Pseudharpinia Schellenberg 1931

Identification key to world species of Pseudharpinia 1 Epimeral plate 3 posteroventral corner not produced as a hook........................... P. brevirostris Chevreux, 1920 - Epimeral plate 3 posteroventral corner produced as a hook..................................................... 2 2 Epimeral...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Andrade, Luiz F., Senna, André R.
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2020
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Summary:Identification key to world species of Pseudharpinia 1 Epimeral plate 3 posteroventral corner not produced as a hook........................... P. brevirostris Chevreux, 1920 - Epimeral plate 3 posteroventral corner produced as a hook..................................................... 2 2 Epimeral plate 3 posteroventral hook medium............................................................... 3 - Epimeral plate 3 posteroventral hook large and curved.........................................................8 3 Pereopod 7 basis posteroventral margin produced as an acute hook curved upwards..................................4 - Pereopod 7 basis posteroventral margin ordinarily produced....................................................5 4 Pereopod 7 basis posteroventral margin weakly crenulate, hook medium.......................... P. vallini (Dahl, 1954) - Pereopod 7 basis posteroventral margin smooth, hook large............... P. macrospinosa Valério-Berardo & Piera, 2006 5 Pereopod 7 basis exceeding the apex of ischium............................................................. 6 - Pereopod 7 basis reaching only the apex of ischium............................................................7 6 Epimeral plate 3 ventral margin straight................................................. P. abyssalis (Pirlot, 1932) - Epimeral plate 3 ventral margin convex........................................... P. ayutlanta (J.L. Barnard, 1964) 7 Pereopod 7 basis anterodistal corner lobe produced, densely setose......................... P. cinca (J.L. Barnard, 1961) - Pereopod 7 basis anterodistal lobe not produced, not setose.............................. P. excavata (Chevreux, 1887) 8 Pereopod 7 basis presenting large projections as strong spines.................................................. 9 - Pereopod 7 basis ordinarily serrate or crenulate..............................................................11 9 Pereopod 7 basis with strong spines confined ventrally.................................... P. latipes (Norman, 1900) - Pereopod 7 basis with strong spines splayed posteroventrally.................................................. 10 10 Head entire laterally........................................................... Pseudharpinia bonhami sp. nov. - Head excavate laterally.......................................................... P. birjulini (Gurjanova, 1953) 11 Pereopod 7 ischium anterodistal angle produced distally............................. P. cariniceps (K.H. Barnard, 1932) - Pereopod 7 ischium anterodistal angle not produced distally....................................................12 12 Pereopod 7 merus posterior margin produced distally..........................................................13 - Pereopod 7 merus posterior margin not produced.............................................................17 13 Pereopod 6 basis posterior margin not smooth proximally, presenting blunt lobes or spine............................14 - Pereopod 6 basis posterior margin smooth, without lobes or projections.......................................... 15 14 Pereopod 6 basis posterior margin with a long acute spine proximally.................... Pseudharpinia jonesyi sp. nov. - Pereopod 6 basis posterior margin with 3 blunt lobes proximally................. P. tupinamba Senna & Souza-Filho, 2011 15 Antenna 1 primary flagellum article 1 stout and elongate............................... Pseudharpinia pagei sp. nov. - Antenna 1 primary flagellum article 1 ordinary..............................................................16 16 Mandible incisor with 2 teeth.................................................... P. dentata (Schellenberg, 1931) - Mandible incisor with 3+ teeth.................................................... Pseudharpinia planti sp. nov. 17 Maxilla 2 inner plate larger than outer.................................................................... 18 - Maxilla 2 outer plate larger than inner.................................................................... 19 18 Pereopod 7 basis posterior margin with 1 large projection as a spine...................... P. calcariaria Bushueva, 1982 - Pereopod 7 basis posterior margin weakly serrate/crenulate...................... P. antarctica Ren in Ren & Huang, 1991 19 Uropod 3 rami with ovoid shape........................................................... P. ovata Senna, 2010 - Uropod 3 rami ordinary................................................................................ 20 20 Epimeral plate 3 ventral margin convex................................................................... 21 - Epimeral plate 3 ventral margin with a concavity.............................. P. inexpectata Jarret & Bousfield, 1994 21 Epimeral plate 3 posterior margin sinuous.......................................... P. obtusifrons (Stebbing, 1888) - Epimeral plate 3 posterior margin not sinuous.............................................. P. berardo Senna, 2010 : Published as part of Andrade, Luiz F. & Senna, André R., 2020, Four new species of Pseudharpinia Schellenberg, 1931 (Crustacea: Amphipoda Phoxocephalidae) from southwestern Atlantic and new records of P. tupinamba Senna & Souza-Filho, 2011, pp. 501-537 in Zootaxa 4763 (4) on page 534, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4763.4.3, : {"references": ["Chevreux, M. E. 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