Calocaris macandreae Bell 1846

Calocaris macandreae Bell, 1846 Calocaris Macandreae Bell, 1846: 233, four unnumbered figures. Calocaris macandreae .— Ngoc-Ho, 2003: 459, figs. 6, 7.— Sakai, 2011: 233, figs. 45–47 (lit. and syn.).— Sakai & Türkay, 2012: 729 (North Sea, 133 m; Mediterranean, from 45.1 to 1253 – 1278 -m depth);...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: De Matos-Pita, Susana S., Ramil, Fran
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2015
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Summary:Calocaris macandreae Bell, 1846 Calocaris Macandreae Bell, 1846: 233, four unnumbered figures. Calocaris macandreae .— Ngoc-Ho, 2003: 459, figs. 6, 7.— Sakai, 2011: 233, figs. 45–47 (lit. and syn.).— Sakai & Türkay, 2012: 729 (North Sea, 133 m; Mediterranean, from 45.1 to 1253 – 1278 -m depth); 2014: 160 (Denmark, 418 and 420 -m depth).— Sakai et al. , 2015: 3 (off Mauritania, 483 to 545 -m depth). Calocaris ( Calocaris ) barnardi .— Barnard, 1950: 503, figs. 93, i–k. Calocaris barnardi .— Macpherson, 1983: 42, figs. 25,b–d. Material examined. Expedition Maurit0911: Stn. MUDR 06, off Mauritania (17 ° 40´22 ″N, 16 ° 40´11 ″W) on coldwater coral reef, 435 -m depth, mud with coral rubble, rock dredge, 10.XII. 2009; two hermaphrodites, TL/CL: 28.46 / 10.08 mm (both pereiopod 1, left pereiopod 3 and right pereiopod 4 missing) and TL/CL: + 23.86 / + 10.25 mm (half rostrum, all pereiopods missing, abdomen detached). Expedition Maurit 1011: Stn. MUDR 11, canyon area off Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania (19 ° 38´25 ″N, 17 °06´52 ″W), 322 -m depth, rock, rock dredge, 26.XI. 2010; one hermaphrodite, TL/CL: 26.38 / 9.46 mm, both pereiopod 1, left pereiopod 3 and right pereiopod 4 missing. Stn. MUDR 12, canyon area off Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania (19 ° 52´38 ″N, 17 ° 22´23 ″W), 485 -m depth, muddy coral rubble and shell debris, rock dredge, 26.XI. 2010; four hermaphrodites, TL/CL: + 31.02 /+ 9.84 mm (rostrum and left pereiopods 2 and 5 missing, telson damaged), TL/CL: 14.56 / 8.99 mm (right pereiopod 1, pereiopod 4 and pereiopod 5 missing), TL/CL: 34.06 / 12.35 mm (ovigerous; both pereiopod 1 missing) and TL/CL: 32.62 / 11.95 mm (ovigerous; left pereiopods 1, 3 and 4, and right pereiopod 4 missing, carapace and left uropod damaged). Stn. MUDR 16, canyon area off Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania (19 ° 30´59 ″N, 17 °05´54 ″W), 474 -m depth, muddy coral rubble and shell debris, rock dredge, 27.XI. 2010; two hermaphrodites, TL/CL: 24.18 / 8.50 mm (left pereiopod 3 and right pereiopod 1 missing) and TL/CL: 27.43 / 9.97 mm (left pereiopods 3 and 4, and right pereiopods 1, 4 and 5 missing, left pereiopod 1 detached). Stn. MUDR 21, off Mauritania (16 ° 28´13 ″N, 16 ° 51´43 ″W) on cold-water coral reef, 522 -m depth, muddy coral rubble, rock dredge, 9.XII. 2010; one hermaphrodite, TL/CL: 28.41 / 11.14 mm (left pereiopods 3, 4 and 5, and right, pereiopod 3 missing). Stn. MUDR 22, off Mauritania (16 ° 47´30 ″N, 16 ° 50´28 ″W) on cold-water coral reef, 460 -m depth, muddy coral rubble, rock dredge, 9.XII. 2010; three hermaphrodites, TL/CL: 28.86 / 10.88 mm (all pereiopods missing except right pereiopod 1, abdomen damaged), TL/CL: + 24.68 /+ 8.67 mm (half rostrum, all pereiopods missing except right pereiopods 2 and 5, specimen broken in two fragments) and TL/CL: 39.45 / 10.46 mm (ovigerous, left pereiopods 2–4 and right pereiopods 1–4 missing. Habitat. This species has been reported on bottoms of shell debris (García Raso 1996), mud, mud with amphipod tubes, bioturbated mud, mud with cold-water coral debris (mainly Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata ) (d’Udekem d’Acoz 1999; Sakai et al. 2015), at depths of 13 to 1432 m (Dworschak 2000). Our specimens were all captured in muddy coral rubble, at depths between 322 and 522 m. Distribution. East Atlantic from Iceland and Norway southwards to South Africa, including Mediterranean Sea (Ngoc-Ho 2003; Sakai 2011). Previously reported from Mauritanian waters by Sakai & de Saint Laurent (1989) and Sakai et al. (2015). Remarks. This species has been reported off Mauritania at 587 to 600 m (Sakai & de Saint Laurent 1989) and between 483 and 545 m (Sakai et al. 2015), which concurs with our findings. Along the West African coast, this species has also been reported slightly deeper at 719–724 -m depth off Morocco (García Raso 1996), at 300 and 380 -m depth off Namibia (Macpherson 1983 as Calocaris barnardi ) and shallower at 84 and 162 -m depth off the South African Atlantic coast (Barnard 1950 as Calocaris ( Calocaris ) barnardi ). : Published as part of De Matos-Pita, Susana S. & Ramil, Fran, 2015, Additions to thalassinidean fauna (Crustacea: Decapoda) off Mauritania (NW Africa) with the description of a new genus and a new species, pp. 571-587 in Zootaxa 4020 (3) on pages 575-576, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4020.3.9, : {"references": ["Ngoc-Ho, N. (2003) European and Mediterranean Thalassinidea (Crustacea, Decapoda). Zoosystema, 25 (3), 439 - 555.", "Sakai, K. (2011) Axioidea of the world and a reconsideration of the Callianassoidea (Decapoda, Thalassinidea, Callianassida). In: Fransen, C. H. J. M. & Vaupel Klein, J. C. von (Eds.), Crustaceana Monographs. Vol. 13. Leiden, Brill, pp. 1 - 520. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1163 / 9789047424185", "Sakai, K. & Turkay, M. (2012) A collection of Thalassinidea Latreille, 1831 (Decapoda, Pleocyemata) from the Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut and Natural History Museum, Frankfurt am Main. Crustaceana, 85, 723 - 765. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1163 / 156854012 X 643735", "Sakai, K., Turkay, M., Beuck, L. & Freiwald, A. (2015) A collection of the Infraorder Callianassidea (Decapoda, Pleocyemata) with one new genus and five species from the Eastern Atlantic off Mauritania (R / V Maria S. Merian cruise MSM 16 / 3 \" PHAETON \"). Marine Biodiversity, 45 (1), 113 - 133. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1007 / s 12526 - 014 - 0227 - 2", "Barnard, K. H. (1950) Descriptive catalogue of South African decapod Crustacea (crabs and shrimps). Annals of the South African Museum, 38, 1 - 837.", "Macpherson, E. (1983) Crustaceos decapodos capturados en las costas de Namibia. Resultados Expediciones Cientificas, 11, 3 - 80.", "Garcia Raso, J. E. (1996) Crustacea Decapoda (excl. Sergestidae) from Ibero - Moroccan waters. Results of Balgim - 84 Expedition. Bulletin of Marine Science, 58 (3), 730 - 752.", "d'Udekem d'Acoz, C. (1999) Inventaire et distribution des crustaces decapodes de l'Atlantique nord - oriental, de la Mediterranee et des eaux continentales adjacentes au nord de 25 \u00b0 N. Collection Patrimoines Naturels. Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, 40, 1 - 383.", "Dworschak, P. C. (2000) Global diversity in the Thalassinidea (Decapoda). Journal of Crustacean Biology, 20, 238 - 243. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1163 / 1937240 X- 90000025", "Sakai, K. & Saint Laurent, M. de (1989) A check list of Axiidae (Decapoda, Crustacea, Thalassinidea, Anomura), with remarks and in addition descriptions of one new subfamily, eleven new genera and two new species. Naturalists, Publications of Tokushima Biological Laboratory, Shikoku University, 3, 1 - 104."]}