Casinaria trochanterator Aubert 1960

Casinaria trochanterator AUBERT, 1960 (fig. 49) Casinaria trochanterator AUBERT, 1960b: 661 ♀♂ Lectotypus: (♀) Menton St.M. 9.9.1952 (Lausanne), type not studied, herewith designated. Paralectotypus: (♂) 27.8.1954 Mt des Oiseaux (Var) (Lausanne), type studied,...

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Main Author: Riedel, Olmgren Matthias
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2018
Online Access:
Summary:Casinaria trochanterator AUBERT, 1960 (fig. 49) Casinaria trochanterator AUBERT, 1960b: 661 ♀♂ Lectotypus: (♀) Menton St.M. 9.9.1952 (Lausanne), type not studied, herewith designated. Paralectotypus: (♂) 27.8.1954 Mt des Oiseaux (Var) (Lausanne), type studied, herewith designated. D e s c r i p t i o n: ♀: Body length 6.5-7 mm. Flagella with 30-34 segments; 1 st flagellomere length 3.6-4.0x width; preapical flagellomeres slightly longer than wide or square. Temples narrow, strongly narrowed behind eyes; head 2.4x wider than long. Ocelli small, distance of lateral ocelli to eyes 1.1x and between them 1.7-1.8x their diameter. Face moderately narrowed ventrally, finely rugose-punctate, minimal width 0.55x eye length and 0.85x width of frons. Malar space length 0.3x width of mandibular bases. Genal carinae moderately bent outwards ventrally, reaching mandibular bases in an angle of almost 90°. Hypostomal carinae not elevated. Mesopleural discs granulate and distinctly punctate; specula granulate, matte; dorsal impressions strongly striate. Prepectal carina strongly and lamelliform elevated ventrally, not notched medially, pleural parts narrow, absent on transversal parts. Metapleura rugose-punctate, ventrally with some rugae. Propodeum with basal carinae (area basalis and 1/3-1/2 of area superomedia); area superomedia wider than long; area petiolaris widely but slightly, sometimes stronger impressed, with rugae, with ± transverse rugae or ridges in apical parts. Hind femora length 4.7-5.6x width; length of inner spurs of hind tibiae 0.65x hind metatarsus length. Areolets stalked, 2 nd recurrent veins in or slightly distal to the middle; nervuli distinctly postfurcal; postnervuli intercepted behind middle; external angles of discoidal cells acute (80°); nervelli of hind wing reclivious, not or weakly intercepted. 2 nd tergite length 1.8-2.1x width; thyridia longer than wide or roundish, distance from basal margins 1.5x their length; 3 rd tergite length 0.9-1.0x width. Colour: Black. Palps reddish-yellow; scapes sometimes reddish ventrally; mandibles except reddish teeth and tegulae black, rarely tegulae reddish or yellow. Metasoma black, sometimes 3 rd and 4 th tergites with narrow reddish apical margins. All coxae and trochanters black; legs otherwise red; hind femora sometimes narrowly infuscate at apex; hind tibiae yellowish basally, pale brownish subbasally and apically; middle tarsi apically and hind tarsi except pale bases of metatarsi blackish. Pterostigmata brown. ♂: Body length 7-7.5 mm. Flagella with 30-31 segments; preapical flagellomeres almost square. Head 2.1x wider than long. Malar spaces length 0.4x width of mandibular bases. Specula granulate, sometimes ± shining. Hind femora length 4.7x width. 2 nd tergite length 1.5-1.6x width; 3 rd tergite length 0.85x width. Tegulae yellow or brownish. Hind femora narrowly infuscate apically. H o s t s: Camptogramma bilineata (LINNAEUS, 1758) (Lep. Geometridae) (EDI), Eupithecia sp. (Lep. Geometridae) (EDI), Lymantria dispar (LINNAEUS, 1758) (Lep. Erebidae) (EDI), Ortholitha plumbaria FABRICIUS, 1775 (Lep. Geometridae) (EDI). D i s t r i b u t i o n: Austria*, Bulgaria*, Czechia (Moravia)*, Egypt*, France, Germany*, Hungary*, Iran*, Italy*, Norway*, Serbia*, Slovakia*, Spain*, United Kingdom*. : Published as part of Riedel, Olmgren Matthias, 2018, Revision of the Western Palae arctic species of the genus Casinaria H (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Campopleginae), pp. 723-763 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (1) on pages 751-752, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4032781 : {"references": ["AUBERT J. F. (1960 a): Les Ichneumonides des Pyrenees-Orientales. - Vie et Milieu 11: 473 - 493.", "AUBERT J. F. (1960 b): Les Ichneumonides du rivage mediterraneen francais (2 e serie). - Vie et Milieu 11: 641 - 666."]}