Pegomya fulgens Meigen 1826

1. Pegomya fulgens (Meigen, 1826) (Figs 1, 2, 11, 16‒19, 64, 65) Anthomyia fulgens Meigen, 1826: 183. Lectotype ♂, locality not given, presumably Germany: Stolberg, by present designation (see below), in MNHNP. Pegomyia fulgens (Meigen); Stein 1906: 79. Pegomya fulgens (Meigen); Hennig 1973...

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Main Author: Michelsen, Verner
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2015
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Summary:1. Pegomya fulgens (Meigen, 1826) (Figs 1, 2, 11, 16‒19, 64, 65) Anthomyia fulgens Meigen, 1826: 183. Lectotype ♂, locality not given, presumably Germany: Stolberg, by present designation (see below), in MNHNP. Pegomyia fulgens (Meigen); Stein 1906: 79. Pegomya fulgens (Meigen); Hennig 1973 b: 557, text figs 483, 484, table figs 779, 883, 924; Hackman 1976: 132; Hackman 1979: 63; Hackman & Meinander 1979: 74; Ackland 1989: 224, figs 34‒38. For further synonymy and references, see Hennig (1973 b) and Michelsen (1985). Description. Size. Wing length up to 6.4mm. Male (Fig. 1). A delicate, long-winged species with a small head and slender legs and abdomen. Body colour very variable, evidently growing darker by age. Antenna black except ochre-brown on distal part of pedicel. Palp ochre-yellow on basal third to basal half and black distally. Thorax dark, usually more or less translucent ochre-yellow on postpronotal callus and scutellum, covered in brownish grey to dark chocolate brown dusting. Wing and calypteres often intensely dark brown tinged. Legs ochre-yellow with brown tarsi, sometimes brownish infuscate on fore femur and distal parts of mid and hind femora. Abdomen ochreyellow to dark reddish brown, covered in light brownish grey dusting; median dark stripe practically absent. Longest aristal pubescence about 1.5 times as long as greatest basal diameter of arista. Head small, markedly wider than high. Parafrontalia extremely narrow, contiguous, at narrowest point separating eyes by much less than half width of anterior ocellus. Postgenal setation black. Proepimerals: 1 seta and 3‒5 setulae. Lower calypter same size as upper calypter and distinctly projecting behind it in lateral view. Terminalia (Figs 11, 16‒19). Female (Fig. 2). Antenna black, more or less darkly reddish brown on scape and pedicel. Palp yellow on more than basal half, black on distal part. Thorax dark except ochre-yellow on postpronotal callus, prosternum and scutellum; covered in light bluish grey dusting. Legs, including tarsi, yellow to ochre-yellow. Abdomen ochre yellow to dark reddish brown, shiny through thin light grey dusting. Setation on postgena black except finest setulae yellow. Proepimerals: 1 seta and 2‒4 setulae. Oviscapt (Figs 64, 65) moderately long, about same length as preabdomen when fully extended. Sternite VIII pieces each with 1‒3 erratic setulae in front of 2‒3 hind marginal setae. Material examined. [FMNH, MZLU, NHMO, ZMHU, ZMUB, ZMUC]. Type material. Meigen (1826) described Anthomyia fulgens on male(s) from “hiesiger Gegend” and female(s) from “Hrn. von Winthem”. The only extant type specimen is a male in Meigen’s collection in MNHNP (under no. 2096 in box 49) labelled “meigen / 2291 40 ”. It is without head, right mid leg, left hind leg and abdomen, a miserable state already mentioned by Stein (1900 a: 153). In order to fix the identity of the name fulgens I have labelled and designate herewith this ♂ as lectotype . It is a valid species of Pegomya as identified by Stein (1906) and subsequent authors. Other material. CZECH REPUBLIC: Ústí nad Labem, Central Bohemia, South Bohemia, Moravia-Silesia. DENMARK: E Jutland, W Jutland, Lolland & Falster & Møn, NE Zealand. FINLAND: Regio aboensis, Nylandia, Karelia australis, Tavastia australis, Savonia borealis, Ostrobottnia kajanensis. FRANCE: Corsica. ICELAND: Northwest, Northeast, South. SPAIN: Lérida, Gerona. NORWAY: Oppland, Aust-Agder, Rogaland, Sogn & Fjordane, Møre & Romsdal, Nordland, Troms, Finnmark. RUSSIA: Karelia. SWEDEN: Skåne, Småland, Öland, Gotland, Värmland, Dalarna, Jämtland, Torne Lappmark. Distribution. PALEARCTIC. Widespread in northern and central Europe, ranging from Iceland and northern Fennoscandia to the Spanish Pyrenees and Corsica. Isolated East Asian records (Hennig, 1973 b) from Irkutsk (Russia) and Harbin (China) are questionable and possibly refer to the closely related boreal and Holarctic Pegomya transgressa (see next species). Biology. In southern Finland (Hackman 1976, Hackman & Meinander 1979, Ståhls et al. 1989) reared from larvae in sporocarps of the Leccinum versipelle and L. scabrum species groups (Boletaceae). : Published as part of Michelsen, Verner, 2015, Taxonomic review of the major larval pests of bolete fungi (Boletaceae) in Europe: The Pegomya fulgens, furva and tabida species groups (Diptera: Anthomyiidae), pp. 51-80 in Zootaxa 4020 (1) on pages 56-58, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4020.1.2, : {"references": ["Meigen, J. W. (1826) Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europaischen zweiflugeligen Insekten, 5. Hamm, xii + 412 pp.", "Stein, P. (1906) Die mir bekannten europaischen Pegomyia - Arten. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 25, 44 - 107.", "Hennig, W. (1973 b) Anthomyiidae [part]. In: Lindner, E. (Ed.), Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region, 7 (1), Lieferung 296. E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, pp. 513 - 592.", "Hackman, W. (1976) De som larver i hattsvampar levande anthomyiidernas biologi (Diptera) [The biology of anthomyiid flies feeding as larvae in fungi (Diptera).] Notulae entomologicae, 56, 129 - 134. [In Swedish with English summary.]", "Hackman, W. & Meinander, M. (1979) Diptera feeding as larvae on macrofungi in Finland. Annales zoologici fennici, 16, 50 - 83.", "Ackland, D. M. (1989) Anthomyiidae (Dipt.) new to Britain, with a description of a new species of Botanophila Lioy. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 125, 211 - 230.", "Michelsen, V. (1985) A revision of the Anthomyiidae (Diptera) described by J. W. Zetterstedt. Steenstrupia, 11, 37 - 65.", "Stein, P. (1900 a) Die Tachininen und Anthomyinen der Meigen'schen Sammlung in Paris. Entomologische Nachrichten, 26, 149 - 157.", "Stahls, G., Ribeiro, E. & Hanski, I. (1989) Fungivorous Pegomya flies: spatial and temporal variation in a guild of competitors. Annales zoologici fennici, 26, 103 - 112."]}