Polietes Rondani 1866

Genus Polietes Rondani, 1866 Polietes Rondani, 1866: 91. Type-species: Musca lardaria Fabricius, 1781, by original designation. Polietes domitor (Harris, 1780) Musca domitor Harris, 1780: 148, plate 43 fig. 71. Type-locality: not stated (South-east England). Type-series lost (Pont & Michelsen, 1...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Sorokina, Vera S., Pont, Adrian C.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2010
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5312010
Summary:Genus Polietes Rondani, 1866 Polietes Rondani, 1866: 91. Type-species: Musca lardaria Fabricius, 1781, by original designation. Polietes domitor (Harris, 1780) Musca domitor Harris, 1780: 148, plate 43 fig. 71. Type-locality: not stated (South-east England). Type-series lost (Pont & Michelsen, 1982: 33). Musca albolineata Fallén, 1823a: 54. Type-locality: Sweden, Skåne, Äsperöd. Lectotype ♂, NHRS (designated by Pont, 1984b: 280). Siberian records: Urals (Zimin & El’berg, 1970: 587); Urals, Zlatoust (Stein, 1916: 20); Yamalo-Nenezkiy AO: Labytnangi, Muzhi (Gagarin & Veselkin, 1987: 215); Sverdlovskaya Oblast’: Serov, Krasnoufimsk, Talizy, Verkhovino (Zagrebin, 1987a: 232); Kurganskaya and Novosibirskaya Oblast’ (Sorokina, 2006a: 226); Respublika Altay (Sorokina, 2006b: 139); Yakutskaya Oblast’ (Hennig, 1963c: 911); North Respublika Sakha [Yakutiya]: Verchoyansk, Bagatay (Sychevskaya, 1972: 150); West and East Siberia (Pont, 1986a: 86). General distribution: Palaearctic Region, from Europe east to Japan. Polietes hirticrus Meade, 1887 Polietes hirticrus Meade, 1887: 179. Type-locality: United Kingdom, England, North Yorkshire, Bolton Abbey. Holotype ♂, BMNH (Pont, 1984a: 12). Siberian records: North Respublika Sakha [Yakutiya]: Verchoyansk, Bagatay (Sychevskaya, 1972: 150, 152); West and East Siberia (Pont, 1986a: 86). General distribution: Holarctic Region; in the Palaearctic, from the United Kingdom, Russia (West and East Siberia), Mongolia and China. Polietes lardarius (Fabricius, 1781) Musca lardaria Fabricius, 1781: 436. Type-locality: Germany. Holotype / syntypes,?sex, destroyed, formerly in ZMUC, Fabricius collection (Michelsen, 1979: 185). Siberian records: Urals (Hennig, 1963d: 913); Novosibirskaya Oblast’ (Sorokina, 2006a: 226); near Biysk and Altay Mts (Sychevskaya, 1978: 83); Respublika Altay (Sorokina, 2006b: 139); valley of River Yenisey, taiga: Krasnoyarsk, Yeniseysk (Sychevskaya, 1974: 130); West and East Siberia (Pont, 1986a: 86). General distribution: Palaearctic Region, from Europe east to China; also St Helena Island (Atlantic Ocean). Polietes nigrolimbatus (Bonsdorff, 1866) Aricia nigrolimbata Bonsdorff, 1866: 172. Type-locality: Finland, Kuopio, Tuovilanlahti. Syntypes ♂ ♀, MZH (Stein, 1916: 20). Siberian records: South Urals (Hennig, 1963d: 914; Zimin & El’berg, 1970: 587; Pont, 1986a: 86); Sverdlovskaya Oblast’: Serov, Krasnoufimsk, Talizy, Verkhovino (Zagrebin, 1987a: 232); near Biysk and Altay Mts (Sychevskaya, 1978: 84); Respublika Altay (Sorokina, 2006b: 139); valley of River Yenisey, taiga: Krasnoyarsk, Yeniseysk (Sychevskaya, 1974: 130); South Respublika Sakha [Yakutiya]: Tommot (Sychevskaya, 1972: 150); West and East Siberia (Pont, 1986a: 86). General distribution: Palaearctic Region, from north Europe east to Japan. : Published as part of Sorokina, Vera S. & Pont, Adrian C., 2010, An annotated catalogue of the Muscidae (Diptera) of Siberia 2597, pp. 1-87 in Zootaxa 2597 (1) on pages 30-31, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.2597.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/5318926 : {"references": ["Rondani, C. (1866) Anthomyinae Italicae collectae distinctae et in ordinem dispositae [a prof. Camillo Rondani]. Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienza Naturali, 9, 68 - 217.", "Fabricius, J. C. 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