Trichocoelina cochleata Vilkamaa & Menzel 2019, comb. n.

Trichocoelina cochleata (Rübsaamen, 1898) comb. n. Synonym : = haemorrhoidalis (Lundbeck, 1898) [as Sciara ]. Literature . Sciara haemorrhoidalis Lundbeck—Lundbeck (1898): 247, pl. 5, fig. 6. Sciara cochleata Rübsaamen— Rübsaamen (1898): 108; text fig. 4, pl. 6, fig. 22; Lundbeck (1900): 312. Lycori...

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Main Authors: Vilkamaa, Pekka, Menzel, Frank
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2019
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Summary:Trichocoelina cochleata (Rübsaamen, 1898) comb. n. Synonym : = haemorrhoidalis (Lundbeck, 1898) [as Sciara ]. Literature . Sciara haemorrhoidalis Lundbeck—Lundbeck (1898): 247, pl. 5, fig. 6. Sciara cochleata Rübsaamen— Rübsaamen (1898): 108; text fig. 4, pl. 6, fig. 22; Lundbeck (1900): 312. Lycoria ( Neosciara ) cochleata (Rübsaa- men) — Lengersdorf (1928 –30): 33, pl. 2, fig. 40. Neosciara cochleata (Rübsaamen) — Lengersdorf (1936): 191; Maschke (1936): 177, 179, 180; Soot-Ryen (1942): 77; Lengersdorf (1951): 26. Bradysia ( Hemineurina ) cochleata (Rübsaamen) — Frey (1948): 65, 83, pl. 17, fig. 100. Lycoriella cochleata (Rübsaamen) — Steffan (1966): 50, 52; Krivosheina & Mohrig (1986): 157, 161. Lycoriella ( Hemineurina ) cochleata (Rübsaamen) — Tuomikoski (1960): 75, 76; Stone & Laffoon (1965): 232; Tuomikoski (1967): 47; Gerbachevskaja-Pavluchenko (1986): 30; Menzel & Mohrig (2000): 409, figs 377–379; Coulson & Refseth (2004): 103; Coulson (2008): 161; Coulson (2013): 154; Mohrig et al. (2013): 270; Vilkamaa (2015): 551; Wirta et al. (2016): appendix, unpaginated p. 21 (table S1) and unpaginated p. 39 (cladogram). BIN . BOLD:ABW3844. Verified records . CZECH REPUBLIC, ‘Glatzer Schneeberg, Graphit-Bergwerk Klein Würben bei Mährisch- Altstadt’ [= Králický Sněznik, graphite mine in Malé Vrbno near Staré Mešto], K. Maschke, 16.VII.1935, 3 males, 3 females (in ZFMK); same data but 12.X.1935, 2 males (in ZFMK). Newrecords . FINLAND, Obb (Ostrobothniaborealisborealis), Tornio, Kiviranta, Malaisetrap, 30.VI–4.VII.2008, A. Haarto, 1 male (in MZH); W GREENLAND, Disko Bugt, Quegertasussuk, 68°35’N, 51°05’W, 7.VIII.1991, J. Böcher, 1 male (in ZMUC). NE GREENLAND, Zackenberg, 74°28’N, 20°34’W (UTM8265500:0513778), 44 m, 2–11.VII.2011, T. Roslin & G. Várkonyi, 1 male (in MZH); same locality but UTM 8265758:0513786, 37 m, Malaise trap, 11–20.VII.2011, T. Roslin & G. Várkonyi, 2 males (in MZH, SDEI); same locality but Reseach Station, 74.50°N, 21.00°W, 35 m, 7.VIII.2011, J.B. Mosbacher, 1 male (BOLD Sample ID GRPV2, in DAUH). Discussion . The species was described from Greenland (Rübsaamen, 1898), and redescribed and illustrated by Menzel & Mohrig (2000), with the discussion of the type material. Trichocoelina cochleata is characterized by having a medially impressed gonostylus, with a strongly curved apical part. The antennal scapus and pedicellus as well as the hypopygium and legs are yellow, but the apex of gonostylus has strikingly dark setosity. The gonostylus bears 6–7 rather long and slender gonostylar megasetae, the tegmen is broadly subconical with a sclerotized dorsoapical process. The intergonocoxal lobes of the hypopygium are short. For similar species, see under Trichocoelina aemula sp. n. and T. semusta sp. n. : Published as part of Vilkamaa, Pekka & Menzel, Frank, 2019, Re-classification of Lycoriella Frey sensu lato (Diptera, Sciaridae), with description of Trichocoelina gen. n. and twenty new species, pp. 1-67 in Zootaxa 4665 (1) on pages 21-22, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4665.1.1, : {"references": ["Rubsaamen, E. H. (1898) VIII. Gronlandische Mycetophiliden, Sciariden, Cecidomyiden, Psylliden, Aphiden und Gallen. Bibliotheca Zoologica, 20 (8), 103 - 119.", "Lundbeck, W. (1898) Diptera groenlandica. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den naturhistoriske Forening i KjObenhavn, 5 (10), 236 - 314., 2 pl.", "Lundbeck, W. (1900) Diptera groenlandica. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den naturhistoriske Forening i KjObenhavn, 6 (2), 281 - 316.", "Lengersdorf, F. (1928 - 30) 7. Lycoriidae (Sciaridae). In: Lindner, E. 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