Deep-sea Cirripedia Thoracica (Crustacea) from the northeastern Atlantic collected by French expeditions

Young, Paulo S. (2001): Deep-sea Cirripedia Thoracica (Crustacea) from the northeastern Atlantic collected by French expeditions. Zoosystema 23 (4): 705-756, DOI: : {"references": ["ARNDT W. 1933. - Die biologischen Beziehungen zwischen Schwammen...

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Main Author: Young, Paulo S.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2001
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Summary:Young, Paulo S. (2001): Deep-sea Cirripedia Thoracica (Crustacea) from the northeastern Atlantic collected by French expeditions. Zoosystema 23 (4): 705-756, DOI: : {"references": ["ARNDT W. 1933. - Die biologischen Beziehungen zwischen Schwammen und Krebsen. Mittellungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 19: 221-305.", "AURIVILLIUS C. W. S. 1894. - Studien uber Cirripeden. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, Uppsala 26 (7): 1-107, 9 pls.", "AURIVILLIUS C. W. S. 1898. - Cirrhipedes nouveaux provenant des Campagnes Scientifiques de S. A. S. le Prince de Monaco. Bulletin de la Societe zoologique de France 23: 189-198.", "BARNARD K. H. 1924. - Contributions to the crustacean fauna of South Africa. Cirripedia. Annals of the South African Museum, Cape Town 20 (1): 1-103.", "BELLOC G. 1959. - Catalogue des types de Cirrhipedes du Musee oceanographique de Monaco. 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