Lycoriella jakovlevi Menzel & Vilkamaa 2021, sp. n.

Lycoriella jakovlevi sp. n. Figs 5A, 6A, 13C, 14B Material studied . Holotype male. RUSSIA, Karelia, Kivach, poplar stand, pitfall trap, 11–13.VI.1986, J. Jakovlev, (in MZH, Paratypes . RUSSIA, same locality as holotype but pine-lichen habitat, Malaise trap, 5–7.VIII.19...

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Main Authors: Menzel, Frank, Vilkamaa, Pekka
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2021
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Summary:Lycoriella jakovlevi sp. n. Figs 5A, 6A, 13C, 14B Material studied . Holotype male. RUSSIA, Karelia, Kivach, poplar stand, pitfall trap, 11–13.VI.1986, J. Jakovlev, (in MZH, Paratypes . RUSSIA, same locality as holotype but pine-lichen habitat, Malaise trap, 5–7.VIII.1986, J. Jakovlev, 1 male (in MZH,; same data as previous but window trap, 8–10. VII.1985, 1 male (in SDEI). Description . Male. Head . Face and antenna concolorous brown, maxillary palpus pale brown. Eye bridge 2 facets wide. Face with 26 setae. Clypeus with 1 seta. Maxillary palpus with 3 segments, 1 st segment longer or as long as 3 rd segment, 2 nd segment shortest; 1 st segment with 4 setae, with moderate dorsal pit with sensilla; surface of antennal flagellomeres smooth, body of 4 th antennal flagellomere 2.10–2.25x as long as wide, neck much shorter than wide, longest setae longer than width of flagellomere. Thorax . Brown; setae pale. Anterior pronotum with 4 setae. Proepisternum with 4–7 setae. Scutellum with 2 moderately long and some short and fine setae. Wing . Fumose. Length 1.4 mm. Width/length 0.40–0.45. Anal lobe small. Veins distinct, except for stM. c/w 0.70–0.75. R1/R 0.70– 0.90. stM as long as fork of M. bM longer than r-m, stCuA shortest. bM and r-m non-setose. Halter yellow. Legs . Brown; setae pale. Fore tibial organ forming moderate patch of many setae in demarcated depression. Fore tibial spur shorter than apical width of tibia. Abdomen . Pale brown; setae pale and moderately long. Hypopygium (Fig. 5A). Brown, like abdomen. Intergonocoxal area (Fig. 14B) moderately long, with semicircular setose lobe. Gonocoxa longer than gonostylus, rather straight laterally, with dense and moderately long setosity, shorter on medial margin. Gonostylus (Fig. 6A) widest subbasally, gradually tapered towards apex, strongly impressed medially, densely setose apically, with a strong slightly curved apical tooth, 2 pairs of medial megasetae on apical third, megasetae slender, shorter than apical tooth, slightly procurved; with well-differentiated long whip-lash seta in middle of gonostylus. Tegmen (Fig. 13C) as long as wide, with distinct and sharp apicolateral angles; surrounded by hyaline membrane laterally (and ventrally?), membraneous apically, sclerotized laterally, with indistinct sclerotizations dorsally, with small area of aedeagal teeth. Aedeagal apodeme rather short. BIN . Unknown. Discussion . This species is characterised by its apically gradually strongly narrowed gonostylus with only four to five medial megasetae and its lack of any apical megasetae. Lycoriella jakovlevi sp. n. resembles L. acutostylia Menzel & Mohrig, 1990, L. kinbasketi sp. n. and L. tundrae sp. n. Lycoriella jakovlevi is closer to L. acutostylia and L. kinbasketi and differs from L. tundrae in having the tegmen distinctly angled apicolaterally. The tegmen of Lycoriella jakovlevi is about as long as wide, whereas the tegmen of L. acutostylia and L. kinbasketi is shorter than wide. Furthermore, the intergonocoxal lobe L. acutostylia is very short, and hardly produced from the level of the basomedial margin of the gonocoxae, whereas L. jakovlevi has a longer lobe, nearly semi-circular, and L. kinbasketi ’s lobe is long but narrowed apically (Fig. 14). Unlike Lycoriella jakovlevi and L. kinbasketi , the two basalmost medial megasetae of the gonostylus of L. acutostylia are not parallel, but diverge, the whip-lash setae are positioned more basally, and the basal rim of the hypopygium turned caudad medially (Figs 4A, 6B, 6C). The gonostyli of Lycoriella jakovlevi and that of L. kinbasketi are almost identical, both having four gonostylar megasetae on the apical quarter of the gonostylus but L. jakovlevi has a longer apical tooth of gonostylus. The differences to Lycoriella eurystylata sp. n. and L. taimyrensis sp. n. are discussed elsewhere. Etymology . The species is named after the Finnish mycetophilid specialist Jevgeni Jakovlev (Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, Finland), who collected the type specimens. : Published as part of Menzel, Frank & Vilkamaa, Pekka, 2021, New species and records of Lycoriella Frey (Diptera, Sciaridae) from the Holarctic region, pp. 501-530 in Zootaxa 5072 (6) on pages 510-513, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5072.6.1, : {"references": ["Menzel, F., Mohrig, W. & Groth, I. (1990) Beitrage zur Insektenfauna der DDR: Diptera - Sciaridae. Beitrage zur Entomologie, 40 (2), 301 - 400. https: // doi. org / 10.21248 / contrib. entomol. 40.2.301 - 400"]}