Panurginus herzi F. Morawitz

5. Panurginus herzi F. Morawitz Panurginus herzi F. Morawitz, 1891: 144, Ƥ, 3. Panurginus herzi Friese, 1897: 24; 1901: 22. Panurginus tyrolensis Richards, 1932: 84 (syn. Schwarz, Gusenleitner, 1997: 304). Panurgus ( Panurginus ) montanus ssp. tyrolensis Warncke, 1972: 94. Panurgus ( Panurginus ) mo...

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Main Authors: Romankova, Tatiana G., Astafurova, Yulia V.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2011
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Summary:5. Panurginus herzi F. Morawitz Panurginus herzi F. Morawitz, 1891: 144, Ƥ, 3. Panurginus herzi Friese, 1897: 24; 1901: 22. Panurginus tyrolensis Richards, 1932: 84 (syn. Schwarz, Gusenleitner, 1997: 304). Panurgus ( Panurginus ) montanus ssp. tyrolensis Warncke, 1972: 94. Panurgus ( Panurginus ) montanus ssp. herzi Warncke, 1972: 95. Diagnosis. Panurginus herzi is typical for the group of species with shagreened metasomal terga, wide gonostylus, penis valve shortly bulbous and S 6 ventrally with postero-lateral hair tuft. From other species of the group it can be differentiated by combination of the following characters: labral plate trapezoid, slightly narrowed apically; scutum on periphery delicately shagreened, medially tessellated or smooth, with pits 1−2 diameters apart; metasomal terga with shallow punctures; middle basitarsus of male 4−4.5 times as long as wide. Male S 6 with apical elevation rectangular, straight, narrowly pubescent (Fig. 52). Geographical distribution. Russia, Siberia [*Altai, *Tuva, Kemerovo Oblast (Sidorov, 2010), Yakutia (Morawitz, 1891)], * Mongolia (Uvs). Europe [Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria (Warncke, 1972, as P. tyrolensis Schwarz, Gusenleitner, 1997)]. Mountainous except in Yakutia. Type material. Lectotype (designated here): 3, Russia , Yakutia, Viluisk, F. Morawitz’s coll. [Wiluisk; к. Ф. Моравица; Panurginus herzi , 3 (Morawitz’s handwriting)], 63 ˚ 45 ’N, 121 ˚ 37 ’E. Paralectotypes : 2 Ƥ, 93, label data as above. Other material examined (29 Ƥ, 223). RUSSIA : Altai , 12–20 km SE Kuray, 12.VII.2007, 2Ƥ, 183, SB, A. Khalaim; Kemerovo Oblast, Tisulskiy Rayon, 10 km N Polutornik, 3.VII.2009, 13, on Potentilla chrysantha, D. Sidorov; Tuva , 60 km W Mugur-Aksy, 2270 m, 8.VIII.1987, 17Ƥ, YP; Yakutia , Yakutsk, 17.VII.1927, 1Ƥ; mouth of Kara-Yulakh River, 14.VII.1974, 4Ƥ, YP; Namskoye, Lena River, 90 km E Yakutsk, 14.VII.1926, 23, V. Bianki. MONGOLIA : Uvs : 20 km NW Turgen-Ula Mts., Yamatyn-Ala gorge, 20.VI.1969, 2Ƥ, М. Kozlov; 20 km S Ureg- Nul Lake, 2000 m, 14.VI.1968, 1Ƥ, М. Kozlov. SWITZERLAND : Vaud, Pleiades, 5.VII.1956, 2Ƥ, 13, J. de Beaumont [ Panurginus tyrolensis, J. de Beaumont det. 1959]. Description. MALE. Body length 6.0− 7.3 mm. Shape. Head transverse (0.75−0.8), as wide as mesosoma. Antenna attaining scutellum; pedicel as long as wide, F 1 elongate, 1.4 times F 2; F 2 and F 3 transverse, other flagellomeres as long as wide, or slightly longer. Labral plate trapezoid, twice wider than long. Facial fovea almost invisible, shallow, short, 1.5–2 times wider than distance to eye. Genal area wider than eye (1.1−1.3), from half length narrowed towards mandible. Middle basitarsus parallel-sided, 4–4.5 times as long as wide; hind basitarsus parallel-sided, 3.5–4 times longer than wide; middle and hind TM 2 –TM 4 cordate, TM 2 as long as wide, TM 3 and TM 4 shorter than wide. T 1 –T 3 with distinctly depressed marginal zone, on T 1 1 / 3 − 1 / 4, T 2 and T 3 1 / 2 discal length; on T 4 and T 5 slightly depressed, 1 / 3 discal length. Metasomal Sterna & Genitalia (Figs 45–53). S 2 and S 3 with posterior margin slightly concave, S 4 and S 5 with posterior margin straight. S 3 −S 6 with lateral tuft of dense, long, beige hairs. S 4 and S 5 with marginal, brownish hair fringe recumbent, dense and short. S 6 ventrally with lateral tuft of dense hairs not overlapping the posterior margin of sternum; apical elevation straight, with dense, short marginal fringe and lateral, long, narrow spine. S 7 sides obtusely angled, basal margin incurved at ca 90 ˚; disc with median ridge complete, posterior shoulders well defined, rounded, pooled backwards; apical bifurcation wide, with straight bottom. branches 3 times shorter than distant and directed postero-laterally (ventral view). S 8 posterior part bent dorsally at 30 ˚; lateral flaps of neck elongate, longer than half neck; apical plate bent ventrally at 50 ˚, transverse, with basal hill 90 ˚(lateral view). Gonocoxite with dorso-apical excavation twice wider than deep. Gonostylus enlarged subtriangularly, with maximal width at lower third of the wide part (lateral view). Penis valve apically shortly bulbous, and bent ventrally at 45 ˚. Sculpture. Paraocular area on upper part, frons and vertex shagreened, with dense, round pits about a pit diameter apart (10−20 µm / 0.5−1). Genal area shiny, finely shagreened, with dense, shallow pits about a diameter apart (15−25 µm / 0.5−2. Supraclypeal and subantennal areas tessellate or partially glossy, with round pits about 1–2 diameters apart. Clypeus shiny, smooth, with tiny pits a few diameters apart, laterally denser (10 µm / 2 −many). Scutum and scutellum shagreened, medially smoother to glossy, on disc with deep, round pits 1−2 diameters apart (10−20 µm / 0.5−4). Metanotum shagreened, with small pits 1−2 diameters apart. Mesepisternum shagreened, with shallow pits about 1−2 diameters apart (20−25 µm / 1.0− 2.5). Propodeum shagreened, with shallow pits; propodeal triangle matt, with horizontal part rugose. Metasomal terga matt, shagreened, with dense shallow punctures 2–3 diameters apart; T 1 slightly smoother than other terga and with sparser punctures. Coloration. Wing yellowish-brown fumigated, with yellowish-brown or dark brown veins and stigma. Clypeus yellow, with apical and lateral margins narrowly black. Fore tibia anteriorly, fore and middle tarsi and all spurs are yellow or brownish. Vestiture. Head and mesosoma with white or yellowish hairs. Metasomal terga on disc with white hairs short, thin, moderately dense; T 6 and T 7 fimbriae white, beige, or white with beige base. FEMALE. Body length 6.5−7.5 mm. Shape. Head transverse (0.77−0.8), as wide as mesosoma (Fig. 105). Pedicel as long as wide; F 1 elongate, 1.3 times F 2; F 2 and F 3 transverse, F 4 −F 8 as long as wide or little longer, F 9 1.4 times as long as wide. Clypeus with obtuse antero-lateral corners. Labral plate trapezoid, twice wider basally than long. Facial fovea straight, enlarged towards apex, wider than distance to eye. Genal area as wide as eye or slightly wider; on most of length wide, parallel-sided. Middle basitarsus 3-3.5 times as long as wide, parallel-sided, apically straight; TM 2 –TM 4 elongate, conical; TM 5 as long as TM 3 and TM 4 together. Hind basitarsus 4−4.5 times as long as wide, parallel-sided, apically angled; tarsomeres conical, TM 2 and TM 3 elongate, TM 4 as long as wide, TM 5 longer than TM 2. Metasomal terga with distinctly depressed marginal zone, on T 1 ca 1 / 4, T 2 −T 4 ca 1 / 2 discal length. Sculpture. Vertex shiny or matt, delicately shagreened, with deep, round pits (15−25 µm / 0.5 −1.0) merged, laterally sparser. Frons matt, shagreened, with round pits 1–1.5 diameters apart, laterally sparser. Paraocular area finely shagreened, on upper part with round pits about a pit diameter apart; below relatively smooth and punctured sparser. Genal area glossy, on upper part with deep pits 1–1.5 diameters apart, below 2.5 diameters apart. Supraclypeal area shiny, medially glossy, impunctate; on periphery slightly tessellate, with deep, round pits 1−3 diameters apart (at specimens from Tuva tessellate all over). Subantennal areas finely tessellate, with small pits (ca 15 µm) a few diameters apart. Clypeus glossy, basally finely tessellate, with large pits a few diameters apart, laterally denser (20−30 µm / 1−5); sometimes along apical margin widely impunctate. Scutum finely shagreened, on disc smoother to glossy, with deep, round pits about 1–2 diameters apart (15−25 µm / 0.5−4), on periphery smaller and dense to confluent. Scutellum delicately tessellate or glossy, on periphery shagreened; with pits 1−4 diameters apart. Metanotum matt, shagreened, with shallow pits about a pit diameter apart. Mesepisternum shiny, shagreened, with shallow pits (25–30 µm) 1–2 diameters apart. Propodeum shiny, shagreened, with shallow pits 1– 2 diameters apart; propodeal triangle matt, with horizontal part rugose. Metasomal terga shiny or matt, shagreened; with shallow punctures (3–5 µm) a few diameters apart. T 1 smoother than T 2 and T 3. Metasomal sterna shiny, tessellate, with tiny hair pores a few diameters apart. Coloration. Wing yellow or yellowish-brown fumigated; stigma and veins brown. Spurs yellow. Pygidial plate black or dark reddish with black apex. Vestiture. Pubescence white or yellowish. Metasomal terga laterally and along premarginal line with longer hairs; prepygidial and pygidial fimbriae beige. Sterna on posterior half with moderately dense, white hairs, apically and laterally longer; S 5 with marginal hair fimbria dense and yellowish. Remarks. Panurginus herzi has a wide distributional disjunction (Schwarz and Gusenleitner, 1997). : Published as part of Romankova, Tatiana G. & Astafurova, Yulia V., 2011, Bees of the genus Panurginus in Siberia, Far East of Russia, and Allied Areas (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae, Panurginae), pp. 1-35 in Zootaxa 3112 on pages 20-21, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.200649 : {"references": ["Morawitz, F. F. (1891) Hymenoptera Aculeata Rossica nova. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, (1892), 26 (1 / 2), 132 - 181.", "Friese, H. (1897) Monographie der Bienengattung Panurginus (Nyl.) (Palaearctische Formen). Mitteilungen Schweizerischen entomologischen Geselischaft, 10, 9 - 34.", "Richards, O. W. (1932) On species of Panurginus Nyl. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (Ser. 10), 9 (49), 84 - 91.", "Schwartz, M., Gusenleitner, F. (1997) Neue und ausgewahte Beinenarten fur Osterreichs Vorstudie zu einer Gesamtbearbeitung der Bienen Osterreichs (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Entomofauna, 18 (20), 301 - 372.", "Warncke, K. (1972) Westpalaarktische Bienen der Unterfamilie Panurginae (Hym., Apidae). Polskie pismo Entomologiczne (Bullletin Entomologique de Pologne), 42 (1), 53 - 108.", "Sidorov, D. (2010) Fauna and ecology of bees of family Andrenidae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in Kuznetsko-Salair Mountain Region. - Thesis, PhD. Barnaul, Altay State University. 24 pp. (In Russian)"]}