Phyllodoce colorata Oliveira & Magalhães & Lana 2021, sp. nov.

Phyllodoce colorata sp. nov. D7FF0EAA-4789-4B10-96F8-C1ED6A390B29 Figures 12–15 Holotype. Continental Shelf in Campos Basin, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Hab 17 A01 R3, 23º55’8.6”S 43º0’49.5”W, 29 m, 15 Jul 2009 (ZUEC–POL 16661). Paratypes. 22 paratypes, length 7.2 ± 4.1 mm for...

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Main Authors: Oliveira, Verônica Maria De, Magalhães, Wagner F., Lana, Paulo Da Cunha
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2021
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Summary:Phyllodoce colorata sp. nov. D7FF0EAA-4789-4B10-96F8-C1ED6A390B29 Figures 12–15 Holotype. Continental Shelf in Campos Basin, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Hab 17 A01 R3, 23º55’8.6”S 43º0’49.5”W, 29 m, 15 Jul 2009 (ZUEC–POL 16661). Paratypes. 22 paratypes, length 7.2 ± 4.1 mm for 41.8 ± 12.9 segments. Paranaguá Bay, Cotinga Channel, 25°30’S 48°25’W, Intertidal, 15 m, Aug 2008 (1 paratype, NHMD–865950); 23°31’05”S 48°29’09”W, Mar 2009 (1 paratypes, ZUEC–POL 16617); 25°30´S, 48º25’W, 15 m, Mar 2009 (1 paratype, NHMD–865948); Itiberê River, 25°32’46”S, 48°22’43”W, 3 Apr 2009 (1 Paratype ZHMD–2383); 25°37’18”S 48°23’57”W, 10 m, 26 Apr 2009 (1 paratype, NHMD–865949); 25°32’54”S 48°25’40”W, 15 m, Jul 2009 (2 paratypes, ZUEC–POL 16609); 25°32’54”S 48°25’40”, 14 m, Aug 2008 (2 paratypes, ZUEC–POL 16612); 25°32’54”S 48°25’40”, 14 m, Aug 2008 (3 paratypes, ZUEC–POL 16613); 25°32’54”S 48°25’40”, 14 m, Aug 2008 (2 paratypes, ZUEC–POL 16614). Continental shelf in Campos Basin: Hab 13 Foz 05 R2, 21º40’22.9”S 40º58’26.4”W, 17 m, 11 Mar 2009 (1 paratype, ZUEC–POL 16658); Hab 13 Foz 05 R3, 21º40’22.9”S 40º58’26.6”W, 17 m, 11 Mar 2009 (1 paratype, ZUEC–POL 16540); Hab 13 Foz 05 R3, 21º40’22.9”S 40º58’26.6”W, 17 m, 11 Mar 2009 (1 paratype, ZUEC–POL 16541); Hab 7 D06 R3, 22º33’33.8”S 40º26’40.2”W, 393.4 m, 11 Jul 2008 (1 paratype, ZUEC–POL 16533); Hab 17 A04 R3, 23º6’52.2”S 41º55’13.1”W, 110 m, 15 Jul 2009 (1 paratype, ZUEC–POL 16559); Hab 17 B02 R1, 22º45’49.6”S 41º45’34.1”W, 53 m, 16 Jul 2009 (1 paratype, ZUEC–POL 16502); Hab 17 D02 R1, 22º12’53.1”S 40º51’13.5”W, 52 m, 17 Jul 2009 (1 paratype, ZUEC–POL 16560); Hab 17 I04 R2, 21º9’9.2”S 40º16’7.4”W, 103 m, 21 Jul 2009 (1 paratype, ZUEC–POL 16555), Brazil. Diagnosis: Prostomium with pigmentation in posterior part, dusky brown to green in live individuals. Proboscis basally with dense cover of papillae and unique pointed cusp in proximal half, separed by unpapillated median-dorsally area and two papillae in median-ventral area; glandular papillae, formed into irregular crowded rows, sometimes oriented anteriorly to posteriorly, sometimes more or less obliquely oriented. Distal part of proboscis with six rows of tubercles showing black pigmentation. Terminal ring with mucronate-shaped papillae. Description. Holotype complete mature female, 5 mm long for 46 segments. Body long, dorso-ventrally flattened and gradually tapering posteriorly. Prostomium inverted heart-shaped, longer than wide, discrete nuchal papilla, easily overlooked by dark pigmentation of prostomium (Fig. 12A). Paired antennae and palps short, frontal, and cylindrical, of similar length, sub-apically located, not covering anterior part of prostomium. Prostomium distal end free and rounded (Fig. 12A). One pair of small subepidermal eyes, black, with lenses, placed posteriorly on prostomium. Proboscis basally densely covered with pointed papillae separated by non - papillated median-dorsal area and two papillae in median-ventral area; glandular papillae, formed into irregular rows, sometimes oriented anteriorly to posteriorly, sometimes more or less obliquely oriented; three sclerotized cusps triangular-shaped located between ventral-most papillae. Distal region with six rows of dark pigmented tubercles (Fig. 12 C–E). Terminal ring with about 18 mucronate-shaped papillae (Fig. 12B). Segment 1 not visible dorsally; segment 2 fused laterally to insertion of dorsal tentacular cirri (Fig. 12 A–B). Four pairs of cylindrical tentacular cirri, biarticulated with short cirrophores and long cirrostyles located on first three segments. Tentacular cirri of segment 1 reaching segment 4. Dorsal and ventral tentacular cirri of segment 2 reaching segments 6 and 4, respectively. Dorsal tentacular cirri of segment 3 extending to segment 10. Neuropodia and ventral cirri from segment 3. Dorsal cirri with well-developed cirrophores with dorsal extensions on anterior and median parapodia and beginning from segment 4. Dorsal cirri subrectangular; cirri from anterior and median segments asymmetrical with rounded edges and symmetrical posteriorly (Fig. 13 A–C). Parapodial lobes shorter than dorsal and ventral cirri, with light brown aciculae and bundles of chaetae. Prechaetal lobes bilobed, asymmetrical and rounded, supra-aciculars twice the length of sub-aciculars. Postchaetal lobes rounded (Fig. 13D). Ventral cirri horizontally oriented in relation to lobes, from segment 3, asymmetrical, dorso-ventrally flattened, long and slender. Compound spinigerous chaetae from segment 3. Rostrum of chaetal shaft with numerous conical teeth, articles with serrated outer edges (Fig. 14A). Pygidium with one pair of anal cirri; cirri cylindrical and basally inflated (Fig. 14C). Pygidial papilla present (Fig. 14D). Some specimens with two pairs of anal cirri, probably anomalous. Colour. Anterior part of prostomium without pigmentation and posterior part dusky brown/black (Fig. 12A). Black median-dorsal stripe at base of the dorsal cirri, evident in preserved animals, green in living ones (Fig. 13A, B). This pattern of pigmentation pattern seems to be typical for this species, even in preserved specimens. Habitat. Sandy-muddy substrates from the intertidal regions to 65 m. Geographical distribution. Atlantic Ocean, Brazil: Margin of continental shelf in Campos Basin; Paranaguá Bay in Paraná. Etymology. The epithet of this species is derived from the Latin ‘coloratilis’ meaning brown, tanned . This name was chosen because of the brown pigmentation characteristic of the posterior region of the prostomium. Remarks. Some distinctive features of this species were only observed after staining with Shirlastain A, such as the circular -shaped papilla on the proximal part of the proboscis. Specimens of P. colorata sp. nov. generally presented a pair of pygidial cirri, however, two pairs of cirri and one median pygidial papilla could be seen in smaller individuals and this was interpreted herein as an anomaly. The prostomium of P. colorata sp. nov. is an inverted heart-shape with the papillae between the edges and this arrangement might be closer to that found in Paranaitis . Phyllodoce colorata sp. nov. is closely related to Phyllodoce rosea (McIntosh, 1877), Anaitides subulifera (Eliason, 1962) and Phyllodoce pettiboneae Blake, 1988 in having an ovoid prostomium with subapical antennae, long ventral parapodial cirri, twice the length of the lobes, and heavily sclerotized cusps or teeth in the proboscis. The cusp papillae and long and slender ventral cirri are shared with P. concava sp. nov. and P. rosea according to Eliason (1962) sensu O`Connor (1987), Blake (1988), and Pleijel (1988). Additionally, the sclerotized cusps in the proboscis are triangular and closely packed, arranged with irregular rows of papillae in P. colorata sp. nov. In P. rosea , P. concava sp. nov. , and Phyllodoce sp. A., the sclerotized cusps are pointed teeth-like structures that arise from a glandular area. These cusps are located in the anterior part in all groups of lateral papillae, which are arranged in oblique rows. Thus, cusps are integrated with the papillae in P. colorata sp. nov. , and separated in P. rosea , P. concava sp. nov. , and Phyllodoce sp. B. Phyllodoce colorata sp. nov. differs from P. bipapillosa sp. nov ., P. lamella sp. nov. , P. groenlandica , Phyllodoce multiseriata Rioja, 1941, P. laminosa , P. pettiboneae and Phyllodoce cuspidata McCammon & Montagne, 1979 by the inclined prostomium from the median-anterior region and by the presence of oblique rows of papillae in the proximal part of the proboscis. Phyllodoce colorata sp. nov. differs from P. madeirensis by the presence of dorsal lanceolate cirri and regular rows of papillae in the proboscis. Phyllodoce colorata sp. nov. shares the presence of sub-rectangular dorsal cirri with Phyllodoce erythrophylla (Schmarda, 1861), P. medipapillata , P. groenlandica, P. cuspidata, P. multiseriata, P. laminosa, P. lineata , and P. rosea but it differs from them by shape of the distal end from the dorsal cirri in median body segments (Pleijel 1991; Blake 2001). The presence of asymmetric parapodial lobes separates P. colorata sp. nov. from P. tamoya sp. nov. , P. concava sp. nov. , Phyllodoce sp. A., P. lamella sp. nov. , P. ovalis sp. nov. , Phyllodoce williamsi (Hartman, 1936), Phyllodce hawaiia (Hartman, 1966), and Phyllodce hiatti Hartman, 1966. Additionally, P. colorata sp. nov. still differs from P. medipapillata in the morphology of the anal cirri; the former presents cylindrical anal cirri, and the latter presents clavate anal cirri. Phyllodoce colorata sp. nov. differs from other species of Phyllodoce by strong dusky brown/ black pigmentation in the prostomium and first three body segments. Phyllodoce pettiboneae does not have any colour dorsally or ventrally. : Published as part of Oliveira, Verônica Maria De, Magalhães, Wagner F. & Lana, Paulo Da Cunha, 2021, Ten new species of Phyllodoce Lamarck, 1818 (Phyllodocidae, Annelida) from Brazil, pp. 1-61 in Zootaxa 4924 (1) on pages 16-20, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4924.1.1, : {"references": ["McIntosh, W. C. (1877) Note on a new example of the Phyllodocidae (Anaitis rosea). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 13, 215 - 216. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1096 - 3642.1877. tb 00172. x", "Eliason, A. (1962) Die Polychaeten der Skagerak-Expedition 1933. Zoologiska bidrag fran Uppsala, 33, 207 - 293.", "Blake, J. A. (1988) New species and records of Phyllodocidae (Polychaeta) from Georges bank and other areas of the Western North Atlantic. Sarsia, 73, 245 - 257. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00364827.1988.10413410", "Pleijel, F. (1988) Phyllodoce (Polychaeta, Phyllodocidae) from Northern Europe. 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(1966) Polychaetous annelids of the Hawaiian Islands. Occasional Papers of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 23 (11), 163 - 252."]}