Astyra Boeck 1871

Genus Astyra Boeck, 1871 Astyra Boeck, 1871: 53; type species: Astyra abyssi Boeck, 1871. Chagosia Walker, 1909: 332–333; type species: Chagosia gardineri Walker, 1909. Parastyra Pirlot, 1934: 176; type species: Parastyra longidactyla Pirlot, 1934. Astyra – Boeck 1876: 442. — G.O. Sars 1892: 213. —...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: d'Acoz, Cédric d'Udekem, Verheye, Marie L.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2017
Online Access:
Summary:Genus Astyra Boeck, 1871 Astyra Boeck, 1871: 53; type species: Astyra abyssi Boeck, 1871. Chagosia Walker, 1909: 332–333; type species: Chagosia gardineri Walker, 1909. Parastyra Pirlot, 1934: 176; type species: Parastyra longidactyla Pirlot, 1934. Astyra – Boeck 1876: 442. — G.O. Sars 1892: 213. — Della Valle 1893: 693–694. — Gerstaecker & Ortmann 1901: 502. — Stebbing 1906: 278. — Stephensen 1928: 228; 1931: 256 (discussion). — Gurjanova 1951: 596, 597. — Birstein & Vinogradov 1955: 253–254. — J.L. Barnard 1969: 115, 161. — Holman & Watling 1983: 31 (discussion). — Andres & Lott 1986: 132. — J.L. Barnard & Karaman 1991: 703–704. — Andres 1997: 82. — Berge 2003b: 2 (discussion). — Berge & Vader 2005a: 1345 (discussion). Parastyra – Gurjanova 1951: 596, 598. Etymology “ Astyra, a town of Mysia, Mela, Pliny: Strabo calls it a hamlet, near which is a grove of Diana, thence named Astyrena: this Astyra is near Adramytrium, and to be distinguished from another near Abydos, which had a gold mine, Strabo. This last was a town of Troas; in ruins in Strabo’s time” (MacBean 1773). Stebbing (1888: 1668) suggested that the name Astyra derives from Αστυρα or Astura, which is the name of a river in Asturia (Spain). : Published as part of d'Acoz, Cédric d'Udekem & Verheye, Marie L., 2017, Epimeria of the Southern Ocean with notes on their relatives (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Eusiroidea), pp. 1-553 in European Journal of Taxonomy 359 on page 178, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2017.359, : {"references": ["Boeck A. 1871. Crustacea Amphipoda borealia et arctica. Forhandlinger i Videnskabs-Selskabet i Christiana for 1870: 83 - 280. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 2056", "Walker A. O. 1909. Amphipoda Gammaridea from the Indian Ocean, British East Africa, and the Red Sea. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Series 2, Zoology 12: 323 - 344, pls 42 - 43. Available from http: // biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 26710778 [accessed 27 Sep. 2016].", "Pirlot J. M. 1934. Les amphipodes de l'expedition du Siboga. Deuxieme partie. Les amphipodes gammarides II. - Les amphipodes de la mer profonde. 2. Hyperopsidae, Pardaliscidae, Astyridae nov. fam., Tironidae, Calliopiidae, Paramphithoidae, Amathillopsidae nov. fam., Eusiridae, Gammaridae, Aoridae, Photidae, Ampithoidae, Jassidae. Siboga-Expeditie, Uitkomsten op Zoologisch, Botanisch, Oceanographisch en Geologisch Gebied 33 (d): i-vii, 167 - 235.", "Boeck A. 1876. De skandinaviske og arktiske amphipoder. Vol. 2: 161 - 712, pls 8 - 31. A. W. Brogger, Christiania. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 10131", "Della Valle A. 1893. Gammarini del Golfo di Napoli. 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