Lohmannella gaussi Lohmann 1907

Lohmannella gaussi Lohmann, 1907 Diagnosis. Two corneae present. Glp-1 same level as Ds-1. Ds-2 on OC or margin of OC. Ds-3 on PD. Two dorsal setae on PE. Female with 18–24 Pgs and 8 Sgs. Male with 54–62 Pgs and 8 Sgs. Tr I–IV with 1-1-1-1 setae; Bf I–IV with 3-3-3-3 setae; Tf I–IV with (9–11)-9-(5,...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Abé, Hiroshi
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2021
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4984956
Summary:Lohmannella gaussi Lohmann, 1907 Diagnosis. Two corneae present. Glp-1 same level as Ds-1. Ds-2 on OC or margin of OC. Ds-3 on PD. Two dorsal setae on PE. Female with 18–24 Pgs and 8 Sgs. Male with 54–62 Pgs and 8 Sgs. Tr I–IV with 1-1-1-1 setae; Bf I–IV with 3-3-3-3 setae; Tf I–IV with (9–11)-9-(5,6)-(4,5) setae; Gn I–IV with 8-7-4-4 setae, 4-(3,4)-(0,1)-(1,2) Bp setae; Tb I–IV with (13,14)-(12,13)-(10,11)-10 setae, 7-6-6-5 Bp setae; Ta I–IV with 3-3-4-3 dorsal setae, 2- 2-4-(2,3) Bp setae. Lc I with unidentate accessory process. Idiosoma length 430–568 in female, 407–596 in male, 313–365 in DN. Idiosoma width 343 (idiosoma length 471) in female. Gnathosoma length 380–460 (387 in idiosoma length 471 female) in adults. Ratio of gnathosoma to idiosoma 0.82–0.91. Ratio of P-2 to P-1 5.00. Remarks. This species is identified on the basis of widened AE, slender gnathosoma and legs, V-shaped porose costae on PD as in L. antarctica , Ds-1 medial to Glp-1, and Ds-2 on OC. Female, male, and DN are known. Nontype specimen is deposited in the Viets Collection (No.5604) in ZIZMH. L. humerosa Newell, 1984 is synonymized with this species (Bartsch 1993b). Habitat. Sublittoral–Bathyal zones: Soft sandy deposit at a depth of 95–385 m. Distribution. South Atlantic Ocean: South Sandwich Is. [UK]. Indian Ocean: Marion and Crozet Is. [France]. Antarctic Ocean: Gauss Station, Wilhelm II land, Western Weddell Sea (Kapp Norvegia) [Antarctica]. References. André (1933), Bartsch (1977b, 1979b, 1983, 1993b, 2016), Chatterjee & Sarma (1991), Dalenius (1965), Gimbel (1919), Gressitt (1967), Lohmann (1907a, 1907b), Newell (1967, 1984), Trouessart (1907), Viets (1927a, 1931, 1940, 1950a). Depository. MNHUB, ZIZMH. : Published as part of Abé, Hiroshi, 2021, Taxonomic review of the subfamily Lohmannellinae (Acari: Trombidiformes Halacaridae) with morphological comparisons among genera, pp. 201-255 in Zootaxa 4980 (2) on page 214, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4980.2.1, http://zenodo.org/record/4888860 : {"references": ["Newell, I. M. (1984) Antarctic Halacaroidea. Antarctic Research Series, 40, 1 - 284.", "Bartsch, I. (1993 b) Synopsis of the Antarctic Halacaroidea (Acari). In: Wagele, J. W. & Sieg, J. (Eds.), Synopses of the Antarctic Benthos, Volume 4, Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein, pp. 1 - 176.", "Andre, M. (1933) Contribution a l'etude des Acariens marins des iles Kerguelen et Saint-Paul. Annales de l'Institut oceanographique, 13, 137 - 161.", "Bartsch, I. (1977 b) New species of Lohmannella (Halacaridae, Acari) from the Roscoff area, Brittany. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 18, 141 - 153.", "Bartsch, I. (1979 b) Halacridae (Acari) aus der Subantarktis. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 20, 325 - 339.", "Bartsch, I. (1983) Vorschlag zur Neugliederung des Systems der Halacaridae (Acari). Zoologische Jahrbucher. Abteilung fur Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere, 110, 179 - 200.", "Bartsch, I. (2016) Antarctic Halacaridae (Acari), new records, these species characteristics and an updated list of species. Polish Polar Research, 37, 131 - 154.", "Chatterjee, T. & Sarma, A. L. N. (1991) Review of Indian Ocean Halacaridae and perspectives of future research. In: Gopal, B. & Astana, V. (Eds.), Aquatic Science in India. Indian Association for Limnology and Oceanography, pp. 189 - 196.", "Dalenius, P. (1965) The acarology of the Antarctic regions. In: Van Mieghem, J. & Van Oye, P. (Eds.) Biogeography and ecology in Antarctica. Junk, The Hague, pp. 414 - 430.", "Gimbel, O. (1919) Uber einige neue Halacariden. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Hamburg, 36, 105 - 130.", "Gressitt, J. L. (1967) Entomology Antarctica- Introduction. Antarctic Research Series, 10, 1 - 33.", "Lohmann, H. (1907 a) Uber einige faunistische Ergebnisse der Deutschen Sudpolar-Expedition unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Meeresmilben. Schriften des Naturwissenchaftlichen Vereins fur Schleswig-Holstein, 14, 1 - 14.", "Lohmann, H. (1907 b) Die Meeresmilben der Deutschen Sudpolar-Expedition 1901 - 1903. Deutsche Sudpolar-Expedition 1901 - 1903, 9, 361 - 413.", "Newell, I. M. (1967) Prostigmata: Halacaridae (marine mites). Entomology of Antarctica, 10, 81 - 95.", "Viets, K. (1927 a) Die Halacaridae der Nordsee. Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftliche Zoologie, 130, 83 - 173.", "Viets, K. (1931) Hydracarinen der Fauna Arctica. Fauna Arctica, 6, 1 - 8.", "Viets, K. (1940) Meersmilben aus der Adria. (Halacaridae und Hydrachnellae, Acari). Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, Neue Folge, 9, 1 - 135.", "Viets, K. (1950 a) Meeresmilben (Halacaridae, Acari) der Fauna Antarctica. Further Zoological Results of the Swedish Antarctic Expedition 1901 - 1903, 4 (3), 1 - 44."]}