Euura viminalis Linnaeus 1758

Euura viminalis (Linnaeus, 1758) Cynips viminalis Linnaeus, 1758: 554. Described [by indication on Rösel von Rosenhof (1749: 51, Tafel X, figs 5–7)]: larva, gall, recorded host: Bindweiden [ Salix purpurea ]. Linnaeus' indication " Habitat in Salicis viminalis foliis sub costa" makes...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Liston, Andrew D., Heibo, Erik, Prous, Marko, Vårdal, Hege, Nyman, Tommi, Vikberg, Veli
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2017
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Summary:Euura viminalis (Linnaeus, 1758) Cynips viminalis Linnaeus, 1758: 554. Described [by indication on Rösel von Rosenhof (1749: 51, Tafel X, figs 5–7)]: larva, gall, recorded host: Bindweiden [ Salix purpurea ]. Linnaeus' indication " Habitat in Salicis viminalis foliis sub costa" makes it clear that only the gall on the right of Tafel X [on the leaf underside] is indicated, not the different type of gall [ E. vesicator : developed above and below the leaf blade] on the left. Neotype designated by Kopelke (1989a), SMF [examined]. Type locality: Germany, Hessen, Griesheim. Pontania viminalis : Benson (1958). Pontania ( Eupontania ) viminalis : Zinovjev (1985). Pontania ( Pontania ) viminalis : Viitasaari & Vikberg (1985). Nematus ( Pontania ) viminalis : Zhelochovtsev (1988). Eupontania viminalis : Vikberg (2003). Euura viminalis : Beneš (2015b). Nematus vollenhoveni Cameron, 1874: 296 –299. Described: ♀, ♂, larva, gall, recorded host: Salix purpurea . Syntypes may be in BMNH [not examined]. Type locality: Scotland, probably Glasgow area. Synonymy with viminalis by Dalla Torre (1894). Nematus interstitialis Cameron, 1876a: 260. Described: ♀. Syntypes may be in BMNH [not examined]. Type locality: Scotland. Synonymy with P. viminalis by Benson (1958). Nematus nigritarsis André, 1880: 151. Described: ♀, ♂. Syntypes may be in ZIN [not examined]. Type locality: southern France. Synonymy with viminalis by Konow (1905). ? Pontania ciccum Konow, 1901a: 84 [key]; 1901b: 130–131 [text]. Described: ♀. Lectotype, ♀, SDEI [examined]. Single extant specimen was inferred to be the holotype by Oehlke & Wudowenz (1984), which represents a valid lectotype fixation (ICZN 1999: 74.6). Type locality: Germany, Frankfurt am Main. Synonymy with viminalis by Muche (1970). Pontania viminalis var. xanthaspis Enslin, 1915: 356. Described: ♀. Lectotype, ♀, designated by Kopelke (1991), ZSM [examined]. Type locality: Leipzig. Synonymy with P. viminalis by Kopelke (1991). Pontania hungarica Enslin, 1918a: 733 –735. Described: ♀, ♂. Lectotype, ♀, designated by Kopelke (1991), ZSM [examined]. Type locality: Hungary. Variability. Female: Body length: 2.9–5.4mm. Lateral vertex, inner and outer orbits yellow, to black. Mesoscutellum, mesoscutellar appendage, upper half and lowest part of mesepisternum, lateral margins of mesoscutal lobes and whole of abdomen yellow except tergum 1 yellow, to black. Pterostigma nearly completely brown, to basal half white. Male: 2.8–4.7mm. Supraclypeal area yellow, to black. Pronotum narrowly pale margined, to completely black. Total number of specimens examined: 27. Genetic data. In BOLD COI barcoding, nearest neighbours are pedunculi , and at a different position but also differing by about 1.9%, the nearly undifferentiated aggregation of numerous viminalis subgroup taxa that includes, for example saliciscinereae and nivalis . Thus, the short BOLD sequence appears to be sufficiently distinctive to identify viminalis . Bionomics. Host plants: Salix purpurea (Kopelke 1999), rarely Salix babylonica (Zinovjev 1994; but development on this host usually unsuccessful). Occasional records from hosts in subgenus Salix (i.e. alba , fragilis , triandra ) indicate rare, incidental hosts, or are based on misidentifications of the willow (Zinovjev 1999). Biology: Kopelke (1985, 1991), Magnus (1914; as P. salicis on S. purpurea ), Zinovjev (1994). Differs from most species of the viminalis group in sometimes having more than one generation per year (Zinovjev 1993b). Distribution. Throughout most of South and Central Europe, north to southern Sweden (Taeger et al. 2006). Published records from Norway and Finland are based on misidentifications (Vikberg & Zinovjev 2006). Also in Turkey (Benson 1968), the Caucasus (Muche 1974; but record requires confirmation), and East to Yakutia (Popov 2011). Occurrence in Sweden: published records; Skåne (Benander 1966; reared from S. purpurea ). Material examined: Skåne. : Published as part of Liston, Andrew D., Heibo, Erik, Prous, Marko, Vårdal, Hege, Nyman, Tommi & Vikberg, Veli, 2017, North European gall-inducing Euura sawflies (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae, Nematinae), pp. 1-115 in Zootaxa 4302 (1) on pages 99-100, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4302.1.1, : {"references": ["Linnaeus, C. (1758) Systema Naturae, per regna tria naturae secundum classes, ordines, genera, species cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Editio Decima, Reformata. Tomus 1. Laurentius Salvius, Stockholm, 824 pp.", "Rosel von Rosenhof, A. J. (1749) Der monatlich herausgegebenen Insecten-Belustigung. Zweyter Theil, welcher acht Classen verschiedener sowohl inlandischer, als auch einiger auslandischer Insecte enthalt; alle nach ihrem Ursprung, Verwandlung und andern wunderbaren Eigenschaften, grostentheils aus eigener Erfahrung beschrieben und in sauber illuminirten Kupfern nach dem Leben abgebildet, vorgestellet. J. J. Fleischmann, Nurnberg, 600 pp., 76 pls.", "Kopelke, J. - P. (1989 a) Der taxonomische Status von Pontania crassipes (Thomson 1871) (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae). Senckenbergiana Biologica, 69 (1 - 3), 29 - 39.", "Benson, R. B. (1958) Hymenoptera, Symphyta. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, 6 (2 c), 139 - 258.", "Zinovjev, A. G. (1985) K sistematike pilil'shhikov roda Pontania O. Costa (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae). Podrod Eupontania subg. n. [On the taxonomy of the sawfly genus Pontania O. Costa (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae). Subgenus Eupontania subg. n.]. 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Engelmann, Leipzig, [6] + viii + 459 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 10348", "Cameron, P. (1876 a) Description of a new species of Nematus from Scotland. Proceedings (& Transactions) of the Natural History Society of Glasgow, 2, 260. [1869 - 1875]", "Andre, E. (1880) Species des Hymenopteres d'Europe & d'Algerie. 1 (5). L'Auteur, Beaune (Cote-d'Or), pp. 97 - 160, catalogue pp. 9 - 16. [1879 - 1882]", "Konow, F. W. (1905) Hymenoptera. Fam. Tenthredinidae. Genera Insectorum, 29, 1 - 176.", "Konow, F. W. (1901 a) Revision der Nematiden Gattung Pontania Costa. (Hym.). Zeitschrift fur systematische Hymenopterologie und Dipterologie, 1 (2), 81 - 91.", "Oehlke, J. & Wudowenz, J. (1984) Katalog der in den Sammlungen der Abteilung Taxonomie der Insekten des Institutes fur Pflanzenschutzforschung, Bereich Eberswalde (ehemals Deutsches Entomologisches Institut), aufbewahrten Typen - XXII (Hymenoptera: Symphyta). Beitrage zur Entomologie, 34 (2), 363 - 420.", "Muche, W. H. (1970) Die Blattwespen Deutschlands. IV. Nematinae (1. Teil) (Hymenoptera). [einschlie\u00dflich: Verzeichnis, Nachtrag.] Entomologische Abhandlungen. Staatliches Museum fur Tierkunde in Dresden, 36 (Supplement), 157 - 236.", "Enslin, E. (1915) Die Tenthredinoidea Mitteleuropas IV. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1915 (Beiheft 4), 311 - 412.", "Kopelke, J. - P. (1991) Die Arten der viminalis - Gruppe, Gattung Pontania O. Costa 1859, Mittel- und Nordeuropas (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae). Senckenbergiana Biologica, 71 (1 - 3), 65 - 128.", "Enslin, E. (1918 a) Die Tenthredinoidea Mitteleuropas VII. (Schlu\u00df). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, [1917] (Beiheft 7), 663 - 790.", "Kopelke, J. - P. (1999) Gallenerzeugende Blattwespen Europas - Taxonomische Grundlagen, Biologie und Okologie (Tenthredinidae: Nematinae: Euura, Phyllocolpa, Pontania). Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 212, 1 - 183.", "Zinovjev, A. G. (1994) Taxonomy and biology of two related species of gall-making sawflies from the Pontania viminalis - group (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae). Entomologica scandinavica, 25 (2), 231 - 240.", "Kopelke, J. - P. (1985) Uber die Biologie und Parasiten der gallenbildenden Blattwespenarten Pontania dolichura (Thoms. 1871), P. vesicator (Bremi 1849) und P. viminalis (L. 1758) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae). Faunistisch-okologische Mitteilungen, 5 (11 / 12), 331 - 344.", "Magnus, W. (1914) Die Entstehung der Pflanzengallen verursacht durch Hymenopteren. G. Fischer, Jena, 160 pp., 4 pls.", "Zinovjev, A. G. (1993 b) Subgenera and Palaearctic species groups of the subgenus Pontania, with notes on the taxonomy of some European species of the viminalis - group (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 2 (1), 145 - 154.", "Benson, R. B. (1968) Hymenoptera from Turkey, Symphyta. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology Series, 22 (4), 111 - 207.", "Muche, W. H. (1974) Pontania viminalis (Linne) aus dem Kaukasus. Entomologische Nachrichten, 18 (5), 79.", "Popov, A. A. (2011) Synopsis of dendro-tamnobiotic sawflies of the family Tenthredinidae (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of Yakutia. Trudy Russkogo jentomologicheskogo obshhestva, 82, 77 - 88.", "Benander, P. (1966) Kullabergs Vaxtsteklar. Kullabergs Natur, 11, 1 - 31."]}