Tryphosa nana

Tryphosa nana (Krøyer, 1846a) (Fig. 23) Anonyx nanus Krøyer, 1846a: 30.― Krøyer, 1846b: pl. 17 fig. 2a–t.― Bruzelius, 1859: 42.― Bate, 1862: 78, pl. 12 fig. 2. ― Lilljeborg, 1865a: 18.― Lilljeborg, 1865b: 28.― Heller, 1866: 24.&ho...

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Main Authors: Kilgallen, N. M., Lowry, J. K.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2014
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Summary:Tryphosa nana (Krøyer, 1846a) (Fig. 23) Anonyx nanus Krøyer, 1846a: 30.― Krøyer, 1846b: pl. 17 fig. 2a–t.― Bruzelius, 1859: 42.― Bate, 1862: 78, pl. 12 fig. 2. ― Lilljeborg, 1865a: 18.― Lilljeborg, 1865b: 28.― Heller, 1866: 24.― Norman, 1869: 274.― Stalio, 1877: 243.― Graeffe, 1880: 48.― Stossich, 1880: 71.― Nebeski, 1881: 34.― Krapp-Schickel, 1974: 321, 338. Tryphosa nanus .― Boeck, 1871: 118.― Boeck, 1876: 181. Tryphosa ciliata Sars, 1883: 81, pl. 3 fig. 4.― Chevreux, 1887: 295, 331.― Walker, 1888: 172, pl. 13 figs 1–4.― Walker, 1889: 77.― Walker, 1892: 241. Tryphosa nana .― Chevreux, 1888: 3.― Meinert, 1890: 155.― Bonnier, 1893: 191, 196, pl.7.― Norman, 1900: 203.― Scott, 1901.― Christodoulou, Paraskevopoulou, Syranidou & Koukouras, 2013: 1312, table 2. Tryphosa höringii .― Walker, 1889: 77. Orchomenella ciliata .― Sars, 1891: 69, pl. 25 fig. 2.― Robertson, 1892: 204.― Sars, 1895: 683.― Walker, 1895a: 420. ― Walker, 1895b: 292. Anonyx pinguis .― Della Valle, 1893: 821, pl. 28 figs 22–35. Orchomenella nana .― Chevreux, 1898: 476.― Walker, 1898: 166.― Walker, 1904: 244.― Stephensen, 1923: 12.―Chevreux, 1925: 288.― Chevreux & Fage, 1925: 71, fig. 62.― Stephensen, 1929: 60.―Marine Biological Association of the UK, 1931: 188.― Stephensen, 1932: 357.― Stephensen, 1935: 104 (key).― Crawford, 1937: 644.― Moore, 1937: 117. ― Schellenberg, 1942: 108.― Stephensen, 1942: 474.― Gorbunov, 1946: 43.― Jones, 1948: 404.― Enequist, 1949: 387, 400.― Reid, 1951: 195.―J.L. Barnard, 1958: 97.― Oldevig, 1959: 22.― Duhig, 1960: 64.― Agrawal, 1963: 632, pl. 3. ― Gurjanova, 1964: 279.―Toulmond, 1964: 321.― Toulmond & Truchot, 1964: 7.― Agrawal, 1966: 459, pl. 5.― Nayar, 1966: 135.― O'Riordan, 1969: 32.― Bellan-Santini & Ledoyer, 1973: 920.― Laverack & Blackler, 1974: 81.― Drago & Albertelli, 1978: 212.― Myers & Southgate, 1980: 975.― Walker & Rees, 1980: 56.― Macquart-Moulin, 1984: 185. ― Diviacco & Ruffo, 1989: 525, fig. 359 (in part).— Dauvin & Sorbe, 1995: 443, 447, 449, 456, tables 4, 5.— Stefanidou & Voultsiadou-Koukoura, 1995: 602, table 1.— Cartes & Sorbe, 1999: 1138, table 1, 1134, table 4.— Bakir & Çevirgen, 2010: 83, table 1. Orchomenella nanus .― Stebbing, 1906: 81.― Tattersall, 1913: 4.― Schellenberg, 1925: 118. Orchomene nana .―J.L. Barnard, 1964: 89 (key).― Karaman, 1973: 133, figs 14–18 (in part).― Krapp-Schickel, 1974: 321, 338.― Kitching et al , 1976: 756.― Lincoln, 1979: 70, figs 25a–g, 26e–h.― O'Riordan, 1982: 551.― Moore, 1984: 35. ― Parker, 1984: 122.― Bellan-Santini, 1985: 275.― Marques & Bellan-Santini, 1985: 323, 349.― Holmes, 1986: 37. ― Costello et al , 1989: 34.― Kaartvedt, 1989: 189, table 3, 191, table 5.― Dauvin & Gentil, 1990: 126, 128.― Buhl-Jensen & Fosså, 1991: 248.― Hamerlynck & Mees, 1991: 208. table 2.― Mees & Hamerlynck, 1992: 360, table 2.― Cattrijsse, Mees & Hamerlynck, 1993: 191, table 1.― Marques & Bellan-Santini, 1993: 557, table 2, 559, table 3, 560, table 4, 561, table 5.― Dauvin et al , 1994: 550, table 3.― Dauvin & Zouhiri, 1996: 914, table 3, 916, table 5, 921, table 6.― Conradi & Lopez-Gónzález, 1999: 6, table 1. Orchomene nanus .― Barnard & Karaman, 1991: 509.― Conlan, 1994: 520 not Tryphosa nana .― Sars, 1891: 76, pl. 27 fig. 1 (= Tryphosella sarsi ).― Sars, 1895: 684 (= Tryphosella sarsi ).―Walker, 1895a: 422 (= Tryphosella sarsi ).― Walker, 1895b: 294 (= Tryphosella sarsi ). not Tryphosa nanus .― Robertson, 1892: 205 (?= Tryphosella sarsi ). not Orchomene nana .― Karaman, 1973: 133, figs 14–18 (in part = Orchomenella crenata Chevreux & Fage, 1925 according to Kilgallen et al . 2006). not Orchomenella nana .― Ledoyer, 1977: 384 (= Orchomenella crenata Chevreux & Fage, 1925 according to Kilgallen et al . 2006).― Diviacco & Ruffo, 1989: 525, fig. 359 (in part = Orchomenella crenata Chevreux & Fage, 1925 according to Kilgallen et al . 2006). Types. According to Dr Jørgen Olesen (ZMUC) there are two sets of material (ZMUC CRU-7476?type and ZMUC CRU-7487 syntype) which might be considered as original material. Material examined. 23 specimens & 1 slide (female, 5.5 mm), SMNH N. Amph. 6904, from Gåsörännan, Sweden, 30–40 m; 8 specimens, AM P.11222, from Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom (50°24'N 4°7'W), coll. A.A. Cameron. Type locality. The Kattegat. Habitat. Sand, mud and shelly debris. Feeding strategies. Often found ‘stripping bait in lobster pots’ (O’Riordan 1982) on carcasses of dead crabs (Norman 1900, Moore 1984), also in Echinocardium tests (Laverack & Blackler 1974). Depth range. 0–250 m (Lincoln 1979). Distribution. Tryphosa nana is widely recorded and locally very common along the Atlantic coasts of Europe and the North Sea, from Sweden and southern Norway to Spain (Chevreux & Fage 1925); also reported from Senegal (Schellenberg 1925) and Guinea (Reid 1951). It is also recorded from the Adriatic Sea (Heller 1866, Karaman 1973), Aegean Sea (Bellan-Santini 1985, Christodoulou et al . 2013) and Mediterranean Sea (Bellan- Santini & Ledoyer 1973). : Published as part of Kilgallen, N. M. & Lowry, J. K., 2014, The Tryphosa group (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea: Lysianassidae: Tryphosinae), pp. 501-545 in Zootaxa 3768 (5) on pages 537-539, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3768.5.1, : {"references": ["Kroyer, H. (1846 a) Karcinologiske Bidrag (Fortsaettelse). Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift, 2, 1 - 211, pls 1, 2. [not seen]", "Kroyer, H. (1846 b) Atlas voyages de la commission scientifique du nord; en Scandinavie, en Laponie, au Spitzberg et aux Fero, pendant les annees 1838 - 1840, sur la corvette la Recherche, commandee par M. Fabvre, pls 10 - 11, 13 - 20, 22 - 23. Paris: M. Paul Gaimard. [not seen]", "Bruzelius, R. M. (1859) Bidrag till kannedomen om Skandinaviens Amphipoda Gammaridea. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, Series 2, 3, 1 - 104, pls 101 - 104. [not seen]", "Bate, C. S. (1862) Catalogue of the specimens of amphipodous Crustacea in the collection of the British Museum, iv + 399 pp., pls 1 - 58. London: British Museum of Natural History.", "Lilljeborg, W. 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