Munida irrasa A. Milne-Edwards 1880

Munida irrasa A. Milne­Edwards, 1880 ? Munida caribaea Stimpson, 1860: 244. Munida cariboea . — A. Milne­Edwards, 1880: 49. Munida irrasa A. Milne­Edwards, 1880: 49; Faxon, 1895: 73; Benedict, 1902: 310; Hay & Shore, 1918: 402, pl. 28, fig. 8; Chace, 1942: 46; Haig, 1956: 3; Springer & Bulli...

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Main Authors: De, Gustavo A. S., Melo-Filho
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2006
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Summary:Munida irrasa A. Milne­Edwards, 1880 ? Munida caribaea Stimpson, 1860: 244. Munida cariboea . — A. Milne­Edwards, 1880: 49. Munida irrasa A. Milne­Edwards, 1880: 49; Faxon, 1895: 73; Benedict, 1902: 310; Hay & Shore, 1918: 402, pl. 28, fig. 8; Chace, 1942: 46; Haig, 1956: 3; Springer & Bullis, 1956: 15; Bullis & Thompson, 1965: 9; Williams, 1965: 105; 1984: 234; Pequegnat & Pequegat, 1970: 132; Coelho & Ramos, 1972: 171; Scelzo, 1973: 163; Coelho, Ramos­Porto & Koening, 1980: 56, tab. 7; Wenner, 1982: 362; Lemaitre, 1984: 428, tab. 1; Abele & Kim, 1986: 35, figs. b–c, p. 402; Melo­Filho & Melo, 1992 a: 513; Melo­Filho, 1998: 395; Melo, 1999: 190, fig. 119, 120 a–d; Melo­Filho, 1999: 395, fig. 12; Melo­Filho & Melo 2001 a: 1187, fig. 7, 8; 2001 b: 1153, fig. 18, 19; 2001 c: 45. Munida caribaea . — A. Milne­Edwards & Bouvier, 1894: 256; 1897: 25, pl 1, figs. 16–20, pl. 2, fig. 1; Doflein & Balss, 1913: 172 [ non Munida caribaea Smith, 1881: 428; 1883: 40, pl. 3, fig. 11; 1884: 35; 1886: 643 (= Munida iris A. Milne­Edwards, 1880)]. Munida caribea . — Young, 1900: 403; Türkay, 1968: 249. Munida sculpta Benedict, 1902: 270, fig. 18; Chace, 1942: 44, figs. 19 a–b; Pequegnat & Pequegat, 1970: 136. Munida simplex. — Coelho & Ramos­Porto, 1980: 136; Coelho, Ramos­Porto & Koening, 1980: 56, tab. VII. Material examined Caribbean Sea: USS “Albatross”, 1 ex. (USNM 7798, unknown station, 1884, ovigerous female, holotype of M. sculpta Benedict); USS “Blake”, st. 192 (Dominica), 248 m, 4 ex. (MNHNGa 947, paralectotypes of M. irrasa ); est. 232 (St. Vincent), 158 m, 2 ex.(MCZ 4713, paralectotypes of M. irrasa ); est. 241 (Grenadines), 293 m, 1 ex. (MNHNGa 948, paralectotypes of M. irrasa ); est. 253 (Grenada), 166 m, 2 ex. (MCZ 4714,non ovigerous female lectotype of M. irrasa and ovigerous female paralectotype); est. 272 (Barbados), 137 m, 6 ex. (MCZ 3063, paralectotypes of M. irrasa ); est. 276 (Barbados), 169 m, 3 ex. (MCZ 2839, paralectotypes of M. irrasa ). Brazil: São Paulo — N.Oc. “Prof. W. Besnard”, st. 6671, 147 m, 49 ex (MZUSP 13218), 1 ex. (MZUSP 13228), 5 ex. (MZUSP 13230), 2 ex. (MZUSP 13235); st. 6665, 258 m, 5 ex. (MZUSP 13215), 3 ex. (MZUSP 13220), 2 ex. (MZUSP 13238), 1 ex. (MZUSP 13245), 6 ex. (MZUSP 13247); st. 6673, 133 m, 1 ex. (MZUSP 13200); st. 6676, 153 m, 3 ex. (MZUSP 13209), 2 ex. (MZUSP 13224); st. 6678, 99 m, 1 ex. (MZUSP 13203); st. 6681, 168 m, 8 ex. (MZUSP 13242), 40 ex. (MZUSP 13243); st. 6686, 380 m, 7 ex. (MZUSP 13207), 1 ex. (MZUSP 13249). Recognition characters Carapace with arched margins. Outer orbital spine followed by 6 or more lateral spines. With transverse row of epigastric spines. One parahepatic spine on each side of carapace. Branchial areas armed with 1 pair of spines on each side. Usually with 1 pair of postcervical spines on each side of carapace; but these spines may be lacking or be present in a larger number. Remainder of carapace unarmed. Supraocular spines short, reaching proximal margin of cornea. Abdominal tergites unarmed. Peduncle of antennule with inner terminal spine much longer than outer spine. Peduncle of antenna with segment 1 (basis) armed with 1 strong inner terminal spine, segment 2 armed with 1 inner terminal and 1 outer terminal spine and segment 3 armed with 1 inner terminal and 1 outer terminal spine; fourth segment with 1 outer terminal spinule. Third maxilliped with at least 3 spines on ventral (flexor) margin of merus. Sternum with armed margins. Distribution Western Atlantic: Carolinas, Gulf of Mexico (southeast and northeast coast), Bahamas, Cuba (north and south coast), Cay Sal Banks, Lesser Antilles (St. Croix, Dominica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Barbados, Grenadines, Grenada), Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil (Amapá, Pará, Maranhão, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul) and Uruguay (north of the Rio de la Plata); 38–468 meters depth. Remarks Stimpson (1860) briefly described M. caribaea based on material collected at Sombrero Island and Sandkey. The short description of Stimpson (1860), without illustrations, is insufficient to characterize the species. It is possible that M. irrasa is a junior synonym of M. caribaea , as considered by A. Milne­Edwards & Bouvier (1897). However, the description of Stimpson (1860) could refer equally to M. irrasa or to M. iris . Considering that the type­material was destroyed, Faxon (1895) suggested the suppression of the name M. caribaea . Subsequent authors (Benedict 1902; Chace 1942; Williams 1984) supported that suggestion. The status of M. caribaea is left unresolved at present until either a neotype is established or an application is made to the ICZN to suppress the name. Melo­Filho & Melo (1992 a) designated as the lectotype of M. irrasa , the ovigerous female from station 253 of USS "Blake" (MCZ 4714). Examination of the type material of M. sculpta Benedict proved that it is a junior synonym of M. irrasa . : Published as part of De, Gustavo A. S. & Melo-Filho, 2006, Reports on the results of the N. Oc. " Prof. W. Besnard " expeditions to the southern coast of Brazil under the Revizee Program: Chirostylidae and Galatheidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura), pp. 1-22 in Zootaxa 1238 on pages 11-12, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.172833 : {"references": ["Milne-Edwards, A. 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