Gyrophaena (Gyrophaena) fasciata Marsham 1802

Gyrophaena ( Gyrophaena ) fasciata (Marsham 1802) (Figs. 15–17) Staphylinus fasciatus Marsham, 1802: 514 Aleochara pallicornis Stephens, 1832: 152 Gyrophaena laevipennis Blair, 1938: 84 Gyrophaena laevipennis Kraatz, 1856: 358 Gyrophaena fasciata Strand, 1946: 173 Gyrophaena fasciata Eppelsheim, 187...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Enushchenko, Ilya V., Semenov, Viktor B.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2016
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Summary:Gyrophaena ( Gyrophaena ) fasciata (Marsham 1802) (Figs. 15–17) Staphylinus fasciatus Marsham, 1802: 514 Aleochara pallicornis Stephens, 1832: 152 Gyrophaena laevipennis Blair, 1938: 84 Gyrophaena laevipennis Kraatz, 1856: 358 Gyrophaena fasciata Strand, 1946: 173 Gyrophaena fasciata Eppelsheim, 1878: 105; Reitter, 1888: 19; Jacobson, 1909: 533; Roubal, 1911: 13; Boháč, 1986: 190 Material examined : GEORGIA: MTSKHETA- MTIANETI : 1 Ƌ: Pasanauri, VII. 1978, R. Rous leg. (cJB). Additional material examined: REPUBLIC OF CRIMEA : Balaklavskiy District: 1 ♀: Baidary [Orlinoye], 18.V. 1921, V. Kizeritskiy leg. (ZIN); RUSSIA: ROSTOV AREA : Sholokhovskiy District: 1 Ƌ, 2 Ƌ: Veshenskaya, 17.VI. 2002, E.A. Khachikov leg. (ZMM); 2 Ƌ, 3 ♀: Proval´skaya step' Biosphere Reserve, Gukovo, 30.V. 2000, E.A. Khachikov leg. (ZMM). Distribution. C & N Europe, European part of Russia (Nikitskiy & al. 1996, Dedyukhin & al. 2005, Semenov 2007, 2009, Voitenkova 2009, Goreslavets 2010), Caucasus, European Turkey (Apfelbeck 1901); SE Kazakhstan (Kashcheev 2001); Siberia (Sahlberg 1880, Enushchenko & Shavrin 2011, 2012b, Bukhkalo & al. 2012). Taxonomic notes. We excluded G. rhodeana Casey, 1906 from the synonyms as G. fasciata belongs to a different species group (Seevers 1951). Remarks. Eppelsheim (1878) cited G. fasciata for Caucasus (Borshom and Mamudly) with remark " G. congrua " in round brackets. Reitter (1888) based on the material collected by H. Leder in 1887, recorded G. fasciata for "Circassien" without citing of exact locations. Under "Circassien" he understood Western Caucasus from Black Sea coast (Tuapse-Sochi) to Karachay-Chercessia in the modern comprehension of it. Jacobson (1909) combined previous records and cited misinterpreted G. fasciata (actually it was a species closely relative to G. congrua ) for the Caucasus. Roubal (1911) recorded G. fasciata for Krasnaya Polyana; Boháč (1986) recorded it for Kentrish Biosphere Reserve (Georgia, Adzharia). Amongst Reitterʼs material on Caucasian Gyrophaena (HNHM, NMPC, MAKB) we have not found G. fasciata . All specimens with determination label " G. fasciata " belong to other species, such as G. bihamata , G. caucasica , G. gentilis , G. j o y i , G. k o r b i and G. poweri . : Published as part of Enushchenko, Ilya V. & Semenov, Viktor B., 2016, A review of the genus Gyrophaena Mannerheim 1830 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae: Gyrophaenina) of the Caucasus and adjacent territories, pp. 301-337 in Zootaxa 4126 (3) on pages 309-310, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4126.3.1, : {"references": ["Marsham, T. 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