Casinaria tenuiventris

Casinaria tenuiventris ( GRAVENHORST, 1829) (fig. 25) Campoplex tenuiventris GRAVENHORST, 1829: 482 ♀♂ Lectotypus: (♂) Townes det. (Wroclaw), type studied by HORSTMANN. syn. Campoplex conicus RATZEBURG, 1844: 95 ♂ Types lost, synonymized by THOMSON (1887). syn....

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Main Author: Riedel, Olmgren Matthias
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2018
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Summary:Casinaria tenuiventris ( GRAVENHORST, 1829) (fig. 25) Campoplex tenuiventris GRAVENHORST, 1829: 482 ♀♂ Lectotypus: (♂) Townes det. (Wroclaw), type studied by HORSTMANN. syn. Campoplex conicus RATZEBURG, 1844: 95 ♂ Types lost, synonymized by THOMSON (1887). syn. Casinaria latifrons HOLMGREN, 1860: 50 ♀♂ Types lost, synonymized by THOMSON (1887). syn. Casinaria protensa THOMSON, 1887: 1102 ♀♂ Lectotypus: (♂) protensa (Lund), synonymized by AUBERT (1964: 158), type studied by HORSTMANN. D e s c r i p t i o n: ♀: Body length 6.5-7.5 mm. Flagella with 29-32 segments; 1 st flagellomeres length 3.6-4.0x width; preapical flagellomeres slightly longer than wide. Temples narrow, roundly narrowed behind eyes, width 0.5x eye width; head 2.2x wider than long. Ocelli small, distance of lateral ocelli to eyes 1.0x and between them 1.6-1.9x their diameter. Face strongly narrowed ventrally, finely rugose-punctate, minimal width 0.57x eye length and 0.85x width of frons. Malar space length 0.3x width of mandibular bases. Genal carinae ± bent outwards ventrally, reaching at mandibular bases in an angle of 80-90°. Hypostomal carinae not elevated. Mesopleural discs granulate and ± punctate (sometimes superficially); specula granulate, matte; dorsal impressions finely striate; metapleura rugulose-punctate, in the ventral parts with some rugae; coxal carinae absent. Prepectal carina narrow, absent on transversal parts. Propodeum with basal carinae (area basalis and 1/3 of area superomedia); area petiolaris not distinctly impressed, rugulose and with some transverse rugae apically. Hind femora length 4.5-4.8x width. Hind claws pectinate. Areolets stalked, 2 nd recurrent veins distal of middle; nervuli postfurcal; postnervuli intercepted behind its middle; external angles of discoidal cells acute (80°); nervelli of hind wing reclivous, not intercepted. 2 nd tergite length 1.8-2.2x width; distance of thyridia from basal margin 0.5-1x their length; 3 rd tergite length 0.9-1.15x width. Colour: Black. Palps reddish-yellow; mandibles except reddish teeth black, rarely yellow; tegulae yellow. All coxae and trochanters black; legs otherwise red; hind tibiae ivory basally, red or reddish-yellow externo-medially, pale brownish subbasally and apically; hind tarsi except ivory base of hind metatarsi dark brown. Pterostigmata brown. ♂: Body length 7-8 mm. Flagella with 29-35 segments; 1 st flagellomere length 2.5x width; preapical flagellomeres about square. Distance of lateral ocelli to eyes 0.7x their diameter. Face slightly narrowed ventrally, finely rugose-punctate, minimal width 0.63x eye length and 0.95x width of frons. Malar space length 0.3x width of mandibular bases. Mesopleural discs granulate and distinctly punctate; specula granulate, matte; dorsal impressions strongly striate. Prepectal carina not elevated and absent on transversal parts. Propodeum with basal carinae (area basalis and 1/3 of area superomedia); area petiolaris usually with rather deep and narrow central impression, the impression with transverse rugae. Hind femora length 4.5x width. Areolets stalked, 2 nd recurrent veins in their middle; nervuli distinctly postfurcal; postnervuli intercepted behind its middle; external angles of discoidal cells acute (80°). 2 nd tergite length 2.4x width; distance of thyridia from basal margin 2x their length; 3 rd tergite length 1.05x width. Colour: Black. Palps reddish-yellow; mandibles except reddish teeth black; tegulae yellow; scapes and pedicels sometimes reddish ventrally. All coxae and trochanters black; legs otherwise red; hind tibiae ivory basally and externo-medially, brownish subbasally and apically. Pterostigmata brown. H o s t s: Idaea serpentata (SCHRANK, 1802) (Lep. Geometridae) (EDI), Phibalapteryx virgata HUFNAGEL, 1767 (Lep. Geometridae) (EDI). D i s t r i b u t i o n: Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia (Bohemia, Moravia), France, Italy, Norway*, Russia (Caucasus), United Kingdom. : Published as part of Riedel, Olmgren Matthias, 2018, Revision of the Western Palae arctic species of the genus Casinaria H (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Campopleginae), pp. 723-763 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (1) on pages 750-751, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4032781 : {"references": ["GRAVENHORST J. L. C. (1829): Ichneumonologia Europaea. Pars III. Vratislaviae, 1 - 1097.", "RATZEBURG J. T. C. (1844): Die Ichneumonen der Forstinsecten in forstlicher und entomologischer Beziehung. Berlin, 1 - 224.", "THOMSON C. G. (1887): XXXV. Forsok till uppstallning och beskrifning af aterna inom slagtet Campoplex (Grav.). - O puscula Entomologica Lund XI: 1043 - 1182.", "HOLMGREN A. E. (1860): Forsok till uppstallning och beskrifning af de i Sverige funna Ophionider. (Monographia Ophionidum Sueciae). - Kongliga Svensk a Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar 2 (8): 1 - 158.", "AUBERT J. F. (1964): Les Ichneumonides du rivage Mediterraneen francais (Hym.). 7 e serie: Ichneumoninae, Cryptinae, Ophioninae et Mesochorinae de l'Herault et des Bouches-du- Rhone. - Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France 69: 144 - 164."]}