Empis (Xanthempis)

Key to species of Xanthempis from the Mediterranean basin 1 Eyes appressed to ocellar triangle; frons narrow, on upper part at most as broad as distance between outer margins of posterior ocelli............................................................................................... 2 - Eyes s...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Shamshev, Igor V., Barták, Miroslav
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2019
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5928754
Summary:Key to species of Xanthempis from the Mediterranean basin 1 Eyes appressed to ocellar triangle; frons narrow, on upper part at most as broad as distance between outer margins of posterior ocelli............................................................................................... 2 - Eyes separated from ocellar triangle by more or less broad space; frons broad, much broader than distance between outer margins of posterior ocelli.................................................................................. 3 2 Thorax with postpronotal lobes yellow. Epandrium lamellae spherical, strongly concave and voluminous (Daugeron 2000: 386, fig. 16) (East Mediterranean)...................................................... E . ( X .) testiculata Bezzi - Thorax with postpronotal lobes greyish to brownish. Epandrium lamellae narrow, simple (Daugeron 1997: 160, fig. 4). Female unknown (Morocco).............................................................. E . ( X .) ifranensis Daugeron 3 Thorax grey or blackish brown........................................................................... 4 - Thorax extensively yellow, at least on pleura................................................................ 9 4 Thorax blackish brown, abdomen entirely brown; fore femur brown dorsally and yellow ventrally (South France)................................................................................... E . ( X .) fusca Daugeron et Lefebvre - Thorax grey, abdomen yellowish to brownish yellow; fore femur yellowish........................................ 5 5 Scutum (dorsal view) with 1 or 2 brownish vittae............................................................ 6 - Scutum (dorsal view) with 3 or 4 brownish vittae............................................................ 8 6 Scutum with 1 very narrow median vitta (Morocco)....................................... E . ( X .) edithae Daugeron - Scutum with 2 narrow vittae running along rows of dorsocentral setae............................................ 7 7 Notopleuron with 2 strong setae. Male: epandrial lamellae rounded apically (Daugeron 2000: 383, fig. 14) (south of West Palaearctic)...................................................................... E . ( X .) semicinerea Loew - Notopleuron with 3 strong setae. Male: epandrial lamellae truncate apically (Daugeron 2000: 378, fig. 7). Female unknown (South France)........................................................... E . ( X .) pseudosemicinerea Daugeron 8 Scutum with 4 vittae: 2 median vittae between rows of dorsocentral setae and 2 lateral vittae between dorsocentrals and notopleuron (Spain)................................................................. E . ( X .) caceresensis Daugeron - Scutum with 3 vittae, median vitta somewhat narrower (Spain)........................ E . ( X .) moncayoensis Daugeron 9 Scutum entirely yellow................................................................................ 10 - Scutum with brown to black pattern, sometimes almost entirely greyish to blackish................................ 16 10 Postsutural supra-alar seta present....................................................................... 11 - Postsutural supra-alar seta absent........................................................................ 13 11 Dorsocentral setae irregularly biserial at least on middle part of scutum, more numerous in female. Female: acrostichal setae present (Europe)...................................................................... E . ( X .) lutea Meigen - Dorsocentral setae uniserial throughout; acrostichal setae absent in both sexes.................................... 12 12 Antennae with scape and pedicel brownish; occiput with 1 blackish-brown spot on upper part. Male: phallus pointed at tip (Daugeron 2000: 377, fig. 6) (France)............................................... E . ( X .) montivaga Daugeron - Antennae with scape and pedicel yellowish; occiput with pair of subrectangular blackish spots on upper part. Male: phallus truncate at tip (Daugeron 2009: 61, fig. 1) (France)......................................... E . ( X .) fagina Daugeron 13 Antennae with scape and pedicel yellowish (Spain)....................................... E . ( X .) nevadensis Chvála - Antennae black to brown (sometimes scape and pedicel slightly paler than postpedicel)............................. 14 14 Occiput uniformly yellow to reddish yellow (Italy)........................................ E . ( X .) lagoensis Chvála - Occiput largely brownish to black on upper part............................................................ 15 15 Occiput yellow on narrow strip just above neck (Europe).................................... E . ( X .) concolor Verrall - Occiput entirely blackish on upper part (Spain)........................................ E . ( X .) algecirasensis Strobl 16 Scutum with dark vittae on greyish or brownish grey background, usually extensively grey to brownish grey............ 17 - Scutum with dark vittae on yellow background, usually extensively yellow....................................... 21 17 Scutum (dorsal view) with 4 blackish vittae: 2 median narrow vittae between rows of dorsocentral setae and 2 broader vittae between dorsocentrals and notopleuron (Europe).......................................... E . ( X .) testacea Fabricius - Scutum (dorsal view) with 1 or 2 brownish to blackish vittae.................................................. 18 18 Scutum (dorsal view) with 1 median vitta. Male: hypandrium with 1–4 long setae on lateral margin................... 19 - Scutum (dorsal view) with 2 vittae running along rows of dorsocentral setae. Male: hypandrium without setae on lateral margin................................................................................................... 20 19 Scutum with 1 very narrow median vitta (Morocco)....................................... E . ( X .) edithae Daugeron - Scutum with 1 broad median vitta occupying almost whole space between rows of dorsocentral setae (Morocco)........................................................................................... E . ( X .) chopardi Daugeron 20 Thoracic setation very reduced, dorsocentral setae minute, postsutural supra-alar seta absent (Europe)................................................................................................... E . ( X .) digramma Meigen - Thoracic setation prominent, dorsocentral setae distinct, postsutural supra-alar seta present (Spain).... E . ( X .) dispina Chvála 21 Scutum with median vitta between rows of dorsocentral setae and additional vitta or pair of spots between dorsocentrals and notopleuron......................................................................................... 22 - Scutum only with median vitta.......................................................................... 23 22 Scutum usually with pair of brownish to black spots between dorsocentrals and notopleuron. Male: hypandrium without setae on lateral margin (Daugeron 2009: 62, fig. 2) (France)................................... E . ( X .) virgulata Daugeron - Scutum with black vitta between dorsocentrals and notopleuron. Male: hypandrium with 2–4 long setae on lateral margin (Bahid et al . 2018: 121, fig. 1) (Morocco).............................. E . ( X .) widanensis Bahid, Kettani et Daugeron 23 Scutal vitta broad, comprising dorsocentral setae. Abdominal setation pale....................................... 24 - Scutal vitta narrow, its width on middle part at most 1/3 of distance between rows of dorsocentrals. Abdominal setation usually black (except E. matilei )............................................................................... 25 24 Abdominal tergites with subtriangular brownish spots dorsally (except tergites 1 and 2). Male: hypandrium rounded apically (Daugeron 2000: 374, fig. 3) (France).............................................. E . ( X .) hypandrialis Daugeron - Abdominal tergites with subrectangular brownish spots dorsally forming subequally broad vitta. Male: hypandrium pointed apically (Daugeron 2000: 382, fig. 13) (South Europe).......................................... E . ( X .) laeta Loew 25 Postsutural supra-alar seta present. Prothoracic spiracle yellow................................................. 26 - Postsutural supra-alar seta absent. Prothoracic spiracle brown to black........................................... 28 26 Abdomen covered with yellowish setae. Male: hypandrium bare. Female: acrostichals present (Italy)......................................................................................... E . ( X .) matilei Daugeron et Charbonnel - Abdomen covered with black setae. Male: hypandrium at least with 2 spine-like subapical setae. Female: acrostichals absent (unknown in E. siciliensis )............................................................................. 27 27 Male: hypandrium with 2 spine-like subapical setae. Female unknown (Italy [Sicily]).......... E . ( X .) siciliensis Shamshev - Male: hypandrium with numerous thin subapical setae (Turkey)............................ E . ( X .) adanaensis sp. nov. 28 Occiput uniformly brownish on upper part. Male: hypandrium with 7 long setae on lateral margin (France [Corsica]).......................................................................................... E . ( X .) kuntzei Becker - Occiput with distinct rhomboid black spot on upper part. Male: hypandrium without setae on lateral margin............. 29 29 Male: epandrial lamellae concave above; phallus bent beyond middle, short apical part as stout as basal part (Chvála 1994: 162, fig. 285). Female: fore tibia covered with uniform setulae dorsally (throughout Palaearctic)..... E . ( X .) stercorea Linné - Male: epandrial lamellae convex above; phallus bent at middle, basal part with swelling, apical part as long as, but much more slender than, basal part (Chvála 1994: 163, fig. 287). Female: fore tibia, usually, with 1 or 2 small black setae dorsally (Europe).................................................................................... E . ( X .) aemula Loew : Published as part of Shamshev, Igor V. & Barták, Miroslav, 2019, New and little-known species of Empis (Diptera: Empididae) from Bulgaria, Israel and Turkey, with keys to the Palaearctic Pachymeria and the Mediterranean Xanthempis, pp. 91-100 in Zootaxa 4555 (1) on pages 98-99, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4555.1.7, http://zenodo.org/record/2624189 : {"references": ["Daugeron, C. (2000) The subgenus Xanthempis: new species and taxonomical data (Diptera: Empididae). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, New Series, 36, 371 - 388.", "Bahid, F. - Z., Kettani, K. & Daugeron, C. (2018) A new species of Empis (Xanthempis) from Morocco (Diptera, Empididae, Empidinae). Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France, 123, 119 - 123. https: // doi. org / 10.32475 / bsef _ 2026", "Chvala, M. (1994) The Empidoidea (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. III. Genus Empis. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica, 29, 1 - 187."]}