Apteroloma harmandi Portevin 1903

Apteroloma harmandi (Portevin, 1903) (Figs 3 –4, 8–9, 13, 16 –17, 20–21, 23, 31–33) Pteroloma harmandi Portevin, 1903: 334. Pteroloma davidis : Schawaller 1979: 220 (misidentification). Apteroloma heinzi Schawaller, 1991: 14, syn. nov. Type material examined. Holotype male of P. harmandi (MNHN), lab...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Růžička, Jan, Latella, Leonardo, Schawaller, Wolfgang
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2015
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6101516
Summary:Apteroloma harmandi (Portevin, 1903) (Figs 3 –4, 8–9, 13, 16 –17, 20–21, 23, 31–33) Pteroloma harmandi Portevin, 1903: 334. Pteroloma davidis : Schawaller 1979: 220 (misidentification). Apteroloma heinzi Schawaller, 1991: 14, syn. nov. Type material examined. Holotype male of P. harmandi (MNHN), labelled “MUSEUM PARIS / DARDJEELING [= Darjeeling district, ca. 27 °03'N, 88 ° 16 'E, West Bengal, India] / HARMAND [leg.] 1836 - 91 [p] // 1836 / 1891 [hw, round label] // Pteroloma [hw] // TYPE [p, red characters] // Pteroloma / Harmandi Prt / Type - Bull. Mus. 1903. p. 334 [hw, two different writing styles] // Apteroloma / harmandi / (Port.) [hw] / R. Madge det. 197 [p] 1 [hw]”. Paratypes 1 male, 1 female of A. heinzi (SMNS), labelled “ Pakistan (Tangir- / Valley), Tal w. Juglote [Gilgit district, side valley W of Juglot, ca. 35 ° 41 'N, 74 ° 34 'E] / ca. 2500 – 3000 m / 19. VII. 1986, Heinz leg. [p] // PARATYPUS / Pteroloma / heinzi [male or female symbol] / SCHAWALLER [p, red label]”; paratype male of A. heinzi (NHMW), labelled “Kashmir, Pahalgam [India: Jammu and Kashmir state, ca. 34 °01'N, 75 ° 19 'E] / lg.H.Franz, Okt. 1977 [p] // PARATYPUS [p] [male symbol] / Apteroloma / heinzi [hw] / SCHAWALLER [p] // Apteroloma / heinzi n.sp. / 1990 [hw] / det. Schawaller [p]”. Additional material examined. Afghanistan: Nuristan province, Kamdeš [= Kamdesh, ca. 35 ° 25 'N 71 ° 20 'E], 1400 m, 19.ix. 1971, O.N. Kabakov leg., 1 male, 1 female (ZMAS), 1 male, female (JRUC); same data, 1600 m, 20.ix.1971, 1 male, 2 females (ZMAS); Nuristan province, Paprok [ca. 35 ° 33 'N 71 ° 17 'E], 2000 m, 25.ix. 1971, O.N. Kabakov leg., 2 males (ZMAS); Nuristan province, N Waygal [ca. 35 ° 12 'N 70 ° 58 'E], 3500 m, 2.vii. 1972, O.N. Kabakov leg., 1 male, 2 females (ZMAS), 1 male (JRUC); N Waygal [ca. 35 ° 12 'N 70 ° 59 'E], 2700 m, 6.vii. 1972, O.N. Kabakov leg., 2 males (ZMAS); same data, 7.vii.1972, 2 females (ZMAS); Pakistan: Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad env., top of Leepa valley [ca. 34 ° 20 'N, 73 ° 55 'E], 3200–3300 m, 14.vi. 1997, Heinz leg., 2 males, 3 females (SMNS); Dir [= Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province], Gujar Levy Post env., Lawarai pass [ca. 35 ° 21 'N, 71 ° 48 'E], 2800–3100 m, 5.– 7.vii. 1997, Heinz leg., 1 female (SMNS); Gilgit-Baltistan, Nanga Parbat Mt., Rama env. [ca. 35 ° 20 'N, 74 ° 48 'E], 3000–3500 m, 27.– 30.vi. 1997, Heinz leg., 1 male, 4 females (SMNS); Northern Areas [= Gilgit-Baltistan], Gilgit district, Bagrot Valley, 36 °02' 32.6 ''N, 74 ° 34 ' 8.3 ''E, 2600 m, 250 m from Hinarki Glacier snout, pitfall trap, 25.x.– 2.xi. 2008, L. Latella leg., 2 males, 1 female (MCSV); Northern Areas [= Gilgit-Baltistan], Gilgit district, Kargah Valley, 35 ° 54 ' 45.8 ''N, 74 ° 15 ' 26.9 ''E, 1611 m, 26.x.– 3.xi. 2008, pitfall trap, L. Latella leg., 2 males (MCSV, SMNS), 1 female (MCSV); Northern Areas [= Gilgit- Baltistan], Gilgit district, Kargah Valley, Neelo Cave, 35 ° 53 ' 51.4 ''N, 74 ° 14 ' 17.8 ''E, 1694 m, 3.xi. 2008, L. Latella leg., 2 males, 1 female (MCSV); Nepal: Myagdi district, Daulagiri Himal, upper Myagdi Khola valley, Dshungel Camp [= Jungle Camp, ca. 28 ° 36 'N, 83 ° 23 'E], 3050 m, 2.vii. 1998, Berndt & Schmidt leg., 2 females (SMNS); Myagdi district, Daulagiri, SE slope, upper Rahucat Khola (river) [=Rahughat Khola], upper Dwari village [ca. 28 ° 30 'N, 83 ° 28 'E], 2200 m, 11.v. 2002, Schmidt leg., 2 males, 1 female (SMNS); Kali Gandaki valley, upper Lete [ca. 28 ° 37 'N, 83 ° 38 'E], 2900 m, 19.v. 2002, J. Schmidt leg., 2 males (SMNS); Annapurna Mts., South Himal, Dhasia Khola [ca. 28 ° 28 'N, 84 °00'E], 2900 m, 21.v. 2001, J. Schmidt leg., 1 female (SMNS); Mustang district, Dhaulagiri, SE slope, SW slope of Lete pass [ca. 28 ° 24 'N, 83 ° 41 'E], 3800–3900 m, 15.v. 2002, J. Schmidt leg., 1 female (SMNS); Ganesh Himal, Jaisuli Kund env. [ca. 28 ° 17 'N, 85 °05'E], 4300–4500 m, 13.– 16.vi. 2000, Expedition I. Ghalé, S. Tamang, R. Santa & S. Gurung, 2 females (SMNS); India: “MUSEUM PARIS / DARDJEELING / HARMAND [leg.] 1836 - 91 [p] // 1836 / 1891 [hw, round label] // TYPE [p, red characters] // Pteroloma / Harmandi / Prt. / Type - / Bull. Mus. 1903. p. 334 [hw]”, 1 female (MNHN). Diagnosis. Body length 5.5 –7.0 mm. Body uniformly black with brown antennae and tarsi (Fig. 3) or bicolorous, with light brown appendages, head and pronotum, and black elytra, meso- and metathorax and abdomen (Figs. 4, 31, 33). In teneral specimens, the whole body is pale brown. Pronotum with irregularly distributed, smaller punctures, medially with some impunctate areas; surface glossy, without microsculpture (Figs. 8–9); about 1.6–1.7 times as wide as long medially. Laterally, pronotum only slightly elevated and only slightly narrowing posteriad (Figs. 8–9). Elytra broad, oval and flat, about 1.2–1.3 times as long as wide (Figs. 3–4); surface on intervals with fine, transverse microsculpture, with several short setae (Fig. 13); punctures in striae smaller, more superficial, distinctly smaller than pronotal punctures (row 3 with 65–73 punctures) (Figs. 16–17). Lateral margin of elytra smooth. Aedeagus evenly rounded with short, robust, straight apex in lateral view (Fig. 20); sides before apex distinctly broadened and slightly subparallel, apex widely and regularly rounded in dorsal view (Fig. 21). Female sternite 8 posteriorly slightly undulate; spiculum ventrale narrow, subrectangular anteriorly (Fig. 23). Comments on synonymy. Abundant examined material originated from Afghanistan to Nepal and India (see above), incl. holotype of A. harmandi from Darjeeling and paratypes of A. heinzi from Pakistan and Kashmir, share diagnostic characters of the species. These are the combination of small, irregularly distributed punctures and glossy surface on pronotum, elytra with distinct microsculpture and relatively small punctures in elytral rows, lateral margin of elytra smooth and characteristic shape of aedeagus, with robust, regularly rounded apex in dorsal view. The dimorphic colouration is variable, with body either uniformly black, or bicolored, with head and pronotum light brown and elytra black. This was also the main reason that Schawaller (1991) differentiated the black morph ( A. heinzi ) from Pakistan and Kashmir from the bicolored A. harmandi , known at that time only from Nepal and Darjeeling. Based on much more abundant material, we report here the occurrence of the bicolored morph intermixed with uniformly black specimens throughout the species’ range, from Afghanistan and Pakistan to Nepal. Consequently, we treat A. heinzi as a junior subjective synonym of A. harmandi . The habitus of the holotype of Pteroloma harmandi is documented in detail (Figs. 31–33). Although both male and female from MNHN are labelled as “ types ”, only the male is described in Portevin (1903: 334) in detail and the female is attributed in a footnote on the same page to P. harmandi only tentatively, pending more material. Thus the male is here considered as holotype of P. harmandi and the female is not considered a part of the type series. Distribution. Widely distributed through Afghanistan, Pakistan, India (Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Darjeeling) and Nepal (Schawaller 1991, 1999, Nikolaev & Kozminykh 2002, Růžička & Schneider 2003). Known distribution is mapped on Fig. 38. : Published as part of Růžička, Jan, Latella, Leonardo & Schawaller, Wolfgang, 2015, New data on Apteroloma (Coleoptera: Agyrtidae) of central Asia and the Himalayas with a new synonymy, pp. 93-105 in Zootaxa 3974 (1) on pages 96-100, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3974.1.6, http://zenodo.org/record/254453 : {"references": ["Schawaller, W. (1979) Neue Pterolomini- und Agyrtini-Funde aus dem Himalaya (Coleoptera, Silphidae). Entomologica Basiliensia, 4, 219 - 234.", "Schawaller, W. (1991) Agyrtidae (Coleoptera) aus dem Himalaya und den angrenzenden Gebieten. Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde, Serie A (Biologie), 468, 1 - 22.", "Schawaller, W. (1999) A new species of Agyrtes from China, and new faunistic data on Palaearctic Agyrtidae (Coleoptera). Linzer Biologische Beitrage, 31, 713 - 718.", "Nikolaev, G. V. & Kozminykh, V. O. (2002) Zhuky-mertvoedy (Coleoptera: Agyrtidae, Silphidae) Kazakhstana, Rossii i ryada sopredel'nykh stran: Opredelitel. (The carrion beetles (Coleoptera: Agyrtidae, Silphidae) of Kazakhstan, Russia and adjacent countries). Kazak universiteti, Almaty, 160 pp. [in Russian, English summary]", "Ruzicka, J. & Schneider, J. (2003) Interesting distributional records of Agyrtidae and Silphidae (Coleoptera) from the Palaearctic and Oriental region. Klapalekiana, 39, 307 - 311."]}