Podocoryna carnea M. Sars 1846

Podocoryna carnea M. Sars, 1846 Fig. 8 Podocoryna carnea M. Sars, 1846: 4, pl. 1, figs. 7–18 [not pl. 2, figs. 5–11 = Podocoryna sarsii Steenstrup, in Lütken, 1850]. Hydractinia echinata .— Lovén, 1858: 305, pl. 4, figs. 1–15 [not Hydractinia echinata (Fleming, 1828)]. Podocoryne carnea .— Segersted...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Calder, Dale R.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2012
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5248503
Summary:Podocoryna carnea M. Sars, 1846 Fig. 8 Podocoryna carnea M. Sars, 1846: 4, pl. 1, figs. 7–18 [not pl. 2, figs. 5–11 = Podocoryna sarsii Steenstrup, in Lütken, 1850]. Hydractinia echinata .— Lovén, 1858: 305, pl. 4, figs. 1–15 [not Hydractinia echinata (Fleming, 1828)]. Podocoryne carnea .— Segerstedt, 1889: 6, 23.— Lönnberg, 1898: 51; 1899b: 17.— Jäderholm, 1909: 50, pl. 3, figs.1–3.— Rees & Rowe, 1969: 8 [incorrect subsequent spelling of Podocoryna M. Sars, 1846]. Podocoryne inermis .— Lönnberg, 1903: 60 [incorrect subsequent spelling of Podocoryna M. Sars, 1846]. Hydractinia carnea .— Jägerskiöld, 1971: 62. Type locality. Norway: Floröe and Manger (M. Sars 1846: 4). Museum material. Tjärnö tidal flat, 58°52’26”N, 11°08’46”E, <1 m, 09.ix.2010, collected manually, one small colony, on shell of prosobranch gastropod, without gonophores, coll. John Taylor and Emily Glover, ROMIZ B3935. Remarks. The biology and distribution of Podocoryna carnea M. Sars, 1846 have been reviewed by Edwards (1972) and Schuchert (2008a). Reports of this species outside northwestern Europe are now considered erroneous. Classification of Hydractiniidae at the generic level remains unsettled. For reasons given elsewhere (Calder 2010), Podocoryna M. Sars, 1846, sometimes included in the synonymy of Hydractinia Van Beneden, 1844a, is recognized here as a distinct genus pending further study. The hydroid Podocoryna carnea is common in waters of Denmark (Kramp 1935b, as Hydractinia carnea ), the west coast of Sweden (Jägerskiöld 1971: 62, as H. carnea ), and the Oslofjord, Norway (Christiansen 1972). Colonies become dormant or largely dormant in the region during winter (Kramp 1935b; Christiansen 1972). Reported distribution. West coast of Sweden.—From Koster area (Jägerskiöld 1971) to the Öresund (Lönnberg 1898). Elsewhere.—Northern Europe, from Norway to the British Isles (Schuchert 2008a). FIGURE 10. Bougainvillia muscus : part of colony with monosiphonic hydrocaulus, one hydranth and two medusa buds, ROMIZ B3893. Scale equals 0.5 mm. : Published as part of Calder, Dale R., 2012, On a collection of hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Hydroidolina) from the west coast of Sweden, with a checklist of species from the region 3171, pp. 1-77 in Zootaxa 3171 (1) on pages 11-12, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3171.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/5247704 : {"references": ["Sars, M. (1846) Fauna littoralis Norvegiae oder Beschreibung und Abbildungen neuer oder wenig bekannten Seethiere, nebst Beobachtungen uber die Organisation, Lebensweise und Entwickelung derselben. Heft I. Johann Dahl, Christiania, 94 pp.", "Lutken, C. (1850) Nogle Bemaerkninger om Medusernes systematiske Inddeling, navnlig med Hensyn til Forbes's History of brittish naked-eyed medusae. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i Kjobenhavn, 1850, 15 - 35.", "Loven, S. (1858) Till utvecklingen af Hydractinia. 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