Pseudonirmus gurlti

Pseudonirmus gurlti (Taschenberg, 1882) New record Lipeurus gurlti Taschenberg, 1882: 151, pl. 5: fig. 6. Esthiopterum gurlti Taschenberg, 1882 [sic]; Harrison 1916: 135. Pseudonirmus gurlti (Taschenberg, 1882); Hopkins & Clay 1952: 303. Pseudonirmus gurlti (Taschenberg, 1882); Timmermann 1961c:...

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Main Authors: Gonza ́ Lez-Acun, Daniel A., Palma, Ricardo L.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2021
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Summary:Pseudonirmus gurlti (Taschenberg, 1882) New record Lipeurus gurlti Taschenberg, 1882: 151, pl. 5: fig. 6. Esthiopterum gurlti Taschenberg, 1882 [sic]; Harrison 1916: 135. Pseudonirmus gurlti (Taschenberg, 1882); Hopkins & Clay 1952: 303. Pseudonirmus gurlti (Taschenberg, 1882); Timmermann 1961c: 35, figs 3, 5c. Pseudonirmus gurlti (Taschenberg, 1882); Timmermann 1965: 115, fig. 52c, pl. 10: fig. 3. Pseudonirmus gurlti (Taschenberg, 1882); Clay & Moreby 1967: 163, 168, figs 133, 137, 140. Pseudonirmus gurlti (Taschenberg, 1882); Price et al . 2003: 221. Pseudonirmus gurlti (Taschenberg, 1882); Palma 2017: 170. Syntypes ♂ ♀, repository unknown, presumed lost (see Palma 2017: 171). Type host: Daption capense (Linnaeus, 1758). Chilean host: Daption capense (Linnaeus, 1758). Other host: Daption capense australe Mathews, 1913. Chilean localities: Not given. Geographic distribution: Antarctica; Southern Ocean. Chilean reference: This catalogue. Other significant references: Harrison (1937: 26, fig. 2a); Clay (1940a: 298); Guimarães (1943: 425, fig. 1); Timmermann (1961c; 1965); Clay & Moreby (1967); Pilgrim & Palma (1982: 7); Palma (1996: 206); Price et al . (2003); Page et al. (2004: 638, 650); Palma (2010: 408); Palma (2017). Remarks: This is the first record of Pseudonirmus gurlti from Chile, based on one sample of 23 males and females from Daption capense held in NHML (Shchedrina et al . 2017). Genus Quadraceps Clay & Meinertzhagen, 1939 Quadraceps Clay & Meinertzhagen, 1939b. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ( Series 11) 4, 453. Type species: Degeeriella vanelli (Denny, 1842) = Quadraceps charadrii hospes (Nitzsch [ in Giebel], 1866) (by original designation). Koeniginirmus Eichler, 1940b. Zool. Anz. 130, 101. Type species: Koeniginirmus punctatus (Nitzsch in Burmeister, 1838) = Quadraceps punctatus (Burmeister, 1838) (by original designation). Szidatiella Eichler, 1944. Stettin. Entomol. Zeit . 105, 81. Type species: Docophorus elongatus Piaget, 1885 = Quadraceps elongatus (Piaget, 1885) (by original designation). Carrikericeps Eichler & Złotorzycka, 1964. Deuts. Entomol. Zeits. ( N.F. ) 11 (4–5), 320. Type species: Quadraceps punensis Carriker, 1949 (by original designation). Laminonirmus Złotorzycka, 1967. Polskie Pismo Entomol . 37 (4), 754. Type species: Koeniginirmus ornatus (Grube, 1851) = Quadraceps ornatus ornatus (Grube, 1851) (by original designation). As subgenus of Koeniginirmus Eichler, 1940b. : Published as part of Gonza ́ Lez-Acun, Daniel A. & Palma, Ricardo L., 2021, An annotated catalogue of bird lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) from Chile, pp. 1-151 in Zootaxa 5077 (1) on page 99, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5077.1.1, : {"references": ["Taschenberg, O. (1882) Die mallophagen mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der von Dr. Meyer gesammelten Arten systematisch bearbeitet. 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