Taxonomic significance of test morphology in the echinoid genera Diadema Gray, 1825 and Echinothrix Peters, 1853 (Echinodermata)

Coppard, Simon Edward, Campbell, Andrew C. (2006): Taxonomic significance of test morphology in the echinoid genera Diadema Gray, 1825 and Echinothrix Peters, 1853 (Echinodermata). Zoosystema 28 (1): 93-112, DOI: : {"references": ["AGASSIZ A. 1863...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Coppard, Simon Edward, Campbell, Andrew C.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2006
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Summary:Coppard, Simon Edward, Campbell, Andrew C. (2006): Taxonomic significance of test morphology in the echinoid genera Diadema Gray, 1825 and Echinothrix Peters, 1853 (Echinodermata). Zoosystema 28 (1): 93-112, DOI: : {"references": ["AGASSIZ A. 1863. - Synopsis of the echinoids collection on the Pacific exploring expedition. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 15: 352-360.", "AGASSIZ A. & CLARK H. L. 1908. - Hawaiian and other Pacific Echini. The Saleniidae, Arbaciiadae, Aspidodiadematoidae and Diadematidae. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard 34: 43-132.", "BAKER A. N. 1967. - Two new echinoids from northern New Zealand, including a new species of Diadema. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Zoology 8 (23): 239-245.", "BIRKELAND C. 1989. - The influence of echinoderms on coral-reef communities, in JANGOUX M. & LAW- RENCE J. M. (eds), Echinoderm Studies. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, The Netherlands: 1-79.", "BRIDGE P. 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