Yoshiiphorura bellingeri Jordana & Martinez, new species

Yoshiiphorura bellingeri Jordana & Martínez new species Type material Holotype: Spain, Almería (Corraliza cave), 15.07.0 0, D. Ortega and J.G. Mayoral leg., male (on slide) (sample MZNA­AL0066, slide nº 02). – Paratype: one specimen in ethanol. The type material is deposited at the Museum of Zoo...

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Main Authors: Martínez, Maite, Baquero, Enrique, Barranco, Pablo, Ariño, Arturo H., Jordana, Rafael
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2004
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5693698
Summary:Yoshiiphorura bellingeri Jordana & Martínez new species Type material Holotype: Spain, Almería (Corraliza cave), 15.07.0 0, D. Ortega and J.G. Mayoral leg., male (on slide) (sample MZNA­AL0066, slide nº 02). – Paratype: one specimen in ethanol. The type material is deposited at the Museum of Zoology, University of Navarra (MZNA). Other material from the same biotope and locality. Corraliza cave: 27.02.0 0, D. Ortega and V. Navarro leg., MZNA­AL0064 (1 on slide, 9 in ethanol); 13.10.0 0, D. Ortega and J.G. Mayoral leg., MZNA­AL0065 (1 on slide, 3 in ethanol); 18.3.0 0, J. Amate and D. Ortega leg., MZNA­AL0068 (57 in ethanol); 23.12.0 0, D. Ortega and J.G. Mayoral leg., MZNA­AL0070 (127 in ethanol); 21.05.0 0, D. Ortega and J.G. Mayoral leg., MZNA­ AL0071 (77 in ethanol); 28.07.0 0, D. Ortega and J.G. Mayoral leg., MZNA­AL0072 (54 in ethanol, 4 on SEM stub) and MZAL 0089 (2 in ethanol); 29.10.0 0, D. Ortega and J.G. Mayoral leg., MZNA­AL0105 (25 on slide, 104 in ethanol, 4 on SEM stub). Simarron II cave: 0 2.07.0 0, J. G. Pardo and M. Piquer leg., MZNA­AL0091 (1 on slide); 15.04.0 0, J. G. Pardo and M. Piquer leg., MZNA­AL0094 (29 in ethanol); 0 5.11.0 0, J. G. Pardo and M. Piquer leg., MZNA­AL0103 (13 in ethanol); 0 1.05.0 0, P. Barranco and J. G. Mayoral leg., MZNA­AL0104 (9 on slide, 88 in ethanol). Description Length without antennae (mean in mm ± standard deviation, number of specimens measured): female, 3.1–3.9 mm (3.45 ± 0.26, 17); male, 2.3–3.4 mm (2.89 ± 0.38, 8). Head + thorax as long as abdomen. Ratio antennae/head diagonal 0.92–1 (0.97 ± 0.04, 25). Second antennal segment longer than the third. Antennal segments I–IV: 84.8 11.5, 145.0 29.0, 117 17, 249.6 35.1 micra in lengh (n= 30, mean SD). Colour ranging from white to yellowish. Body with coarse granulation (Figs. 4 B–D). Antennal segment I with 14–16 setae. Sensory organ of antennal segment III with five papillae, two sensory rods, two sensory clubs (one with finger­shaped projections from the central axis and the other with laminated projections) and five guard setae (in a specimen there is an additional papilla: Fig. 5 C). Microsensillum at the level of the guard setae. Antennal chaetotaxy as in Figs. 3 B–C. Labium type A (papilla A thickened), but external E papilla smaller than the other (Fig. 7 A) (nomenclature according to Fjellberg 1998). Clypeal/prelabral/labral formula: 4 / 4 / 342 (Fig. 7 B), usual of some Onychiuridae species (Yoshii 1976; Fjellberg 1998). Head chaetotaxy in Table 1. Thoracic tergite I with three rows of setae; thoracic tergites II–III with seven rows of setae and 1 + 1 microsensilla (Fig 2 A, Table 2). Leg III longer than I or II. Tibiotarsi I and II with 25–28 setae in 3–4 whorls. Tibiotarsi of leg III with 24–30 setae in 4–5 whorls (Fig. 3 A, D). Tibiotarsi distal whorl with 11 setae, two of them slightly blunted. Setae number of each whorl constant (Table 3). Pretarsum with 1 + 1 setae. Claw inner tooth located at 65–70 % of inner edge. Empodium with basal lamella, narrowed towards the apex and slightly longer than claw (Fig. 3 D). Dorsal abdominal chaetotaxy in Table 4. Ventral tube with 12–21 latero­apical setae. Male genital plate very voluminous, with the aperture on the posterior part, very small in relation to organ size, with 120–170 small setae and 4 + 4 of these setae closer around the genital opening (Fig. 5 C). Female genital plate with 1 + 1 small setae on posterior valve and 29–38 longer setae on anterior valve, although this character depends on the size of the specimen (Fig. 6 D). Setae lines Number and kind of setae a: a0, a0' (asymmetrical setae) d: 1m, 2 M, 3m, 4m, 5m sd: 1m, 2m, 3m, 4 M, 5m sd': 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m v: 1m, 2 M, 3m, 4 M ca: 6m cm: 2m, 3m, 4m, 6m cb: 1m, 2m, 4 M, 5m, 6m cp: 1 M, 2m, 3m, 4 M p: 1 M, 2m, 3m, 4m (z), 5 M, 6m, 7 M g: 11 setae m: microsetae; M: macrosetae; z: constant microseta p 4 (following Jordana et al . 1997). Thorax I Thorax II–III a': 5 m', 6 m', 7 m' a: 5m 1 M, 2m, 3 M, 4m, 5m, 6m, 7m m': 2 m', 5 m', 6 m', 7 m' m: 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m 1m, 2 M, 5 M, 6 M, 7m, 8m ca: 1m, 2m, 4m, 6m, 7m cp: 1m, 2m, 4m, 6m p: 1m, 2m, 3m, 5m, 6m, 8m 1m, 2 M, 3 M, 4m, 5m, 6m, 7m, 8 M (1) Only permanent microsetae and macrosetae are marked. I II III a: 11 11 11 b: 8 8 8 c: 0–2 0–2 2–3 d: 0–3 e: 4–5 + 2 B 4–5 + 2 B 3 + 2 B (1) Only permanent microsetae and macrosetae are marked. Dorsal pseudocelli formula: 32 / 133 / 33342 (abd’, ab/ a, abc’, a’bc/ a’bc, bb’cd, bc) (Jordana et al . 1997) (Figs. 2 A–B). Ventral pseudocelli formula: 11 /000/0111 (Fig. 8). There are no parapseudocelli. Two pseudocelli on each subcoxa. Dorsal pseudopores formula: 10 /011/ 1111 (Figs. 2 A–B). Ventral pseudopores formula: 00/ 111 /0000 (Fig. 8). Pseudopores circular, without chitinized border, rounded by 7–10 granules (Figs. 6 A–B, 6 D). Derivatio nominis The new genus and new species are dedicated, “in memoriam”, respectively to R. Yoshii (Japan) and P. Bellinger (United States). Biology Yoshiiphorura bellingeri new species may be a troglophile species found in these caves, probably occurring in the fractures of the dolomitic structure of the Gador mountain range. It is present throughout the year, though less frequently in Simarron II during the dry season. It was captured in traps and by hand throughout both caves, an thus does not seem dependent on bat guano. The temperature in boths caves range from 11.3 ºC to 13.0ºC (Corraliza) and 11.9 ºC to 12.8 ºC (Simarrón II). Both caves have a poor vertical dimension. This is in accordance with the occurrence of other troglophile species (Table 5). Acherontiella xenylliformis Gisin, 1952 has been found in caves in Maroc and Algeria (Thibaud 1967), and in soil beneath Eucalyptus globulus Labill. in Portugal (Gama et al . 1995). Mesogastrura ojcoviensis (Stach, 1918) is frequent on the nest of the vole Microtus nivalis, (Martins, 1842) and on bat guano when captured in caves. Arrhopalites pygmaeus Marlier, 1942 is an edaphic and troglophile species abundant in Europe, and in caves in the Iberian Peninsula; the type material was obtained from bat guano (Bretfeld 1999). Arrhopalites elegans Cassagnau & Delamare, 1953 has been found in caves and open habitats (Massoud and Thibaud 1973). Oncopodura sp. near O. delhezi Stomp, 1974 may be troglobitic Collembola. Troglopedetes machadoi Delamare, 1946 was described from caves in Portugal. Deuteraphorura ghidinii (Denis, 1938) is an edaphic and troglophile species found from Switzerland to Maroc. Gisinurus malatestai Dallai, 1970 is an edaphic and troglophile species described from Italy, and occurs in different habitats in France, Spain and Mediterranean and Macaronesian islands. species Corraliza cave 27 ­Feb 18 ­Mar 7 ­May 21 ­May 15 ­Jul 28 ­Jul 13 ­Oct 29 ­Oct 19 ­Nov 23 ­Dec D T D T D T D D T D D T Arrhopalites elegans 1 13 Cassagnau & Delamare Debouteville, 1953 Arrhopalites pygmaeus 8 1 (Wankel, 1860) Arrhopalites sp. 3 (juvenile) Isotomiella sp. (juvenile) 1 Neelus murinus Folsom, 2 1896 Oncopodura sp. 1 Deuteraphorura ghidinii 2 17 1 14 2 6 1 54 1 61 (Denis, 1938) Troglopedetes machadoi 16 1 2 18 Delamare Deboutteville, 1946 Yoshiiphorura bellingeri 10 57 78 2 54 2 4 133 11 127 n. gen., n. sp. : Published as part of Martínez, Maite, Baquero, Enrique, Barranco, Pablo, Ariño, Arturo H. & Jordana, Rafael, 2004, A new genus and species of Collembola from caves of south Iberian Peninsula (Collembola, Poduromorpha, Onychiuridae), pp. 1-15 in Zootaxa 734 on pages 7-12, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.158039 : {"references": ["Fjellberg, A. (1998) The collembola of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Entomologica scandinavica. Vol. 35. Brill, Leiden, 183 pp.", "Yoshii, R. (1976) Structure and chaetotaxy of labrum as the taxonomic character of collembola. Revue d'Ecologie et de Biologie du Sol, 13, 233 - 239.", "Jordana, R., Arbea, J. I., Simon, C. & Lucianez, M. J. (1997) Collembola, Poduromorpha. Fauna Iberica. Vol. 8. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. C. S. I. C., Madrid, 807 pp.", "Thibaud, J. - M. (1967) Description d'une espece nouvelle de Collembole Acherontiella cassagnaui n. sp. Annales de Speleologie, Bd. 22, 8.", "Gama, M. M. Da, Sousa, J. P. & Vasconcelos, T. M. (1995) Comparison of collembola populations structure from Portuguese forests of Pinus pinaster Aiton and Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Bulletin Entomologique de Pologne, 64, 77 - 89.", "Bretfeld, G. (1999) Symphypleona. In: Synopses on Palaearctic Collembola. Volume 2. (Ed.) Dunger, W. Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde Gorlitz, Gorlitz, 318 pp.", "Massoud, Z. & Thibaud, J. - M. (1973) Essai de classification des collemboles \" cavernicoles \" europeens. In: 6 e Congres International de Speleologie, Olomouc. Vol. 5, 141 - 157."]}