Early stages of aphid evolution (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha, Aphidomorpha)

Aphids are one of the oldest insect groups with the first unquestionable fossil representative from the Middle Triassic. The first stages of their evolution are, however, not well documented because of the scarcity of the fossil record and its preservation. We present here the material from three im...

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Main Authors: Żyła, Dagmara, Wegierek, Piotr
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2020
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4159531
Summary:Aphids are one of the oldest insect groups with the first unquestionable fossil representative from the Middle Triassic. The first stages of their evolution are, however, not well documented because of the scarcity of the fossil record and its preservation. We present here the material from three important, yet understudied fossil insect deposits, which allowed us to describe new taxa and make redescriptions of existing ones. Overall, we describe one new superfamily Jurocallidoidea superfam. nov., two new families Asiaticaphididae fam. nov. and Jurocallidae fam. nov., three subfamilies Khotontaphidinae subfam. nov., Shcherbakovinae subfam. nov., and Mongolaphidinae subfam. nov., 20 new genera and 27 new species. Based on the new data, we discuss the evolutionary trends and biological adaptations in aphids. New species are as follows: Abruptovenaphis multimembrosa gen. et sp. nov., Abruptovenaphis tuberosa gen. et sp. nov., Affinidinaphis sola gen. et sp. nov., Altisiphum decorum gen. et sp. nov., Breviantennaphis ultima gen. et sp. nov., Creberinaphis aliantennae gen. et sp. nov., Creberinaphis gravis gen. et sp. nov., Dimediaphis magnatergalata gen. et sp. nov., Multinotaphis lata gen. et sp. nov., Ponomarenkoaphis deceptrix gen. et sp. nov., Shcherbakovia elongata gen. et sp. nov., Shcherbakovia scleritifera gen. et sp. nov., Bellaphis specialis gen. et sp. nov., Claraphis graciliantennata gen. et sp. nov., Asiaticaphis longabdominalis gen. et sp. nov., Popovaphis numerosa gen. et sp. nov., Crassoaphis plana gen. et sp. nov., Indivisaphis arcuata gen. et sp. nov., Indivisaphis parvula gen. et sp. nov., Mongolaphis minuta gen. et sp. nov., Mongolaphis magna gen. et sp. nov., Mongolaphis lateralis gen. et sp. nov., Mongolaphis kononovae gen. et sp. nov., Adepaphis longistigma gen. et sp. nov., Echinaphis multisetosa gen. et sp. nov., Gryllaphis unica gen. et sp. nov., and Hutelharaphis longitarsis gen. et sp. nov. : {"references": ["Ansorge J. 1996. 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