Brachymetopus M'Coy 1847

Brachymetopus in the Permian of Russia Permian brachymetopids are rare compared with proetoideans, and are known from only eight Russian localities (including that described in this paper). A cephalon of a species of Brachymetopus from near the village of Zlatoust (now the village of Klyuchi, Suksun...

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Main Authors: Mychko, Eduard V., Savchuk, Oles V.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2019
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Summary:Brachymetopus in the Permian of Russia Permian brachymetopids are rare compared with proetoideans, and are known from only eight Russian localities (including that described in this paper). A cephalon of a species of Brachymetopus from near the village of Zlatoust (now the village of Klyuchi, Suksun Region, Perm Krai, Russia) was described by Möller (1867, pp. 184–187, Pl. 2, figs. 32–35; 1868, p. 57, Pl. 1, figs 32–35; Fig. 1a herein). The stratigraphic unit in which the cephalon was found belongs to the Sarginian horizon of the Early Permian (Artinskian; Mychko and Alekseev, 2017, p. 58). Hahn and Hahn (1996) assigned this specimen to the Asselian Brachymetopus ( Acutimetopus ) moelleri Weber, 1932. Krasnopolsky (1887, p. 295) reported a trilobite specimen identified as " Brachymetopus uralicus Vern.," from near the village Kyn on the Talca River, Perm Region, Russia. The age of this specimen is unknown and could potentially range from Middle Carboniferous to Early Permian (Mychko and Alekseev, 2017, p. 56). Subsequently, from the rocky outcrop of the Upper Carboniferous—Lower Permian limestone reef “Kamen Plakun” on the Chusovaya River, Krasnopolsky (1889, p. 221) reported a specimen also identified as " Brachymetopus uralicus Vern. " No images of these specimens were published and their precise age is unknown. According to Hahn and Hahn's (1996, p. 114) revision, the species B . ( Conimetopus ) ouralicus (de Verneuil, 1845) is known from the Early and Middle Carboniferous (Fig. 4). Krasnopolsky's (1887, 1889) specimens are unlikely to belong to B . ( Conimetopus ) ouralicus . Weber (1937, p. 84) assigned a trilobite cephalon and pygidium (Fig. 1b, c) from the locality “Kazarmenny Kamen” in the Southern Urals (now “Kazarmenny Greben”, Chelyabinsk Region, Ashinsky District, the right bank of the Sim River near the Asha town) to the species now classified as Brachymetopus ( Acutimetopus ) moelleri Weber, 1932. Weber (1937) considered this locality Late Carboniferous. However, the age of “Kazarmenny Greben,” which is a large Bryozoan-Tubiphytes boundstone (Tolstikhina, 1941, p. 73; Miloradovich and Ilina 1951, pp. 17–20), was revised as Asselian by Mychko and Alekseev (2017, p. 60) based on the occurrence of the Early Permian foraminiferan Sphaeroschwagerina moelleri (Rauzer-Chernousova, 1936). Hahn and Hahn (1996, p. 137) assigned these specimens to the Carboniferous subspecies B . ( Conimetopus ) ouralicus ouralicus (de Verneuil, 1845). Here they are reassigned to B . ( Conimetopus ) alekseevi Mychko, sp. nov. Weber (in Chernov and Chernov [1940]) identified a trilobite fragment from the Terravean-Kozhim Formation (Early Permian; Asselian; Mychko and Alekseev, 2017, p. 54) of the Kozhim River in Komi, Brachymetopus sp. ind. This specimen has never been illustrated. Brachymetopus ( Acutimetopus ) caucasicus Licharev (in Weber, 1944, Pl. 2, Fig. 15; Fig. 1d, e herein) is known from a single pygidium from the Northern Caucasus, near the “Nikitinskaya Balka” locality (Krasnodar Krai, Mostovsky District, the Malaya Laba River basin). In this locality, there are deposits of the Nikitin and Urushten Formations that belong to the Dzhulfian (~Wuchiapingian) of the Upper Permian (Kotlyar et al., 1983). These are the youngest known members of the genus Brachymetopus in Russia. : Published as part of Mychko, Eduard V. & Savchuk, Oles V., 2019, A new brachymetopid trilobite from the Early Permian Shakhtau reef complex of the southwestern Urals, Bashkortostan, Russia, pp. 346-358 in Zootaxa 4555 (3) on pages 347-348, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4555.3.4, : {"references": ["Moller, V. von (1867) Uber die Trilobiten der Steinkohlenformation des Urals, nebst einer Uebersicht und einigen Erganzungen der bisherigen Beobachtungen uber Kohlen Trilobiten im Allgemeinen. Bulletin of the Imperial Society of Naturalists of Moscow, 1, 1 - 81. [in German]", "Mychko, E. V. & Alekseev, A. S. (2017) Localities of middle Carboniferous-Permian trilobites in Russia and surrounding countries. Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. Geological Series, 92 (3), 40 - 83. [in Russian]", "Hahn, G. & Hahn, R. (1996) Die trilobiten-taxa des Karbons und Perms 2. Brachymetopidae. 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