Habitat suitability predictions for a boreal forest indicator species, the northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis), in Central Finland

This repository contains files that show optimal sites in Central Finland for the northern goshawk ( Accipiter gentilis , hereafter goshawk), an indicator species of boreal forests with conservation values. The optimal sites were derived from the habitat suitability model outputs included in the fol...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Björklund, Heidi, Parkkinen, Anssi, Hakkari, Tomi, Heikkinen, Risto K., Virkkala, Raimo, Lensu, Anssi
Format: Dataset
Published: Zenodo 2020
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3926625
Summary:This repository contains files that show optimal sites in Central Finland for the northern goshawk ( Accipiter gentilis , hereafter goshawk), an indicator species of boreal forests with conservation values. The optimal sites were derived from the habitat suitability model outputs included in the following publication: Björklund Heidi a , Parkkinen Anssi b , Hakkari Tomi c , Heikkinen Risto K. d , Virkkala Raimo d , Lensu Anssi b (2020): Predicting valuable forest habitats using an indicator species for biodiversity. Biological Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108682 . a Finnish Museum of Natural History Luomus, P.O. Box 17, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland b University of Jyvaskyla, Department of Biological and Environmental Science, P.O. Box 35, FI-40014 University of Jyvaskyla, Finland c Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment Central Finland, P.O. Box 250, FI-40101 Jyväskylä, Finland d Finnish Environment Institute, Biodiversity Centre, Latokartanonkaari 11, FI-00790 Helsinki, Finland The files are ArcGIS compatible shape files which indicate the spatial location of the 160 m × 160 m grid cells which include forest stands projected to be either highly suitable or suitable as a nesting site for the goshawk in Central Finland. The habitat suitability models and values were developed across the study area using Maxent software. The files show those 160-m grid cells from the study area which were included in one of the following two categories: (i) cells deemed as the most optimal (with high probability of suitable conditions) for goshawk nesting with suitability index values in Maxent outputs varying between 0.92–1.00 (‘best’ goshawk squares), and (ii) cells deemed as ‘good’ goshawk squares (with Maxent suitability index values of ≥ 0.69 and < 0.92). The coordinate system for the data files is: ETRS-TM35FIN (EPSG: 3067) (or YKJ Finland/Finnish Uniform Coordinate System (EPSG: 2393)). Summarization of the key settings and elements of the study are provided below. A detailed treatment can now be found in the article published in Biological Conservation (Björklund et al.) for which the link is the following: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108682 . Summary of the study Intensive commercial use of boreal forests is an accelerating threat to forest biodiversity, highlighting the development of cost-effective tools to detect the locations valuable for conservation. We applied species distribution models (SDMs) in our study area, Central Finland, to locate the optimal nesting sites for the goshawk, an indicator bird species for biodiversity hotspots in mature boreal forests. The optimal sites (here, 160 x 160 m grid squares) for the goshawk were determined using the Maxent software. Optimal squares for the goshawk had forests with considerably high volumes of Norway spruce ( Picea abies , hereafter spruce) covering only 3.4% of the boreal landscape, and they were located mostly outside protected areas. Many of the squares with optimal nesting forests appeared to be under threat due to recently intensified logging operations. Half of the squares were logged to some extent and 10% were already lost or notably deteriorated due to logging after 2015 for which our models were calibrated. Threats to biodiversity of mature boreal spruce forests are likely to accelerate with increasing logging pressures. Thus, there is an urgent need to secure the continuous supply of mature spruce forests in the landscape by developing a denser network of protected areas and applying measures that aid in sparing large entities of mature forest on privately-owned land. Our modelled optimal squares can be used for selection of potential areas with biodiversity values in conservation prioritization. The study species The goshawk is a raptor species which prefers mature forests for nesting in Europe. Old forests dominated by spruce are considered as important for the breeding success of the species particularly in northern latitudes. Thus, intensive forest management can impair the breeding possibilities of the goshawk, and changes in forest landscapes are likely to contribute to the decline of the species. For example, in Finland, the goshawk is classified as nearly threatened species. In our study, we used the goshawk as an indicator species to model the spatial locations of boreal forest with much potential for including biodiversity values. The indicator species status of the goshawk is based on earlier studies showing the close association of the goshawk with various taxa of mature spruce forest, as well as the reported declines of both the goshawk and associated species due to loggings. Developing Maxent models for the goshawk The location data on occupied nests of the goshawk gathered in spring and summer 2015 and 2016 in Central Finland – as a part of the Finnish Common Birds of Prey Monitoring – were related to a set of environmental predictor variables using a maximum entropy method, Maxent software, which is considered particularly useful for modelling presence-only data (such as our goshawk nest site data). In our case, the data on forest stand and tree characteristics were related using Maxent to the known nesting sites to predict suitable conditions for the species across the Central Finland. The forest data used in the modelling were extracted from the multi-source national forest inventory (MS-NFI) data sources governed by the Natural Resources Institute Finland. The MS-NFI data used in our modelling are based on field data of the 11th and 12th NFIs from 2009 to 2016 and satellite images from 2015 and 2016. Prior modelling, Pearson correlations were calculated between the continuous environmental variables at the nest sites. Of the highly (|r| ≥ 0.7) correlated variables, we chose those variables which are known to be important for the goshawk, which are useful for generalization in other areas, or whose impact was of specific interest. Our final selected set of predictor variables included one class variable, site fertility class, and nine continuous variables: growing stock volume of the spruce, pine, birches and other hardwood, canopy cover, canopy cover of broad-leaved trees, saw timber of other broad-leaved trees than birches, pulpwood volume of the birches, and the biomass of the stem residual of the spruce. The original MS-NFI data recorded at the resolution of 16 × 16 m were resampled to the resolution of 160 × 160 m for the Maxent models, to represent one potential nesting forest stand. The accuracy of Maxent models were assessed with cross-validation and associated averaged AUC-values. The relative importance of the variables was measured by variable contribution and model deterioration measures provided by Maxent. The cloglog-transformed output index values ranging from 0 to 1 described the relative suitability of the 160-m squares to goshawk nesting. Based on the index values, the squares were classified as ‘optimal’ (with index values of 0.69–1.00), ‘typical’ (0.46– <0.69) and ‘poor’ (<0.46). In addition, we divided optimal squares into ‘best’ goshawk squares (index values of 0.92–1.00 corresponding to a high probability of suitable conditions), and ‘good’ goshawk squares (index values ≥ 0.69 and < 0.92). Maxent model outputs Spruce volume was the most important variable in defining habitat suitability for goshawk nesting, but hardwood cover, other hardwood logs and site fertility class contributed also to some extent to habitat suitability. In Maxent outputs, the set of 160-m squares deemed as optimal for goshawk nesting included 6 895 (cover 0.9% of the study area) best goshawk squares and 19 421 (cover 2.5%) good goshawk squares. The projected best and good goshawk squares were mostly located in unprotected areas: 95.0% of the best and 96.0% of the good goshawk squares occurred completely outside protected areas. For further details concerning the data and the model outputs, see the referred article Björklund et al. (2020). State of the optimal goshawk squares In total, 11% of best and over 9% of good goshawk squares were severely altered due to recent harvesting, typically clear-cutting, of the forests during the time period between 2015 and 2019. Altogether, some level of logging occurred in 3 062 (44%) of best goshawk and 9 846 (51%) of good goshawk squares during the recent years. However, many of the squares still included enough unlogged area for the goshawk in 2019. In our article, we conclude that while most of the optimal squares for the goshawk were still preserved in 2019, they are under risk as they are mainly situated outside protected area network. This stresses the importance of conserving biodiversity with complementary measures in privately-owned managed forests. In conclusion, a denser network with more PAs for forest-dwelling species should be secured in areas with intensive forestry, e.g. in southern Finland where PAs currently cover a smaller proportion of land compared to northern Finland. : Information will be updated to provide a link to the actual article as soon as it will published.