Sphecodes gibbus

Sphecodes gibbus (Linnaeus, 1758) Figs 2E, 3I Sphex gibba Linnaeus, 1758: 571, ♀ (type locality: Sweden). Apis glabra Füessly, 1775: 51, ♀ (type locality: Switzerland). Andrena ferruginea Olivier, 1789: 139, nom. nov. for Nomada gibba Fabricius, 1775 (nom. praeocc., nec Linnaeu...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Astafurova, Yulia, Proshchalykin, Maxim
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2020
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5705451
Summary:Sphecodes gibbus (Linnaeus, 1758) Figs 2E, 3I Sphex gibba Linnaeus, 1758: 571, ♀ (type locality: Sweden). Apis glabra Füessly, 1775: 51, ♀ (type locality: Switzerland). Andrena ferruginea Olivier, 1789: 139, nom. nov. for Nomada gibba Fabricius, 1775 (nom. praeocc., nec Linnaeus, 1758). Apis gibbosa Christ, 1791: 177, nom. nov. for Nomada gibba Fabricius, 1775 (nom. praeocc., nec Linnaeus, 1758). Melitta sphecoides Kirby, 1802: 46, ♀ (type locality: England). Melitta picea Kirby, 1802: 48, ♂ (type locality: England). Andrena austriaca Fabricius, 1804: 325, ♀ (type locality: Denmark) (nom. praeocc., nec Panzer, 1798). Dichroa analis Illiger, 1806: 48, nomen novum for Nomada gibba Fabricius, 1775 (nom. praeocc., nec Linnaeus, 1758). Sphecodes apicatus Smith, 1853: 36, ♀ (syntypes: ♀, India, Simla; NHMUK). Synonymized by Blüthgen 1927: 27. Sphecodes nigripennis Morawitz, 1876: 257, ♀ (type locality: Kazakhstan). Sphecodes indicus Bingham, 1898: 123, pl. a, fig. 10, ♂. Syn. nov. Sphecodes sutor Nurse, 1903: 538, ♀ (syntypes: ♀♀, India, Jammu and Kashmir; NHMUK). Synonymized by Blüthgen 1927: 27. Sphecodes gibbus var. rufispinosus Meyer, 1920: 113, ♀ (type locality: Spain). Sphecodes gibbus var. turkestanicus Meyer, 1920: 113, ♀, ♂ (type locality: Uzbekistan, “Golodnaja Steppe”; China: Jarkand, Xinjiang). Sphecodes castilianus Blüthgen, 1924: 473, ♀ (type locality: Portugal). Sphecodes lustrans Cockerell, 1931b: 411, ♂ (type locality: Morocco). Sphecodes angarensis Cockerell, 1937: 3–4, ♀ (type locality: Russia, Irkutsk Prov.). Sphecodes pergibbus Blüthgen, 1938: 50, ♀, ♂ (type locality: Cyprus). Sphecodes indicus – Saini & Rathor 2012: 162. — Rajkumar & Dey 2016: 1841. Sphecodes gibbus – Ascher & Pickering 2020: map. Diagnosis and descriptive notes See Astafurova et al . (2018a: 17). Material examined INDIA • 1 ♂, holotype of Sphecodes indicus Bingham, 1898; “Type // Simla, 5. 97. // Sphecodes indicus (Bingh) // B.M.Type HYM 17a560”; NHMUK 013380329 • 1 ♀; Simla; May 1898; C.G. Nurse leg.; NHMUK 013380335. Distribution Himalayas: India (Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh); North Africa, Europe (north to 63° latitude), Russia (east to Yakutia), Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Iran, Mongolia, China (Xinjiang). Remarks The record of S. indicus from Mussoorie (Uttarakhand, India) by Saini & Rathor (2012: 162) is doubtful. : Published as part of Astafurova, Yulia & Proshchalykin, Maxim, 2020, New and little-known bees of the genus Sphecodes Latreille, 1804 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Halictidae) from the Himalayas, pp. 74-120 in European Journal of Taxonomy 729 on pages 92-93, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2020.729.1195, http://zenodo.org/record/5705318 : {"references": ["Linnaeus C. 1758. 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