Yoldiella nana Sars M. 1865

Yoldiella nana (Sars M., 1865) Fig. 3 a–c Yoldia nana Sars M., 1865 (p. 99). Yoldiella fraterna Verrill & Bush, 1898 (p. 867, pl. 80, fig. 5; pl. 82, fig. 8). Yoldiella nana (M. Sars, 1865) — Giribet & Peñas 1997 (p. 82, fig. 87); Giannuzzi-Savelli et al. 2001 (p. 56, figs. 52–54); La Perna...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Negri, Mauro Pietro, Corselli, Cesare
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2016
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6082139
Summary:Yoldiella nana (Sars M., 1865) Fig. 3 a–c Yoldia nana Sars M., 1865 (p. 99). Yoldiella fraterna Verrill & Bush, 1898 (p. 867, pl. 80, fig. 5; pl. 82, fig. 8). Yoldiella nana (M. Sars, 1865) — Giribet & Peñas 1997 (p. 82, fig. 87); Giannuzzi-Savelli et al. 2001 (p. 56, figs. 52–54); La Perna 2003 (p. 26, pl. 3, figs. 4–5); Oliver et al . 2016 (online resource). Yoldiella nana (Sars M., 1865) — Repetto et al. 2005 (p. 285, top right fig). Diagnostic characters . Suboval outline; faintly pointed anterior side; hinge with two thin alignments of very small teeth; shiny outer surface. Prodissoconch: shell type ST-1A; P-1: length about 130 µm; ellipsoidal outline; low convex profile; surface appears smooth; transition to the nepioconch not well preserved. Remarks . Yoldiella fraterna Verrill & Bush, 1898, is currently regarded as a junior synonym of the present taxon (CLEMAM 2016). Occurrence . Box-corer sample BC72 (5 specimens); core BC05 (4). Maximum length: 2 mm. Distribution and habitat . Yoldiella nana is distributed from Canadian Arctic and Siberia to both sides of the northern Atlantic (also entering Norway fjords) and the western Mediterranean; it has been found from about 100 to 1200 m depth (Buhl-Mortensen & Høisaeter 1993; Pons-Moyà & Pons 1999; Oliver et al. 2016). Fossil record. Upper Pliocene of Greenland (Funder et al. 2001); Pleistocene of the Strait of Bering and the Mediterranean (Hopkins et al. 1972; La Perna 2003). : Published as part of Negri, Mauro Pietro & Corselli, Cesare, 2016, Bathyal Mollusca from the cold-water coral biotope of Santa Maria di Leuca (Apulian margin, southern Italy), pp. 1-97 in Zootaxa 4186 (1) on page 18, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4186.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/165288 : {"references": ["Sars, M. (1865) Malacozoologiske Iagttagelser. Forhandlinger i Videnskabsselskabet i Kristiania, 1864, 283 - 315.", "Verrill, A. E. & Bush, K. J. (1898) Revision of the deep-water Mollusca of the Atlantic coast of North America, with descriptions of new genera and species. Part I. - Bivalvia. Proceedings U. S. National Museum, 20 (1139), 775 - 901. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 00963801.20 - 1139.775", "Giribet, G. & Penas, A. (1997) Fauna malacologica del litoral del Garraf (NE de la Peninsula Iberica). Iberus, 15 (1), 41 - 93.", "Giannuzzi-Savelli, R., Pusateri, F., Palmeri, A., Ebreo, C. \u2020, Coppini, M., Margelli, A., Bogi, C. (2001) Atlante delle conchiglie marine del Mediterraneo. Vol. 7 (Bivalvia: Protobranchia-Pteriomorphia). Evolver, Roma, 246 pp.", "La Perna, R. (2003) The Quaternary deep-sea protobranch fauna from the Mediterranean: composition, depth-related distribution and changes. Bollettino Malacologico, 39 (1 - 4), 17 - 34.", "Oliver, P. G., Holmes, A. M., Killeen, I. J. & Turner, J. A. (2016) Marine Bivalve Shells of the British Isles (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Amgueddfa Cymru-National Museum Wales. Available from: http: // naturalhistory. museumwales. ac. uk / britishbivalves. (Accessed 25 August 2016)", "Repetto, G., Orlando, F. & Arduino, G. (2005) Conchiglie del Mediterraneo: 1770 specie illustrate con distribuzione e frequenza. Amici del Museo \" Federico Eusebio \", Alba, 392 pp.", "Buhl-Mortensen, L. & Hoisaeter, T. (1993) Mollusc fauna along an offshore-fjord gradient. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 97, 209 - 224. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.3354 / meps 097209", "Pons-Moya, J. & Pons, G. X. (1999) Noves dades sobre molluscs de profunditat del SW de Mallorca (Illes Balears, Mediterrania Occidental). Bolletin de la Societat d'Historia Natural de les Balears, 42, 39 - 46.", "Funder, S., Bennike, O., Bocher, J., Israelson, C., Petersen, K. S. & Simonarson, L. A. (2001) Late Pliocene Greenland-The Kap Kobenhavn Formation in North Greenland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 48, 117 - 134.", "Hopkins, D. M., Rowland, R. W. & Patton, W. W. (1972) Middle Pleistocene Mollusks from St. Lawrence Island and Their Significance for the Paleo-Oceanography of the Bering Sea. Quaternary Research, 2, 119 - 134. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1016 / 0033 - 5894 (72) 90033 - 6"]}