Teretrura Bigot

Genus Teretrura Bigot Teretrura Bigot, 1885: clxv. Type species: Teretrura flaveola Bigot, 1885: clxv (monotypy). References: Hendel, 1913: 78 (key), 79-81 (redescription); Hendel, 1914: 170 (list); Bezzi, 1929: 2 (list); Hendel, 1934: 142 (key); Malloch, 1933: 248 (redescription), 249 (key); Curran...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: González, Christian R., Mello, Ramon Luciano, Elgueta, Mario
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2021
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5007618
Summary:Genus Teretrura Bigot Teretrura Bigot, 1885: clxv. Type species: Teretrura flaveola Bigot, 1885: clxv (monotypy). References: Hendel, 1913: 78 (key), 79-81 (redescription); Hendel, 1914: 170 (list); Bezzi, 1929: 2 (list); Hendel, 1934: 142 (key); Malloch, 1933: 248 (redescription), 249 (key); Curran, 1934: 270 (key); Enderlein, 1942: 101 (key); Stuardo, 1946: 131 (catalogue); Aczél, 1956a: 168-169 (comments), 171 (comments), 173 (comments), 181 (list); Aczél, 1956b: 8 (comments), 9 (comments, key), 12 (list); Hennig, 1958: 580 (comments); Steyskal, 1967: 5 (catalogue); McAlpine, 1990: 367 (morphology); Sabrosky, 1999: 28 (list), 302 (catalogue); Evenhuis & Pont, 2004: 57 (list); Korneyev, 2004: 22 (comments); Hernández-Ortiz, 2010: 957 (classification); Mello et al., 2010: 45 (comments); Mello & Lamas, 2014: 1 (comments); Mello, 2014: 500 (comments). : Published as part of González, Christian R., Mello, Ramon Luciano & Elgueta, Mario, 2021, Catalogue of Pyrgotidae (Diptera: Tephritoidea) from Chile, pp. 1-3 in Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 61 on page 2, DOI: 10.11606/1807-0205/2021.61.12, http://zenodo.org/record/5007611 : {"references": ["Bigot, J. M. F. 1885. [Diagnoses de deux genres nouveaux de dipteres appartenant a la famille des Ortalidae]. Bulletin Bimensuel de la Societe Entomologique de France, 1885 (18): clxv-clxvi.", "Hendel, F. 1913. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Pyrgotinen. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, 79 (9 - 12): 77 - 117.", "Hendel, F. 1914. Diptera, Familien Muscaridae, subfamilien Pyrgotinae In: Wytsman P. (Ed.). Genera Insectorum. Bruxelles. Fascicle 157, p. 1 - 179.", "Bezzi, M. 1929. Australian Pyrgotidae (Diptera). With an Appendix by J. R. Malloch. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 54: 1 - 20.", "Hendel, F. 1934. Ubersicht uber die Gattungen der Pyrgotiden, nebst Beschreibung neuer Gattungen und Arten. Encyclopedie Entomologique, Diptera, 7: 141 - 156.", "Malloch, J. R. 1933. Acalyptrata (Helomyzidae, Trypetidae, Sciomyzidae, Sapromyzidae, etc.). Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. London, The British Museum (Natural History). Part 6, Fascicle 4, 248 - 254, Plates I-VII", "Curran, C. H. 1934. Family Pyrgotidae. In: The families and genera of North American Diptera. New York, The Ballou Press. p. 268 - 270.", "Enderlein, G. 1942. Klassifikation der Pyrgotiden. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde, 2: 98 - 134.", "Stuardo, C. 1946. Catalogo de los dipteros de Chile. Santiago del Chile, Ministerio de Agricultura, Impresiones Universitaria. 250 p.", "Aczel, M. 1956 a. Revision partial de las Pyrgotidae neotropicales y antarticas con sinopsisde los generos y especies (Diptera, Acalyptratae). Parte I. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 4: 161 - 184.", "Aczel, M. 1956 b. Revision partial de las Pyrgotidae neotropicales y antarticas con sinopsis de los generos y especies (Diptera, Acalyptratae). Parte II. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 5: 1 - 70.", "Hennig, W. 1958. Die Familien der Diptera Schizophora und ihre phylogenetischen Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen. Beitrage zur Entomologie, 8 (5 / 6): 505 - 688.", "Steyskal, G. C. 1967. 56. Family Pyrgotidae. In: Papavero, N. (Ed.). A catalogue of the Diptera of the America South of the United States. Sao Paulo, Secreta da Agricultura, Departamento de Zoologia. p. 1 - 8.", "McAlpine, D. K. 1990. The taxonomic position of the Ctenostylidae (= Lochmostylinae; Diptera: Schizophora). MemOrias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 84 (Suppl. 4): 365 - 371, 1989.", "Sabrosky, C. W. 1999. Family-group names in Diptera. An annotated catalog. Myia, 10: 1 - 360.", "Evenhuis, N. L. & Pont, A. C. 2004. The Diptera genera of Jacques-Marie- Frangile Bigot. Zootaxa, 751: 1 - 94.", "Korneyev, V. 2004. Genera of Palaearctic Pyrgotidae (Diptera, Acalyptrata), with nomenclatural notes and a key. Vestnik Zoologii, 38: 19 - 46.", "Hernandez-Ortiz, V. 2010. Pyrgotidae (Pyrgotidflies). In: Brown, B. V.; Borkent, A.; Cumming, J. M.; Wood, D. M.; Woodley, N. E. & Zumbado, M. A. (Eds.). Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 2. Ottawa, National Research Council Press. p. 955 - 961.", "Mello, R. L.; Lamas, C. J. E. & Rafael, J. A. 2010. Revision of the Neotropical genus Carrerapyrgota Aczel (Diptera, Pyrgotidae) with the description of two new species. Zootaxa, 2515: 45 - 64.", "Mello, R. L. & Lamas, C. J. E. 2014. Review of the genera Stenopyrgota Malloch and Tropidothrinax Enderlein (Diptera, Pyrgotidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 58: 1 - 6. DOI"]}