Ulota glabella Mitt.

Ulota glabella Mitt. Figs 1, 3, 4 A–D Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, Botany 4: 76 (Mitten 1860). Type : CHILE • [Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena: Provincia Antártica Chilena, Comuna de Cabo de Hornos] Hermite island, Cape Horn; 19 Sep.–7 Nov. 1842; J.D. Hooker 141a...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Garilleti, Ricardo, Albertos, Belén, Draper, Isabel, Calleja, Juan Antonio, Lara, Francisco
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2020
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4328074
Summary:Ulota glabella Mitt. Figs 1, 3, 4 A–D Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, Botany 4: 76 (Mitten 1860). Type : CHILE • [Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena: Provincia Antártica Chilena, Comuna de Cabo de Hornos] Hermite island, Cape Horn; 19 Sep.–7 Nov. 1842; J.D. Hooker 141a holotype: NY[00737690]!, NY[00737691]!; isotypes: BM[BM000919960]!, E[E00052655]!, E[E00052673]!, PC[PC0101534]!, PC[PC0108133]!. Epitype : CHILE • Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena: Comuna de Cabo de Hornos, Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini, Isla Hoste, E side of Estero Fouqué, opposite Punta Blanco near river draining small lake; 55°09′49″ S, 069°31′00″ W; 2–15 m a.s.l; on Nothofagus betuloides 21 Jan. 2012; R. Garilleti 2012-077A MAUAM [5160], here designated (for images of details of the epitype, see Figs 3 and 4B, D). U. eremitensis Mitt., Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, Botany 4: 76 (Mitten 1860). Type : CHILE • [Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena: Provincia Antártica Chilena, Comuna de Cabo de Hornos] Hermite island, Cape Horn; 19 Sep.–7 Nov. 1842; J.D. Hooker 141 , p.p.; holotype: NY[00737687]!. U. hermitei Besch., Mission Scientifique du Cap Horn 1882 –1883, Vol. 5 (Botanique) : 274 (Bescherelle 1889), nom. illeg., type of earlier name included. Other material studied CHILE – Región Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo • Provincia de Aysén: Comuna de Cisnes, Parque Nacional Queulat, portezuelo Queulat; 44°36′03″ S, 072°25′39″ W; 550 m a.s.l.; sobre Ribes magellanicum 28 Dec. 2016; R. Garilleti 2016 -235b collected by R. Garilleti and F. Lara; VAL-Briof • Provincia de General Carrera: Comuna de Río Ibáñez, Ruta Austral (7), 2.9 km al S de Puente Las Ovejas, ca valle del río Murta; 46°12′48″ S, 72°48′13″ W; 325 m a.s.l.; ramas de Fuchsia magellanica 31 Dec. 2016; F. Lara 1612/117 collected by F. Lara and R. Garilleti; MAUAM. – Región de Los Lagos • Provincia de Palena: Comuna de Chaitén, Parque Nacional Corcovado, portezuelo Moraga; 43°20′59″ S, 072°24′04″ W; 600 m a.s.l.; Ribes magellanicum 25 Dec. 2016; R. Garilleti 2016 -193f collected by R. Garilleti and F. Lara; VAL-Briof • Comuna de Puyehue, Parque Nacional Puyehue, ladera S del volcán Haique, proximidades del complejo Antillanca; 40°46′28″ S, 072°12′29″ W; 1035– 1050 m a.s.l.; cara inferior de ramillas horizontales de Nothofagus pumilio 14 Jan. 2017; R. Garilleti 2017-102e collected by R. Garilleti and F. Lara; VAL-Briof. – Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena • Provincia Antártica Chilena: Comuna Cabo de Hornos, Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini, Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, extremo NE del Seno Aragay, en el istmo de la Península de Brecknock; 54°35′05″ S, 71°38′42″ W; alt. 0–100 m; epífito en Berberis ilicifolia en la costa; 5 Feb. 2011; J. Larraín 33961 , p.p.; NY • Comuna Cabo de Hornos, Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini, Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, Seno Bluff, Puerto Saco; 54°26′31″ S, 71°18′28″ W; alt. ca 10 m; epífito en Berberis microphylla junto al río; 20 Jan. 2011; J. Larraín 33243 , p.p.; NY • Comuna Cabo de Hornos: Isla Hoste, S shore of Península Dumas, NW shore of Bahía Lagrese; 55°05′40″ S, 68°37′19″ W; on twigs of Berberis 24 Jan. 2005; W.R. Buck 48079 , p.p.; NY • Comuna Cabo de Hornos: Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini, Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, NE end of Seno Aragay at isthmus to Península Brecknock; 54°34′59′ S, 71°38′38″ W; 0–50 m a.s.l.; on Berberis 5 Feb. 2011; W.R. Buck 57494 NY • Comuna Cabo de Hornos: Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini, Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, ENE arm of Seno Courtenay, S of glaciers; 54°34′39″ S, 71°10′42″ W; on Nothofagus Feb. 2011; W.R. Buck 57325 NY • ibid.; on Nothofagus Feb. 2011; W.R. Buck 57300 , p.p.; NY • ibid.; on Nothofagus Feb. 2011; W.R. Buck 57308 , p.p.; NY • ibid.; on Nothofagus Feb. 2011; W.R. Buck 57331 NY • Comuna Cabo de Hornos: Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini, Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, S of Canal Cockburn, SE end of Seno Bluff, Puerto Saco; 54°26′31″ S, 71°18′29″ W; on Nothofagus twigs; 20 Jan. 2011; W.R. Buck 56717 , p.p.; NY • ibid.; on Nothofagus twigs; 20 Jan. 2011; W.R. Buck 56725 , p.p.; NY • Comuna de Timaukel, Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini, ribera N del Seno Agostini, faldeos del Monte Buckland; 54°28′33″ S, 70°18′39″ W; alt. ca 5 m; epífita en Gaultheria en el borde del bosque, en la costa; 25 Jan. 2011; J. Larraín 33502 , p.p.; collected by J. Larraín and J. Shevock; NY • Comuna de Cabo de Hornos, Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini, Isla Hoste, E side of Estero Fouqué, opposite Punta Blanco near river draining small lake; 55°09′49″ S, 069°31′00″ W; 2–15 m a.s.l.; on Nothofagus betuloides 1 Jan. 2012; W.R. Buck 58636 NY • Comuna de Cabo de Hornos, Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini, isla Hoste, N shore of Península Cloue, Caleta Coloane; 55°06′09″ S, 069°49′01″ W; 5–25 m a.s.l.; small branches of Nothofagus betuloides 22 Jan. 2012; R. Garilleti 2012-080C VAL-Briof • Comuna de Cabo de Hornos, Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini, Isla Hoste, NW shore of Península Rous at eastern end of unnamed sound sharing its mouth with that of Estero Webb, terminating in river draining glacial lakes; 55°18′07″ S, 069°33′51″ W; 2–15 m a.s.l.; branches of Berberis ilicifolia 23 Jan. 2012; R. Garilleti 2012-090bA VAL - Briof • Comuna de Cabo de Hornos, Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini, Isla Hoste, Península Cloue, unnamed arm of Estero Webb; 55°13′55″ S, 069°40′01″ W; 5–15 m a.s.l.; on Nothofagus betuloides 23 Jan. 2012; R. Garilleti 2012-082 VAL-Briof • Comuna de Cabo de Hornos, Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini, SE coast of Isla Gordon in unnamed sound ca 10 km W of eastern tip of island on the Brazo Sudoeste of the Beagle Channel; 54°58′38″ S, 069°20′38″ W; 2–20 m a.s.l.; on Berberis ilicifolia 19 Jan. 2012; R. Garilleti 2012-025A VAL-Briof • ibid.; on Berberis ilicifolia 19 Jan. 2012; R. Garilleti 2012-027A VAL-Briof • ibid.; on Berberis ilicifolia 19 Jan. 2012; R. Garilleti 2012-031A VAL-Briof • Comuna de Cabo de Hornos, Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini, SE coast of Isla Gordon in unnamed sound NW of Estero Penhoat across the SW arm of the Beagle Channel; 54°59′37″ S, 069°28′31″ W; 5 m a.s.l.; on Berberis buxifolia in the shoreline; 20 Jan. 2012; R. Garilleti 2012-035C VAL-Briof • Comuna de Cabo de Hornos, Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini, south-central coast of Isla Gordon, Caleta Caracoles, NW of Estero Fouqué along SW arm of Beagle Channel; 55°01′57″ S, 069°36′41″ W; 65 m a.s.l.; exposed log; 20 Jan. 2012; R. Garilleti 2012-060B VAL-Briof • ibid.; 55°02′02″ S, 69°37′01″ W; 20 Jan. 2012; W.R. Buck 58550 NY • Comuna de Cabo de Hornos, Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini, north-central coast of Isla Hoste, ca 5 km W of the eastern tip of Isla Gordon along Brazo Sudoeste of Beagle Channel in unnamed sound; 55°00′21″ S, 69°12′13″ W; on Berberis 19 Jan. 2012; W.R. Buck 58398 NY. Description Plants growing in small cushions. Leaves non crisped, undulate to somewhat curved, (2.0–)2.5–3.15 × 0.4–0.6 mm; leaf margin crenulate-serrate, more strongly towards apex, with protruding papillae. Costa dorsal cells papillose. Lamina cells with 1(–2) single or ramified papillae. Differentiated basal marginal cells in more than five rows. Perichaetial leaves differentiated, with sheathing base, abruptly narrowed towards lamina and with blunt to obtuse apex. Vaginula naked, 0.4–0.7 mm long. Calyptra naked with dark beak, 1.5–1.9 mm long. Seta (2.75–)4.0– 5.7 mm long. Capsule fusiform when dry and full of spores, cylindrical when dry and empty, somewhat wider below its middle, 1.35–2.2 mm long including neck; ribs moderately marked, concolorous with rest of exothecium. Stomata scattered from urn base and neck to near capsule mouth. Exothecial bands thin, scarcely differentiated, formed by 2–3 cell rows with walls not strongly thickened. Operculum plane-convex, with broad reddish basal rim. Peristome double. Exostome of 8 pairs of teeth with tendency to split, but usually remaining joined at tips, brown-orange, sometimes paler, 230–325(–356) µm long; external side (outer peristome layer = OPL) ornamented in basal section by reticule with tall papillae, in upper ⅓–¼ with longitudinal crests and aligned papillae, sometimes uniformly papillose; inner side (primary peristome layer = PPL) with scattered tall papillae, becoming denser at tips and sometimes longitudinally aligned at base. Endostome of 8 segments, occasionally with remains of incomplete intermediates, brown-orange, sometimes paler, filiform and fragile, sometimes wider and more persistent; uni-biseriate at base, uniseriate above, almost as long as teeth; external side (PPL) smooth in basal ¾, in the upper ⅓ smooth but ornamented with clusters of high papillae, with appearance of tufts, which can protrude laterally, much less frequently with lines; inner surface (inner peristome layer = IPL) with base ornamented by low reticulum with coralloid aspect or by papillae, in upper parts smooth and with papillae in clusters as in PPL, rarely more or less homogeneously papillose with these clusters not or hardly developed; trabeculae differentiated. Spores finely papillose, 20–30 µm in diameter. : Published as part of Garilleti, Ricardo, Albertos, Belén, Draper, Isabel, Calleja, Juan Antonio & Lara, Francisco, 2020, Reinstatement of the Patagonian moss Ulota glabella Mitt. (Bryophyta, Orthotrichaceae), pp. 83-101 in European Journal of Taxonomy 726 on pages 90-92, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2020.726.1177, http://zenodo.org/record/4309371 : {"references": ["Mitten W. 1860. Description of some new species of musci from New Zealand and other parts of the Southern Hemisphere, together with an enumeration of the species collected in Tasmania by William Archer, Esq. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society. Botany 4: 64 - 100.", "Bescherelle E. 1889. II. - Mousses. In: Mission Scientifique du Cap Horn 1882 - 1883, Vol. 5 (Botanique): 253 - 312. Gauthier-Villars, Paris.", "Garilleti R., Munoz-Puelles L., Mazimpaka V. & Lara F. 2016. A new lectotypification of Ulota macrodontia Dusen ex Malta (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta). Journal of Bryology 38 (4): 355 - 359. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 03736687.2016.1170320"]}