Amaurosoma flavipes

Amaurosoma flavipes (Fallén, 1819) Cordylura flavipes Fallén, 1819: 9.? SYNTYPES: Sweden, ‘ad lacum Gyllebo, Scaniae [= at Gyllebo lake, Skåne], 9.vii.[1819]’ (probably MZLU) (cf. SCHINER 1864a: 11). Cleigastra frontalis Macquart, 1835: 387. SYNTYPES: J ♀, ‘Du nord de la France [= from no...

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Main Author: Šifner, František
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2008
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Summary:Amaurosoma flavipes (Fallén, 1819) Cordylura flavipes Fallén, 1819: 9.? SYNTYPES: Sweden, ‘ad lacum Gyllebo, Scaniae [= at Gyllebo lake, Skåne], 9.vii.[1819]’ (probably MZLU) (cf. SCHINER 1864a: 11). Cleigastra frontalis Macquart, 1835: 387. SYNTYPES: J ♀, ‘Du nord de la France [= from northern France]’ (depository unknown). Synonymized by BECKER (1894: 114). Cordylura trilineata Meigen, 1838: 341. HOLOTYPE: ♀, type locality not given (depository unknown). Synonymized by GORODKOV (1986: 18). Cordylura nigriventris Loew, 1864: 19, syn. nov. HOLOTYPE: ♀, Poland, ‘ Posen [= Poznań]’ (depository unknown). Note. All characters of C. nigriventris are within the limits of variability of A. flavipes , and I therefore suggest C. nigriventris as a junior synonym of A. flavipes . Amaurosoma kamtschatkense Hendel, 1930b: 9. HOLOTYPE: J, Russia, Far East, ‘ Kamtschatka [= Kamchatka], Klutschi [= Klyuchi], Malaise leg.’; red label: ‘ kamtschatkense Hend., No. 469’, det. Hendel (NHMW). Synonymized by ŠIFNER (1977b: 398). Amaurosoma multisetosum Hackman, 1956: 16. HOLOTYPE: J, Finland, ‘Helsinge [= Helsinki], R. Frey leg.’ (MZHF). Synonymized by ŠIFNER (1975: 220). New record. RUSSIA: FAR EAST, Kamtschatka [= Kamchatka], 2 ♀♀ (No. 358 and No. 595), without data, Malaise leg. (NHMW). Distribution. Austria (FRANZ 1989: 116); Belgium (DE JONG 2005); Czech Republic (ŠIFNER 2003a: 56); Denmark (DE JONG 2005); Estonia (ELBERG 1965: 349); Finland (HACKMAN 1980: 130); France (SÉGUY 1934: 679); Germany (PÜCHEL 1999: 186); Great Britain (CHANDLER 1998: 163); Hungary (DELY- DRASKOVITS 1981: 27, PAPP 2001a: 384); Latvia (DE JONG 2005); Lithuania (PAKALNIŠKIS et al. 2000: 45); Mongolia (ŠIFNER 1975: 220); Netherlands (DE JONG 2005); Norway (NELSON & GREVE 2002: 46); Poland (DRABER- MONKO 1991: 231); Russia – European Russia, Far East (HENDEL 1930b: 9, GORODKOV 1970: 451); Slovakia (ŠIFNER 2003a: 56); Switzerland (MERZ & BÄCHLI 1998: 311). : Published as part of Šifner, František, 2008, A catalogue of the Scathophagidae (Diptera) of the Palaearctic region, with notes on their taxonomy and faunistics, pp. 111-196 in Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 48 (1) on pages 152-153, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5342493 : {"references": ["FALLEN C. F. 1819: Scatomyzidae Sveciae. 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