Sarcophila japonica

japonica (Fig. 1) Agria japonica Rohdendorf, 1962: 937. Type locality: Japan, Honshu, Mt. Kanadzawa. References: Rohdendorf (1962: 937– 938, description of male; 938, fig. 7: male terminalia, lateral view); Xue & Zhang (1983: 296, checklist); Xue (1984: 3, checklist); Shanghai Institute of Entom...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Zhang, Dong, Zhang, Ming, Wang, Chao, Pape, Thomas
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2016
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Summary:japonica (Fig. 1) Agria japonica Rohdendorf, 1962: 937. Type locality: Japan, Honshu, Mt. Kanadzawa. References: Rohdendorf (1962: 937– 938, description of male; 938, fig. 7: male terminalia, lateral view); Xue & Zhang (1983: 296, checklist); Xue (1984: 3, checklist); Shanghai Institute of Entomology Academia Sinica (1992: 85, checklist); Wang et al . (2001: 265, checklist); Wang & He (2002: 13, checklist). Sarcophila japonica : Verves (1982: 296, key and redescription); Verves (1985: 297, redescription, fig. 263: male terminalia); Verves (1986: 117, catalog, in part); Wang et al. (1992: 173, checklist); Fan & Pape (1996: 244, checklist); Pape (1996: 166, catalog, in part); Ma et al. (1998: 36, checklist); Wang et al . (2006b: 27, faunistics). Chinese specimens examined. CHINA: Ningxia: 1 male, Yanchi, 24.VII.2009, J.X. Wu; 1 male, Lingwu, 19.VI.2012, Q. Gao & Y.R. Zhang; Xinjiang: 3 males, Altay, Kalamaili, 16.VIII.2009, D. Zhang (all MBFU). Distribution. CHINA: Neimenggu (no further data), Ningxia (Lingwu, Tongxin, Yanchi), Shanxi (Hongdong, Pianguan, Lingqiu, Taiyuan, Tianzhen, Xiangyuan, Youyu, Yuanqu), Xinjiang (Altay, Ürümqi); Palaearctic Region. Remarks. Verves (1982, 1985) provided a redescription of this species and reproduced Rohdendorf’s (1962) original figure of its male terminalia. There is a paucity of records for this species outside of Japan, and records of Sarcophila sp. “cf” or “near” japonica from localities around the Mediterranean (e.g., Castillo-Moralbés 2001, 2002; Prado e Castro et al. 2010) refer to the species recorded from this region as Sarcophila meridionalis Verves, 1982 (e.g., Cocquempot & Rungs 2009; Carles-Tolrá & Lencina 2010a, 2010b). Note that Lehrer (2003) confused S. latifrons [as correctly presented by Pape (1987)] with S. meridionalis . The genus Sarcophila is in need of a critical taxonomic revision. Here, we provide the first photographic documentation of Sarcophila japonica , which together with S. rasnitzyni Verves stands out for its deeply incised surstylus and straight cercal prong (Fig. 1 F–G). Verves (1982) mentioned the straight cross-vein dm-cu, the shorter and more cone-shaped cercus, and posterior lobe of surstylus with a rounded tip as the most distinctive features of S. japonica , while S. rasnitzyni has an Sshaped cross-vein dm-cu, a longer and more slender cercus, and posterior lobe of surstylus with a pointed tip. With no material of S. rasnitzyni at our disposal, we cannot fully assess the infraspecific variation and taxonomic implications of these characters, but at least for the cross-vein dm-cu the single Japanese specimen examined (Hokkaido, Wakkasakanai Soya prov., 26.VI.1986, M. Abe, in NRM) matches the condition found in other species of Sarcophila . : Published as part of Zhang, Dong, Zhang, Ming, Wang, Chao & Pape, Thomas, 2016, Catalog of the Paramacronychiinae of China (Diptera: Sarcophagidae), pp. 301-324 in Zootaxa 4208 (4) on page 309, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4208.4.1, : {"references": ["Rohdendorf, B. B. (1962) Neue und wenig bekannte Calliphorinen und Sarcophaginen (Diptera, Larvaevoridae) aus Asien. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 41, 931 - 941 [In Russian with German summary. English translation in Entomological Review, 41, 576 - 581.]", "Xue, R. D. & Zhang, W. Z. (1983) Bionomics of common flesh flies in Taiyuan, Shanxi. Acta Entomologica Sinica, 26, 295 - 301. [In Chinese with English summary.]", "Xue, R. D. (1984) Common species of flies and their bionomics in Shanxi province. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 3, 1 - 6, 22. [In Chinese with English summary.]", "Shanghai Institute of Entomology Academia Sinica (1992) Catalogue of the specimens in the insect collection of the Shanghai Institute of Entomology Academia Sinica. Shanghai Scientific and Technological Literature Publishing House, Shanghai, 11 + 99 pp. [In Chinese with English subtitle.]", "Wang, J. G., Zhang, J. X. & Wang, L. (2001) Studies on flies and structure analysis of geographic strains in Ningxia. Chinese Journal of Fector Biology and Control, 12, 259 - 267. [In Chinese with English summary.]", "Wang, L. P. & He, M. Z. (2002) [Checklist and distribution of flies in some parts of Wuzhong City, Ningxia.] Chinese Journal of Pest Control [= Journal of Medical Pest Control], 18, 11 - 14. [In Chinese.]", "Verves, Yu. G. (1982) 64 h. Sarcophaginae. In: Lindner, E. (Ed.), Die Fliegen der Palaarktischen Region. Band 11 [Lieferung 327]. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, pp. 235 - 296.", "Verves, Yu. G. (1985) 64 h. Sarcophaginae. In: Lindner, E. (Ed.), Die Fliegen der Palaarktischen Region. Band 11 [Lieferung 330]. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, pp. 297 - 440.", "Wang, X. M., Ren, G. D. & Liu, R. G. (1992) An annotated checklist of insects from Ningxia. Shaanxi Normal University Press, Xi'an, 287 pp. [In Chinese with English subtitle.]", "Fan, Z. D. & Pape, T. (1996) Checklist of Sarcophagidae (Diptera) recorded from China. Studia Dipterologica, 3, 237 - 258.", "Ma, D. X., Qian, J. Q., Fan, Z. D., Zhao, J. M., Xue, W. Q., Ni, T., Yao, Z. X., Xiang, C. Q. & Xu, T. S. (1998) Studies on flies in Xinjiang: III. Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae. Endemic Diseases Bulletin [= Bulletin of Disease Control & Prevention (China)], 13, 33 - 37. [In Chinese with English summary.]", "Wang, M. F., Wang, R. R. & Xue, W. Q. (2006 b) Studies on the family Sarcophagidae from the Shanxi province of China (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha). Chinese Journal of Fector Biology and Control, 17, 26 - 30. [In Chinese with English summary.]", "Castillo-Moralbes, M. (2001) Artropodos presentes en carrona de cerdos en la comarca de la litera (Huesca). Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa, 28, 133 - 140.", "Castillo-Moralbes, M. (2002) Estudio de la entomofauna asociada a cadaveres en el Alto Aragon (Espana). Monografias Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa, 6, 1 - 94.", "Cocquempot, C. & Rungs, C. (2009) Liste des arthropodes terrestres recences dans les reserves naturelles des iles Cerbicale et Lavezzi (France, Corse-du-Sud). Biocosme Mesogeen, 26, 1 - 56.", "Carles-Tolra, M. & Lencina, J. L. (2010 a) Algunos dipteros capturados en la region de Murcia y otras provincias espanolas, mediante trampas de interceptacion de vuelo (Espana) (Insecta, Diptera). Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa, 46, 483 - 489.", "Carles-Tolra, M. & Lencina, J. L. (2010 b) Nuevas capturas dipterologicas mediante trampas de intercaptacion de vuelo y trampas de caida en la region de Murcia (Espana) (Insecta: Diptera). Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa, 47, 409 - 411.", "Lehrer, A. Z. (2003) La revision du genre Sarcophila Rondani en Israel et la description de deux especes nouvelles afroasiatiques (Diptera, Sarcophagidae). Belgian Journal of Entomology, 5, 79 - 87.", "Pape, T. (1987) The Sarcophagidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica, 19, 1 - 203."]}