Careproctus kamikawai Orr, 2012, new species

Careproctus kamikawai , new species Arbiter Snailfish Figures 1 B, 2 B Holotype.— USNM 400885 (ex UW 150324), 142 mm, 162 mm TL, female, California, Monterey Bay, 1399 m depth, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute ROV Tiburon , Dive 834, 21 March 2005. Paratypes.— Two specimens, 136–153 mm: UW 1...

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Main Author: Orr, James Wilder
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2012
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Summary:Careproctus kamikawai , new species Arbiter Snailfish Figures 1 B, 2 B Holotype.— USNM 400885 (ex UW 150324), 142 mm, 162 mm TL, female, California, Monterey Bay, 1399 m depth, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute ROV Tiburon , Dive 834, 21 March 2005. Paratypes.— Two specimens, 136–153 mm: UW 119827, 136 mm, 153 mm TL, female, California, 32.4632 °N, 118.5902 °W, 1037 m depth, F/V Raven , cruise 2009, haul 161, D. J. Kamikawa, 18 October 2009; UW 150325, 153 mm, 175 mm TL, female, California, 35.0563 °N, 121.3901 °W, 468 m depth, F/V Excalibur , cruise 2007, haul 154, D. J. Kamikawa, 2 October 2007. Diagnosis.— Careproctus kamikawai is distinguished from all other species of Careproctus by the combination of broad rows of trilobed teeth on both the premaxilla and dentary (vs. simple or weakly trilobed teeth on both jaws), a large gill opening extending ventrally to pectoral rays 8–12 (vs. smaller gill opening above the pectoral fin or extending to less than 5 pectoral-fin rays), and a large pelvic disk 28.3–32.1 % HL (vs. smaller pelvic disk, less than 25 % head length). It is most similar to C. lycopersicus , new species, which can be distinguished from C. kamikawai by its terminal mouth, lack of a dorsal-fin lobe, pale to dusky peritoneum, larger pelvic disc, deeper caudal base, and more posterior position of the pelvic disc, anus, and anal-fin origin, and to C. ovigerus, which is distinguished by its simple, recurved canine teeth on both jaws. Description.— Body robust, tapering strongly posteriorly, moderately compressed; depth at anal-fin origin 57.3–85.2 (85.2)% HL. Head large, 26.3–28.6 %, and robust, dorsal profile gently sloping from nape to snout. Snout blunt, slightly projecting anterior to lower jaw. Mouth subterminal, large, upper jaw 48.5–50.4 (50.4)% HL, maxilla extending to mid orbit or to the posterior rim of orbit, oral cleft extending to anterior rim of orbit. Lower jaw slightly inferior, premaxillary tooth plates matching mandibular tooth plates. Both premaxillary and mandibular teeth strongly trilobed (Fig. 2 B) in 50–65 oblique rows of 12–20 teeth forming broad bands. Diastema absent at symphysis of upper and lower jaws. Orbit rhomboidal, eye relatively small, 21.9–24.1 (24.1)% HL, dorsal margin well below dorsal contour of head, suborbital depth to maxilla 61.5– 69.8 (61.5)% OL; pupil round. Interorbital space broad, fleshy distance 32.1–37.3 (32.1)% HL, bony distance 17.8– 20.3 (17.8)% HL, slightly convex. Snout much longer than orbit, 120.8 –150.0 (120.8)% OL, 27.8–32.8 (29.1)% HL. Nostril single, with well-developed tube at level with middle or upper part of orbit; nostril tube length 3.5–4.9 (4.9)% HL. Pores of cephalic lateralis system of moderate size, pore pattern 2-6 - 7 - 1, chin pores paired. Interorbital pore absent. Free neuromasts about 4–5, small and difficult to discern, originating from above gill slit and extending to mid body above anus. Gill opening large, 44.4–53.5 (44.4)% HL, upper margin at level of dorsal rim of orbit, extending to pectoral-fin ray 8– 12 (ray 8). Gill rakers 9–10 (10), 0 or 1 (0) rakers on upper part of arch. Opercular flap rounded to slightly angular (rounded). Branchiostegal rays 6. Dorsal-fin rays 43–45 (43; Table 1), anterior 4–5 dorsal-fin rays slightly longer than succeeding rays, forming slight lobe, tips of all rays slightly exserted. Anteriormost dorsal-fin pterygiophore inserted between neural spines 3 and 4, bearing a single small ray. Predorsal length 29.5–34.2 (34.2)%. Anal-fin rays 36–38 (36; Table 1), 1 or 2 anal-fin pterygiophores anterior to first haemal spine, each bearing a single ray, tips of all rays slightly exserted. Anal-fin origin below vertebrae 12–13 (caudal vertebrae 1–2), preanal length 40.4–41.9 (41.2)%. Pectoral fin deeply notched, with 33–35 (33) rays (Table 1). Upper lobe of 27–28 (27) rays extending beyond anus usually to anal-fin origin, dorsalmost rays lengthening to rays 6–8, more ventral rays gradually shortening to shortest ray of notch. Lower lobe moderately elongate, with 6–7 rays, extending to about anus; dorsal rays gradually lengthening to thick and fleshy rays 2–5, ventral rays gradually shortening to ventralmost ray near pectoral symphysis. Tips of rays 5–50 % free of membrane, rays of lower lobe more strongly exserted. Notch poorly defined, rays in notch slightly more widely spaced than rays of lobes, more widely spaced ventrally. Uppermost pectoral-fin ray level with region midway between cleft and ventral rim of orbit. Insertion of lowermost pectoral-fin ray below mid orbit. Proximal pectoral radials 4 (3 + 1), robust: radials 1–2 notched and hour-glass shaped, radial 3 crescent shaped (Fig. 2 B). Interradial fenestrae 3, elliptical, extending between scapula and proximal radials 1–3. Scapula broadly Y-shaped with robust helve; coracoid with broad triangular head and long thin helve, not angled anteriorly. Distal radials absent, rays articulating directly with pectoral cartilage. Pelvic disk large, length 28.3–32.1 (30.1)% HL, round, slightly longer than wide 25.7–28.1 (28.1)% HL, anterior lobe moderately developed, flat with margins often slightly upturned, distance from tip of lower jaw to pelvic disc 11.6 – 14.0 (14.0)%. Anus posterior to gill slit, closer to pelvic disk than to anal-fin origin; distance from tip of lower jaw to anus 26.4 –28.0 (27.9)%, equal to HL. Caudal-fin rays 14 (2 + 5 / 6 + 1; Table 1). Membrane of posterior dorsal- and anal-fin rays attached about equidistant along caudal-fin margin: dorsal-fin rays attached 30.7– 38.5 (38.5)% CL; anal-fin rays 33.2–38.5 (38.5)% CL. Depth at base of caudal fin 9.3–10.8 (9.9)% CL. Skin relatively thick, prickles absent. Pyloric caeca 8–9, length about 32.9–64.3 (32.9)% HL, in center-right side of visceral cavity. Vertebrae 48–50 (48), precaudal 10–11 (10), caudal 38–39 (38; Table 1). Pleural ribs 2, present on vertebrae 9–10, each long and slender. Hypural plate composed of dorsal and ventral plates, with a weak distal notch. Single epural present. Sagittal otolith oval, entire; anterior margin slightly pointed; dorsal, ventral, and posterior margins rounded; lateral face smooth, rounded, convex; medial face flat; sulcus homosulcoid, opening ostial, a straight open channel, collum a solid bridge, separating ostium and cauda; crista superior well developed along cauda, less so along ostium; crista inferior ridge-like along ostium and cauda; excisural notch and rostrum indistinct; dorsal area depression shallow, broad; ventral area depression shallow, narrow. Coloration.— Body and fins likely pink in life (Stein et al., 2006). In preservation, body overall pale, with dusky pigment on head and nape (Fig. 1 B). Peritoneum black; orobranchial cavity dusky; stomach, intestines, pyloric caeca, and urogenital papilla pale. Life history.— All specimens examined were females, the largest being a ripe female of 153 mm (UW 150325). Smallest female with yolked eggs was 136 mm (UW 119827). At least two sizes of eggs present in ripe females: yolked eggs 3.5–4.5 mm and white eggs 0.5–1.5 mm in diameter. Distribution.— Careproctus kamikawai has been collected from Monterey Bay and the southern California coast (Fig. 3). It ranges in depth from 468 to 1397 m. Etymology.— The specific epithet of Careproctus kamikawai is named for a keen observer and the collector of most of the type material of the new species, Dan J. Kamikawa of the Northwest Fisheries Science Center. The common name refers to Mr. Kamikawa’s given name, meaning ‘‘judge.’’ : Published as part of James Wilder Orr, 2012, wo New Species of Snailfishes of the Genus Careproctus (Scorpaeniformes: Liparidae) from the Bering Sea and Eastern North Pacific Ocean, with a Redescription of Careproctus ovigerus, pp. 257-265 in Copeia 2012 (2) on pages 261-262, DOI: 10.1643/Ci-11-046, : {"references": ["Stein, D. L. 2006. New and rare species of snailfishes (Scorpaeniformes: Liparidae) collected during the ICEFISH cruise of 2004. Polar Biology 29: 705 - 712."]}