Dignomia munsterii (Brachiopoda, Lingulata) from the Ordovician of Bolivia, with redescription of the genus

Emig, Christian C., Herrera, Zarela (2006): Dignomia munsterii (Brachiopoda, Lingulata) from the Ordovician of Bolivia, with redescription of the genus. Geodiversitas 28 (2): 227-237, DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5375724 : {"references": ["(CG2002_A01_CCE ): 1-9, 3 figs, 2 tabls...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Emig, Christian C., Herrera, Zarela
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2006
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5375724
Summary:Emig, Christian C., Herrera, Zarela (2006): Dignomia munsterii (Brachiopoda, Lingulata) from the Ordovician of Bolivia, with redescription of the genus. Geodiversitas 28 (2): 227-237, DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5375724 : {"references": ["(CG2002_A01_CCE ): 1-9, 3 figs, 2 tabls. ogy, Part H: Brachiopoda Revised. Geological Society", "EMIG C. C. 2003. - Proof that Lingula (Brachiopoda) of America, Boulder; University of Kansas Press, is not a living-fossil, and emended diagnoses of the Lawrence, vol. 2: 32-95. family Lingulidae. Carnets de Geologie/Notebooks on KAYSER E. 1897. - Beitrage zur Kenntniss einiger palao- Geology Letter 2003/01 (CG2003_L01_CCE): 1-8, zoischer Faunen Sud-Amerikas. Zeitschrift der deutscher 7 figs, 1 tabl. Geologische Gesellschaft 1897: 274-317, 12 pls.", "EMIG C. C. & BITNER M. A. 2005a. - Glottidia (Bra- MARTINEZ C., SUAREZ R. & SUBIETA T. 1971. - La chiopoda: Lingulidae) from the Eocene La Meseta Cadena Hercinica en la parte septentrional de la Cor- Formation, Seymour Island, Antarctica.Palaeontology dillera Oriental de los Andes Bolivianos. Boletin del 48 (2): 423-431. Servicio Geologico de Bolivia, La Paz 15: 26-35.", "EMIG C. C. & BITNER M. A. 2005b. - The brachio- PAREJA J. L. & BALLON R. A. (compil.) 1978. - Mapa gepod Lingula in the Middle Miocene of the Central ologico de Bolivia 1:1 000 000. Yacimientos petroliferos Paratethys.Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 50 (1): 181- fiscales bolivianos; Servicio geologico de Bolivia, La 184. Paz, 1 map + 27 p.", "GAGNIER P.-Y. 1987. - Sacabambaspsis janvieri, un RITCHIE A. & GILBERT- TOMLINSON J. 1977. - First heterostraco del Ordovicico superior de Bolivia. IV Ordovician vertebrates from the Southern Hemisphere. Congresso Latinoamericano de Paleontologia (Santa Cruz Alcheringa 1: 351-368. de la Sierra, Bolivia, 1987), Memorias 2: 665-677. RODRIGO DE WALKER G. & TORO M. 1987. - Icno-", "GAGNIER P.-Y., BLIECK A. R. M. & RODRIGO G. 1986. - facies de la Formacion Anzaldo (Ordovicico) en las First Ordovician vertebrate from South America. regiones de Santivanez, Cuchupunata, y Sacabamba, Geobios 19: 629-634. Departamento de Cochabamba. Acta del IV Con-", "GAGNIER P.-Y., BLIECK A., EMIG C. C., SEMPERE T., greso Latinoamericano de Paleontologia (Bolivia) 2: VACHARD D. & VANGUESTAINE M. 1996. - New 647-664. paleontological and geological data on the Ordovi- ROWELL A. J. 1965. - Inarticulata, in MOORE R. C. cian and Silurian of Bolivia. Journal of South America (ed.), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part H: Earth Sciences 9 (5/6): 329-347. Brachiopoda. Geological Society of America, Boul-", "HALL J. 1863. - Description of a new species of Bra- der; University of Kansas Press, Lawrence, vol. 1: chiopoda, from the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, 260-296. and Chemung groups.Annual Report of the New York STEINMANN G. & HOEK H. 1912. - Das Silur und State Cabinet of Natural History 16: 19-37. Kambrium des Hochlandes von Bolivia und ihre", "HALL J. 1871. - Notes on some new or imperfectly Fauna. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie, Mineralogie und known forms among the Brachiopoda, etc. Annual Palaontologie 34: 176-252. Report of the New York State Cabinet of Natural His- SUAREZ- SORUCO R. 1976. - El sistema Ordovicico tory 23: 244-247, pl. 13. en Bolivia. Revista tecnica de Yacimientos Petroliferos", "HOARE R. D. & STELLER D. L. 1969. - Inarticulate Fiscales Bolivianos 5 (2): 111-223. brachiopods of the Silica Formation (Devonian), Ohio TORO M., BIRHUET R. & OSINAGA D. 1994. - La and Michigan. Contributions of the Museum of Paleon- fauna de la seccion basal de la Formacion Anzaldotology, University of Michigan 22 (20): 263-272. Llanvirniano en la region de Llavini, Departamento", "HOLMER L. E. & POPOV L. E. 2000. - Lingulida, in de Cochabamba. Memorias del XI Congreso Geologico KAESLER R. L. (ed.), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontol- de Bolivia, Santa Cruz de la Sierra: 293-298."]}