Peromyia bashfordi Jaschhof 2010, sp. n.

Peromyia bashfordi sp. n. (Fig. 5 A-C) Diagnosis: Peromyia bashfordibashfordi is a typical representative of the Peromyia intermediaintermedia group as defined by JASCHHOF (1998) and reviewed subsequently (JASCHHOF 2001b, JASCHHOF & JASCHHOF 2004, 2009). It is most similar to Peromyia obunca JAS...

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Main Author: Jaschhof, Mathias
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2010
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Summary:Peromyia bashfordi sp. n. (Fig. 5 A-C) Diagnosis: Peromyia bashfordibashfordi is a typical representative of the Peromyia intermediaintermedia group as defined by JASCHHOF (1998) and reviewed subsequently (JASCHHOF 2001b, JASCHHOF & JASCHHOF 2004, 2009). It is most similar to Peromyia obunca JASCHHOF, 2004 from New Zealand, from which it differs in the straight gonostyli with small subapical process. The gonostyli in P. obunca are slightly curved and lack the process. Further, the gonocoxites in P. bashfordibashfordi lack the large asetose basal portion that is present in P. obunca . Description: Male. Body size: 0.7-0.8 mm. Head: Postfrons asetose. Eye bridge 2-3 ommatidia long. Postocular bristles in 1 row. Neck of fourth antennal flagellomere longer than node (Fig. 5A). Node subglobular, with short subbasal setae, 1 mesal single to double whorl of long setae, 1 distal whorl of long, thin hair-shaped sensilla, and 2-3 thick hair-shaped sensilla. Maxillary palpus 3-4-segmented, first and second segments with hair-shaped translucent sensilla. Wing: AntC extending beyond R5 for 1-2 times the vein width. ApicR1 = 2-3 times the length of Rs. Legs: Pretarsal claws without teeth. Terminalia: Sclerotization of tg9 widely interrupted mesally. Ventral emargination of gonocoxites broadly V-shaped, not extending to midlength (Fig. 5B). Gonostylus elongate, straight, excavated subbasomesally, with short, nose-shaped subapical process (Fig. 5B). Tegmen long, protruding beyond apical and basal margins of gonocoxites, slightly constricted at midlength and broadened on distal half, rounded apically, with distinct dark longitudinal stripe; basal margin of ventral plate distinct, situated below midlength of tegmen (Fig. 5C). Cerci very weak. St10 apparently absent. Female and preimaginal stages: Unknown. Remark on relationships: Male morphology suggests P. bashfordibashfordi and P. obuncaobunca are very closely related to one another, presumably sister species. So no doubt persists any longer that P. obuncaobunca is a member of the intermediadia group to which it was tentatively assigned by JASCHHOF &ZASCHHOF (2004). Etymology: This species is named to honour Richard BASHFORD, Senior Silvicultural Technician at Forestry Tasmania, Hobart, who is in charge of the invertebrate collections at Warra LTER site. Types: Holotype: Male, Australia, Tasmania, Warra LTER site, Manuka Road, 1 March 2005, Malaise sample FT35682, R. BASHFORD (in AMS). Paratypes: 2 males, same data as the holotype; 4 males, same data but sample FT35684; 2 males, same data but sample FT35685; 3 males, same data but sample FT35693 (in AMS and SDEI). Other material: 2 males, same locality but 14 April 2000, sample FT28645; 1 male, Warra LTER site, Mt Weld, 27 Feb. 2001, sample FT19, N. DORAN & R. BASHFORD; 1 male, same locality but 30 March 2001, sample FT109; 1 male, same locality but 22 Jan. 2002, sample FT5833; 1 male, Tasmania, Southwest National Park, Wedge Creek, 21 Feb.-1 March 2006, N. JÖNSSON, T. MALM & D. WILLIAMS. : Published as part of Jaschhof, Mathias, 2010, New species of Peromyia from Tasmania, with a revision of S´s and S´s types of Australian Micromyinae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), pp. 33-55 in Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 60 (1) on pages 45-46, DOI: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.60.1.33-55, : {"references": ["JASCHHOF, M. 1998: Revision der \" Lestremiinae \" (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) der Holarktis. - Studia dipterologica Supplement 4: 1 - 552.", "JASCHHOF, M. 2001 b: On the Lestremiinae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) of Japan. Part 2: Tribe Peromyiini KLEESATTEL, 1979. - Esakia 41: 37 - 147.", "JASCHHOF, M. & JASCHHOF, C. 2004: Wood midges of New Zealand (Cecidomyiidae, Lestremiinae). Part III: Tribe Peromyiini and remarks on the composition, origin and relationships of the fauna as a whole. - Studia dipterologica 10 (2003) (1): 97 - 132.", "JASCHHOF, M. & JASCHHOF, C. 2009: The wood midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae: Lestremiinae) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. - Studia dipterologica Supplement 18: 1 - 333."]}