Tipula (Vestiplex) tchukchi Alexander

Tipula ( Vestiplex ) tchukchi Alexander (Figs 20, 117–128; Map 9) Tipula ( Vestiplex ) tchukchi Alexander, 1934b: 408; 1935: 118. Tipula ( Vestiplex ) laccata : Lackschewitz, 1936: 264 (partim); Mannheims, 1953: 132 (partim); Savchenko, 1964: 204 (partim); nec Lundström & Frey, 1916 (after Mannh...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Starkevich, Pavel, Podenas, Sigitas, Gelhaus, Jon K.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2020
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4454932
Summary:Tipula ( Vestiplex ) tchukchi Alexander (Figs 20, 117–128; Map 9) Tipula ( Vestiplex ) tchukchi Alexander, 1934b: 408; 1935: 118. Tipula ( Vestiplex ) laccata : Lackschewitz, 1936: 264 (partim); Mannheims, 1953: 132 (partim); Savchenko, 1964: 204 (partim); nec Lundström & Frey, 1916 (after Mannheims 1971). Tipula ( Vestiplex ) bo Mannheims, 1967: 148; Mannheims & Savchenko, 1973: 172 (synonymy). Tipula ( Vestiplex ) laccata obtusidens Savchenko, 1964: 205. Tipula ( Vestiplex ) thukchi obtusidens : Starkevich & Paramonov, 2016: 81; Starkevich & Paramonov, 2016: 81 (synonymy). Type material examined. Tipula ( Vestiplex ) tchukchi Alexander: HOLOTYPE ♂: RUSSIA , Chukchi Peninsula, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Markovo township near Anadyr town, 6.vii.1896, Gondatti (ZIN). PARATYPES: 1 ♀, topotypic (ZIN); 1 ♂, Kamchatka Kray, mouth of Kichiga River, 27.vi.1910, Skorikov (ZIN). Additional material examined. MONGOLIA. Bulgan Aimag: 1 ♀, between Somon Chischig-Öndör and Somon Orchon, 23 km NNE von Somon Chischig-Öndör, 1390 m, Exp. Dr. Z. Kaszab, 1968, Nr. 965, 15.vi.– 23.vii.1968 (HNHM). Hovsgol Aimag: 1 ♂, NE shore of Hovsgol Lake, Noyon valley, riparian zone, N5°12′05.5″, E100°48′26.2″, 1709 m, 8.vii.2002, O. Yadamsuren. Ovorkhangai Aimag: 5 ♂, Bat-Olziy Soum, Ovtiyn Gol, 10 km SE Bat-Olziy, N46.75972, E102.30905, 1847 m, 8.vii.2011, S. Podenas, MAIS2011070803. Selenge Aimag: 1 ♀, Shaamar Soum, Orkhon River at Delgerkhaan Bridge, N50.06476, E106.13388, 609 m, 27.vii.2003, SRPT, SRP03072701. Tov Aimag: 1 ♂, Erdene Soum, Baruum Bayan Gol (river), 48°06′N, 107°45′E, 29.vi.1998, Sh. Enkhetsetseg; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Erdene Soum, Gorkhi Terelj NP, Khokh Chuluutiin Gol, N48.12675, E107.57996, 1680 m, 6.vii.2003, SRPT, SRP03070604; 4 ♂, 5 ♀, Erdene Soum, Gorkhi Terelj NP, unnamed trib. of Tuul River on West side, 1.6 km upstream from Daichin crossing, N48.21780, E107.90392, 1594 m, 9.vii.2003, SRPT, SRP03070902; 1 ♀, Erdene Soum, Gorkhi Terelj NP, mouth of Khag River at confluence with Tuul River, N48.25861, E107.90251, 1608 m, 10.vii.2003, SRPT, SRP03071002; 1 ♂, Erdene Soum, Gorkhi Terelj NP, stream 0.5 km N Gorkhi Davaa (Pass), N47.94981, E107.45511, 1593 m, 11.vii.2011, S. Podenas, MAIS2011071101; 1 ♂, Erdene Soum, Shar Bulag, Yellow Spring, 26 km W Mongonmorit, N48.14814, E108.07956, 1629 m, 13.vii.2011, S. Podenas, MAIS2011071301. Elevation range in Mongolia. Adults were collected at altitudes ranging from 600 m to 1850 m. Period of activity. Adults are active from the end of June through to the end of July. Known distribution. Finland, Mongolia (Map 9), Russia (eastern part of Siberia, Far East) and Sweden. Redescription. Male. Body length 13.5–15.8 mm, wing length 15.0–16.0 mm. General body coloration blackish yellow. Head . Gray, vertex and occiput gray with brown median line. Coloration of rostrum varies from yellow to brown, dorsally dusted with gray. Nasus short. Antenna 13-segmented, if bent backward extending beyond wing base. Scape, pedicel and flagellomere 1 yellowish, succeeding flagellomeres brown. Each flagellomere except first one with basal enlargement and moderately incised. Apical flagellomere small, reduced. Verticils shorter than corresponding flagellomeres. Palpus dark brown. Thorax . Blackish gray pruinose. Pronotum blackish, gray dusted, with brown median line. Prescutum and presutural scutum black, grey pruinose with 4 longitudinal stripes bordered by brown. Intermediate pair fused into brown median line. Interspace between median and lateral stripes light gray with light setae. Postsutural scutum blackish, gray pruinose with median line. Scutal lobe with 2 spots bordered by brown. Scutellum brown with median line. Postnotum grey dusted with midline and long setae. Pleura blackish, grey pruinose. Coxae blackish, grey pruinose. Trochanters, femora and tibiae yellowish. Tarsal segments brown. Distal part of femora and tibiae dark brown. Tarsal claws toothed. Wing slightly patterned with brown. Halter with yellowish stem and brown knob. Abdomen . Brownish yellow. Tergites with lateral margins narrowly pale. Tergite 1 dark brown, dusted with gray. Dorsal stripe on tergites 3–5 broadly interrupted. Tergite 6 black in posterior half, tergites 7–8 black. Sternite 1 brown, sparsely dusted with gray. Lateral stripe distinct. Sternites 2–5 and sternite 6 basally at about one-third length brownish yellow, succeeding sternites black. Hypopygium . Black. Tergite 9 forming large concave sclerotised saucer roughly rectangular in outline (Fig. 117). Main body of tergal saucer brown with blackened rim. Posterior margin of tergal saucer broadly emarginated, with median U-shaped notch, 2 yellow rounded projections and black median transverse sclerotisation, small denticles on either side. Lateral angle of tergal saucer obtuse, broadly truncated. Anterior and lateral portions of tergal saucer raised into sclerotised border with obtuse anterior angles. Border laterally produced into obtuse point directed caudad and situated under lateral angle of tergal saucer. Gonocoxite unarmed (Fig. 118). Outer gonostylus flattened, slightly curved with apex rounded (Fig. 119). Inner gonostylus in shape of curved plate, bidentate at apex, with obtuse tooth dorsally, beak claw-shaped (Fig. 120). Gonocoxal fragment large with lateral and medial sclerites well-developed (Fig. 121). Medial sclerites fused, anterior apodeme narrowed, posterior part broadened and arched, posterior apodeme with apex rounded and medially incised. Lateral sclerite large and bilobed, expanded at base. Aedeagal guide relatively narrow tube-shaped (Fig. 122). Sperm pump with central vesicle small and flattened (Fig. 123). Compressor apodeme with median incision. Posterior immovable apodeme longer than compressor apodeme, relatively narrow. Anterior immovable apodeme rounded. Aedeagus shaped as moderately long tube, about 3.8 times as long as sperm pump, basally dark brown, medially brown passing into yellow towards apex. Distal part ventrally membranous, shovel-shaped (Fig. 124). Female. Body length 17.3–24.5 mm, wing length 12.5–14.5 mm. Antenna short, if bent backward extending beyond pronotum. Antenna yellowish, flagellomeres cylindrical. Abdominal stripe broad, distinct. Ovipositor (Figs 125–128). Tergite 10 shiny, brownish-yellow. Cercus brownish-yellow, slightly shorter than tergite 10, curved dorsally with apical incision, outer margin with rough and distinct serration (Fig. 125). Hypovalva in shape of yellow flattened filament with broadened base and short trichia at tip (Fig. 126). Median incision between hypovalvae deeper than posterior margin of sternite 8. Lateral incision relatively deep, about twice as deep as maximum width. Lateral angle of sternite 8 obtuse. Sternite 9 with anterior part broad, inner edge with submedian triangular extension, posterior part straight (Fig. 127). Furca anteriorly narrowed, posteriorly broad (Fig. 128). Bursa copulatrix with spermathecal ducts sclerotised at base, in shape of nearly straight dark brown process (Fig. 128). Wall of bursa copulatrix on connection site with spermathecal ducts sclerotised. Sclerotisation of all 3 spermathecal ducts connected and forming complete dark brown ring. Cul-de-sac part of bursa copulatrix roughly straight. Spermatheca pear-shaped (Fig. 26). : Published as part of Starkevich, Pavel, Podenas, Sigitas & Gelhaus, Jon K., 2020, Taxonomic review of Tipula (Vestiplex Bezzi) crane flies (Diptera: Tipulidae) in Mongolia, pp. 1-88 in Zootaxa 4837 (1) on pages 55-58, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4837.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/4454726 : {"references": ["Alexander, C. P. (1934 b) New or little-known Tipulidae from eastern Asia (Diptera). XVII. Philippine Journal of Science, 52, 395 - 442.", "Alexander, C. P. (1935) New or little-known Tipulidae from eastern Asia (Diptera). XXV. Philippine Journal of Science, 57, 81 - 148.", "Lackschewitz, P. (1936) Das Genus Tipula in der Arktis und dem borealen Waldgebiet Eurasiens. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Leningrad, 4, 245 - 312.", "Mannheims, B. (1953) 15. Tipulidae. In: Lindner, E. (Ed.), Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region, 3 (5) 1, Lief, 173, 113 - 136.", "Savchenko, E. N. (1964) Crane-flies (Diptera, Tipulidae), Subfam. 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