Munidopsis WHITEAVES 1874

GENUS MUNIDOPSIS WHITEAVES, 1874 Remarks : The galatheid genus Munidopsis is one of the most speciose and widely distributed of all decapod genera. It is also the most commonly encountered galatheid genus at vent and seep sites (e.g. see Chevaldonné & Olu, 1996). A large number of publications m...

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Main Authors: Martin, Joel W., Haney, Todd A.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2005
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Summary:GENUS MUNIDOPSIS WHITEAVES, 1874 Remarks : The galatheid genus Munidopsis is one of the most speciose and widely distributed of all decapod genera. It is also the most commonly encountered galatheid genus at vent and seep sites (e.g. see Chevaldonné & Olu, 1996). A large number of publications mention the presence of this genus in the vicinity of vent or seep sites without further information or without identifying the taxa to species level [e.g. Van Dover et al. , 2001 (Indian Ocean); Bergquist et al. , 2003; MacDonald et al ., 2004 (Gulf of Mexico seeps); see also Chevaldonné & Olu, 1996]. Unpublished records from vent fields include specimens from dive T-452 ( Tiburon ) in the Escanaba Trough, south Gorda Ridge (J. Voight, pers. comm.). Baba & Poore (2002) reviewed the species of Munidopsis known from Australia. Species off Oregon and adjacent waters were reviewed by Ambler (1980). We assume, despite the fact that several species have been described from vents, that the species of Munidopsis are vagrants rather than endemics. The species Munidopsis granosicorium was described by Williams & Baba (1989), based on a specimen collected off the coast of Oregon. Although the species was described along with other species from vents, M. granosicorium itself is not known from vent or seep sites. Carey (1987) reviewed the distribution and ecology of 11 species in the abyssal plains adjacent to the Gorda Ridge; some of those species may be vagrants at vent fields. Munidposis sp. Because galatheids are so often encountered at vents and seeps, a large number of papers report the presence of ‘ Munidopsis sp. ’. These include the following reports, some of which mention collected specimens but without further identification or comment: Hecker (1985), Laubier, Ohta & Sibuet (1986), Mayer et al. (1988), MacDonald et al. , (1989), Embley et al. (1990), Galkin & Moskalev (1990a), Hashimoto, Fujikura & Hotta (1990), Hashimoto et al . (1995), Jollivet et al. (1990), Ohta (1990a), Van Dover & Hessler (1990), Kim & Ohta (1991), Galkin (1992), Sagalevich et al. (1992), Carney (1994), Hashimoto et al. (1995), Murton et al. (1995), Ohta et al. (1995), and probably many others. The genus is also known from observations and specimens from the Escanaba Trough, south Gorda Ridge, from dive T-452 (J. Voight, pers. comm.). Additionally, Barry et al. (1996) reported a species of the genus from the Monterey Canyon, and Hashimoto & Ohta (1999) report an unidentified species of Munidopsis from the DESMOS site of the Manus Basin. We have noted below those reports that can be reconciled with a known species; in most cases this is not possible. : Published as part of Martin, Joel W. & Haney, Todd A., 2005, Decapod crustaceans from hydrothermal vents and cold seeps: a review through 2005, pp. 445-522 in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 145 (4) on page 477, DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2005.00178.x, : {"references": ["Whiteaves JF. 1874. On the recent deep-sea dredging operations in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. American Journal of Science, series III 7: 210 - 219.", "Chevaldonne P, Olu K. 1996. Occurrence of anomuran crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda) in hydrothermal vent and cold-seep communities: a review. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 109 (2): 286 - 298.", "Van Dover CL, Jenkins CD, Turnipseed M. 2001 b. Corralling of larvae in the deep sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 81 (5): 823 - 826.", "Bergquist DC, Ward T, Cordes EE, McNelis T, Kosoff R, Hourdez S, Carney R, Fisher CR. 2003. Community structure of vestimentiferan-generated habitat islands from upper Louisiana slope cold seeps. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 289 (2): 197 - 222.", "MacDonald IR, Bohrmann G, Escobar E., Abegg F, Blanchon P, Blinova V, Bruckmann W, Drews M, Eisenhauer A, Han X, Heeschen K, Meier F, Mortera C, Naehr T, Orcutt B, Bernard B, Brooks J, de Farago M. 2004. Asphalt volcanisms and chemosynthetic life in the Campeche Knolls, Gulf of Mexico. Science 304: 999 - 1002.", "Baba K, Poore GCB. 2002. Munidopsis (Decapoda, Anomura) from southeastern Australia. Crustaceana 75 (3 - 4): 231 - 252.", "Ambler JW. 1980. Species of Munidopsis (Crustacea, Galatheidae) occurring off Oregon and in adjacent waters. Fishery Bulletin 78: 13 - 34.", "Williams AB, Baba K. 1989. New squat lobsters (Galatheidae) from the Pacific Ocean: Mariana Back Arc Basin, East Pacific Rise, and Cascadia Basin. Fishery Bulletin 87: 899 - 910.", "Hecker B. 1985. Fauna from a cold sulfur-seep in the Gulf of Mexico: a comparison with hydrothermal vent communities and evolutionary implications. Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington 6: 465 - 474.", "Laubier L, Ohta S, Sibuet M. 1986. Decouverte de communautes animales profondes durant la campagne francojaponaise KAIKO de plongees dans les fosses de subduction autour du Japon. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences de Paris, serie III 303: 25 - 29.", "Mayer LA, Shor AN, Hughes Clarke J, Piper DJW. 1988. Dense biological communities at 3850 m on the Laurentian Fan and their relationship to the deposits of the 1929 Grand Banks earthquake. Deep-Sea Research Part A - Oceanographic Research Papers 35 (8): 1235 - 1246.", "Embley RW, Eittreim SL, McHugh CH, Normark WR, Rau GH, Hecker B, Devoise AE, Greene HG, Ryan WBF, Harrold C, Baxter C. 1990. Geological setting of chemosynthetic communities in the Monterey Fan Valley system. Deep-Sea Research Part A - Oceanographic Research Papers 37 (11): 1651 - 1667.", "Galkin SV, Moskalev LI. 1990 a. Hydrothermal fauna of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Oceanology 30: 624 - 627.", "Hashimoto J, Fujikura K, Hotta H. 1990. Observations of deep sea biological communities at the Minami-Ensei knoll. JMSTCTR Deep-Sea Research 6: 167 - 179 [in Japanese with English summary].", "Hashimoto J, Ohta S, Fujikura K, Miura T. 1995. Microdistribution pattern and biogeography of the hydrothermal vent communities of the Minami-Ensei Knoll in the mid-Okinawa Trough, western Pacific. Deep-Sea Research Part I - Oceanographic Research Papers 42 (4): 577 - 598.", "Jollivet D, Faugeres JC, Griboulard R, Desbruyeres D, Blanc G. 1990. Composition and spatial organization of a cold seep community on the south Barbados Accretionary Prism: tectonic, geochemical and sedimentary context. Progress in Oceanography 24: 25 - 45.", "Ohta S. 1990 a. Deep-sea submersible survey of the hydrothermal vent community on the northeastern slope of the Iheya Ridge, the Okinawa Trough. JMSTCTR Deep-Sea Research 6: 145 - 156 [in Japanese with English summary].", "Van Dover CL, Hessler RR. 1990. Spatial variation in faunal composition of hydrothermal vent communities on the East Pacific Rise and Galapagos spreading center. In: McMurray GR, ed. Gorda Ridge: a seafloor spreading center in the United States' Exclusive Economic Zone. New York: Springer-Verlag, 253 - 264.", "Kim DS, Ohta S. 1991. Submersible observations and comparison of the biological communities of the two hydrothermal vents on the Iheya Ridge of the Mid-Okinawa Trough. JMSTCTR Deep-Sea Research 7: 221 - 233 [in Japanese with English summary].", "Galkin SV. 1992. Bottom fauna of the Manus Basin hydrothermal. Okeanologiya 32: 1101 - 1110 [in Russian].", "Sagalevich AM, Torokhov PV, Matveyenkov VV, Galkin SV, Moskalev LI. 1992. Hydrothermal manifestations at Piip submarine volcano, Bering Sea. International Geology Review 34: 1200 - 1209.", "Carney RS. 1994. Consideration of the oasis analogy for chemosynthetic communities at Gulf of Mexico hydrocarbon vents. Geo-Marine Letters 14: 149 - 159.", "Murton BJ, Van Dover CL, Southward E. 1995. Geological setting and ecology of the Broken Spur hydrothermal vent field: 29 \u00b0 10 ' N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. In: Parson LM Walker CL Dixon DR, eds. Hydrothermal vents and processes. London: Geological Society of London, 33 - 41.", "Ohta S, Kojima S, Yieh S-M, Hashimoto J. 1995. Search for the chemosynthetic ecosystem in the bathyal zone of Ensyunada. Report of the observations of the dive 771 of ' Shinkai 2000 '. JMSTCTR Deep-Sea Research 11: 219 - 225 [in Japanese with English summary].", "Barry JP, Greene HG, Orange DL, Baxter CH, Robison BH, Kochevar RE, Nybakken JW, Reed DL, McHugh CM. 1996. Biologic and geologic characteristics of cold seeps in Monterey Bay, California. Deep-Sea Research I - Oceanographic Research Papers 43: 1739 - 1762.", "Hashimoto J, Ohta S. 1999. Hydrothermal vent fields and vent-associated biological communities in the Manus Basin. SOPCA Cruise Report 148 (South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission), 18 pp."]}