Rhamphomyia (Lundstroemiella) hybotina

Rhamphomyia ( Lundstroemiella ) hybotina (Zetterstedt) (Fig. 27) Rhamphomyza hybotina Zetterstedt, 1838: 571. Type locality (by lectotype designation): Hacksten (Sweden). Other references: Barták, 1999: 99 (type data, lectotype designation). Rhamphomyza tenuicornis Zetterstedt, 1838: 571. Type local...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Shamshev, Igor V., Sinclair, Bradley J., Khruleva, Olga A.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2020
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4477209
Summary:Rhamphomyia ( Lundstroemiella ) hybotina (Zetterstedt) (Fig. 27) Rhamphomyza hybotina Zetterstedt, 1838: 571. Type locality (by lectotype designation): Hacksten (Sweden). Other references: Barták, 1999: 99 (type data, lectotype designation). Rhamphomyza tenuicornis Zetterstedt, 1838: 571. Type locality (by lectotype designation): Hacksten (Sweden). Other references: Barták, 1999: 100 (type data, lectotype designation). Rhamphomyia ( Lundstroemiella ) hybotina Zetterstedt: Frey, 1922: 4 (key); 1955a: 434 (revision); Collin, 1961: 441 (revision); Gorodkov & Kovalev, 1969: 613 (key); Barták, 1981: 451 (revision); 1985: 28 (revision); Chvála & Wagner, 1989: 310 (catalogue); Barták, 1999: 99 (type data); Shamshev, 2001b: 320 (key); Barták, 2006: 508 (key); 2007: 103 (catalogue); Yang et al ., 2007: 157 (catalogue); Shamshev, 2016: 56 (checklist). Material examined. RUSSIA. Murmanskaya Prov. (Kildin Island): 13.vii.1908, L. Bianki (1 ♀, ZIN). Recognition. Small, blackish, pale-legged, delicate flies (body length about 3 mm). Male (Fig. 27) dichoptic, eyes separated by broad shiny frons, face narrower than frons; occiput shiny on upper part and faintly pruinescent on lower part; antenna black, postpedicel long; palpus usually yellowish with darkened apex; labrum about 2X longer than head height, extensively yellowish, only apex brownish; thorax black, pale setose, 1 npl; postpronotal lobe and almost entire mesoscutum shiny (except faintly pruinescent narrow marginal edging); legs extensively yellow, only apical part of femora and tibiae and all tarsi more or less intensively darkened, fore basitarsus slightly incrassate; wing faintly brownish infuscate, axillary incision very obtuse, anal lobe almost absent, anal vein incomplete, halter yellow; abdomen shiny, brownish to black dorsally and usually yellowish to brownish yellow ventrally, pale setose; terminalia directed upwards; cerci separated from each other and from epandrium; cercus with straight upper margin, apex slightly produced beyond apex of epandrium, covered with setulae; epandrium fused with hypandrium, with somewhat produced truncate apical part, covered long pale setae, some spinule-like setulae at apex; subepandrial sclerite entire, with apex recurved as slender projection, extended beyond lower margin of epandrium; hypandrium deeply concave medially, with very narrow slightly sclerotised rim anteriorly, produced as digitiform lobes posterolaterally, lobes covered with long, pale setae; phallus well exposed, pale yellow, mostly uniformly thin, somewhat thicker on basal part, gently curved; ejaculatory apodeme far before basal curvature of phallus, very close to base of cerci, with two small lateral wings. Female similar to male, face somewhat broader. Distribution. Palaearctic. Fennoscandia, mountains of Europe with the exception of southernmost parts, northwest and north parts of European Russia (Barták 2007; Shamshev 2016). : Published as part of Shamshev, Igor V., Sinclair, Bradley J. & Khruleva, Olga A., 2020, The empidoid flies (Diptera: Empidoidea, exclusive of Dolichopodidae) of the Russian Arctic islands and Svalbard Archipelago, pp. 1-75 in Zootaxa 4848 (1) on pages 28-29, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4848.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/4406987 : {"references": ["Zetterstedt, J. W. (1838) Sectio tertia. Diptera. Dipterologia Scandinaviae amicis et popularibus carissimus. In: Insecta Lapponica. L. Voss, Lipsiae (Leipzig), pp. 477 - 868.", "Bartak, M. (1999) Two new Europaean species of Rhamphomyia subgenus Lundstroemiella (Diptera: Empididae). Klapalekiana, 35, 95 - 102.", "Frey, R. (1922) Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographie der Gattung Rhamphomyia Meig. (Dipt., Empididae). 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