1981 (IOZ); 1 ♀, Shihezi Co., 29.VI. 1981 (IOZ); 1 ♂, N Tien Shan, E Shaty, 42 ° 40 ' 19 "N 80 ° 42 '05"E, 2180 m, 2.VII. 2012, I.I. Kabak leg. (cIB&IK); 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Kunges Riv., N Kunges, 43 ° 31 ' 12 "N 83 ° 15 ' 22 "E, H= 840 m, 15.VII. 2012, I.I. Kabak leg. (cIB&IK). NEI MONGOL (?): ♂, "East Mong., 1899 N° 14, Dr. Damask.[in]" (ZIN). Russia . YAKUTIA: 1 ♀, SW Yakutia, left bank of Lena River, 4 km upper Vitim Vill., dry meadow, 13.VIII. 2002, S. Nogovitsina leg. (cNGV); MARITIME TERR. (?): 2 ♂, Chernigovka, 4.V. 1916, O. Emeljanov leg. (ZIN). Diagnosis . Recognizable by having labial basal palpomere with oblique carina underneath, pronotum with basal angles sharp at apex and usually slightly protruded laterad; pronotal disc in central portion smooth, or at most sparsely, very finely punctate; elytra densely punctate and pubescent on all intervals, without row of discal pores on intervals 1, 3, 5 and 7, and with microsculpture on disc consisting of distinct isodiametric meshes; and legs reddish brown or brownish yellow. The median lobe of aedeagus (Figs 24–25) has a somewhat large spine in the internal sac medially. Body length 11.1 –16.0 mm. Distribution . In China, H. rufipes is surely known only from Xinjiang (Kataev et al . 2003). The records from "Honanfu" (Henan) and "Ningpo" (Zhejiang) (Schauberger 1935) should be confirmed by additional material from there, since seem to be based on specimens of H. aenigma . The locality in "East Mong., 1899 N ° 14, Dr. Damask." (see material above) is rather questionable [according to Kerzhner (1972), this locality should be referred to Khingan Mts in China]; the male with such label was probably mislabeled. The species is widely distributed over the Western Palaearctic from North-Western Africa, Azores and Portugal to Buryatia and south-western Yakutia (Kryzhanovskij et al . 1995; Kataev et al . 2003). The two males from Chernigovka (Maritime Territory) (see material above) were probably mislabeled, since no other specimens of H. rufipes are known from the Russian Far East. Remarks . Harpalus scabripectus was described from six specimens collected in Urumqi, Xinjiang, China, as close to H. ginfushanus Jedlička, but differing in "the pronotum punctate throughout, elytra densely hairy". The study of the type specimens and additional material from Xinjiang, including Urumqi, revealed that this taxon is conspecific with H. rufipes . : Published as part of Kataev, Boris M. & Liang, Hongbin, 2015, Taxonomic review of Chinese species of ground beetles of the subgenus Pseudoophonus (genus Harpalus) (Coleoptera: Carabidae), pp. 1-39 in Zootaxa 3920 (1) on pages 12-14, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3920.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/287886 : {"references": ["DeGeer, Ch. (1774) Memoires pour servir a I'histoire des insectes. Tome quadrieme. Hesselberg, Stockholm, xii + 457 pp.", "Fabricius, J. Ch. (1775) Systema Entomologiae, sistens Insectorum classes, ordines, genera, species, adiectis synonymis, locis, descriptionibus, observationibus. 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