Quaternary and Recent shells of Ocenebra erinaceus (Linnaeus, 1758) and O. brevirobusta Houart, 2000 (Mollusca, Muricidae, Ocenebrinae): reflections on the intra- and interspecific variations

Berrou, Véronique, Merle, Didier, Dommergues, Jean-Louis, Crônier, Catherine, Néraudeau, Didier (2004): Quaternary and Recent shells of Ocenebra erinaceus (Linnaeus, 1758) and O. brevirobusta Houart, 2000 (Mollusca, Muricidae, Ocenebrinae): reflections on the intra- and interspecific variations. Geo...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Berrou, Véronique, Merle, Didier, Dommergues, Jean-Louis, Crônier, Catherine, Néraudeau, Didier
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2004
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5371305
Summary:Berrou, Véronique, Merle, Didier, Dommergues, Jean-Louis, Crônier, Catherine, Néraudeau, Didier (2004): Quaternary and Recent shells of Ocenebra erinaceus (Linnaeus, 1758) and O. brevirobusta Houart, 2000 (Mollusca, Muricidae, Ocenebrinae): reflections on the intra- and interspecific variations. Geodiversitas 26 (2): 263-295, DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5371306 : {"references": ["ALLMON W. D. 1994. - Patterns and process of the heterochrony in lower Tertiary Turritelline gastropods. U. S. Gulf and Atlantic coastal plains. Journal of Paleontology 68: 80-95.", "AMANO K. & VERMEIJ J. G. 1998. - Taxonomy and evolution of the genus Ocinebrellus (Gastropoda: Muricidae) in Japan. Paleontological Research 2: 199-212.", "BALUK V. 1995. - Middle Miocene (Badenian) gastropods from Korytnica, Poland. Part II. 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