Gravitational Lenses & Conical Feedhorns

The emphasis of this thesis is on cosmology experiments using a submillimetre continuum array receiver. Divided into two parts, the thesis initially explores an astrophysical model, followed by an experiment based on results of the model. The second part deals with some of the design considerations...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Torchinsky, Stephen A.
Format: Thesis
Published: Zenodo 1991
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Summary:The emphasis of this thesis is on cosmology experiments using a submillimetre continuum array receiver. Divided into two parts, the thesis initially explores an astrophysical model, followed by an experiment based on results of the model. The second part deals with some of the design considerations for SCUBA, the Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array. The thesis touches on all aspects of a problem in astronomy: the theoretical modelling, an observational experiment, and the development of instrumentation. Part I deals with the astronomical question of gravitational lenses and the microwave background. Simulations of an anisotropic submillimetre background due to dusty primeval galaxies are presented, along with the observations that would result when gravitational lensing by clusters of galaxies is considered. The experiment was tried with the single pixel bolometer system on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope and it measured an upper limit on CBR anisotropy of dT/T < 4.6 × 10^{-3} (95% confidence) towards the cluster Cl 2244 - 02 at the angular scale of 5''. The small angular scale is due to the aid of the cluster lensing effect. The second part looks at the extensive design considerations for the feedhorn antennas and the bolometer integrating cavities in SCUBA. Single mode optics optimizes aperture efficiency and this is usually achieved by having a length of waveguide, but analysis here shows that one can still have a single moded device without a waveguide. A filter drum furthers SCUBA's capabilities by allowing the detector arrays to operate at higher frequency wavebands, as well as the primary wavebands. At the higher frequencies the feedhorns are overmoded, which is a case investigated in this thesis. The SCUBA Project will have the horns fabricated by an outside contractor according to the specifications derived in Part II. : 167 pages. PhD thesis submitted 22 July 1991 to the University of Edinburgh Department of Astronomy, and accepted by the university on 26 November 1991. : {"references": ["Andernach, H., Schallwich, D., Sholomitski, G.B., Wielebinski, R., A search for microwave background diminution towards the cluster 0016+16, Astron. Astrophys. vol. 124, pp. 326-330, 1983", "Arp, H.C., Burbidge, G., Hoyle, F., Norlikar, J.V., Wickramasinghe, N.C., The Extra-Galactic Universe: An Alternative View, Nature vol. 346, pp. 807-12, August 1990", "Balanis, C.A., Antenna Theory, Harper & Row, 1982", "Barrow W.L., Transmission of electromagnetic waves in hollow tubes of metal, Proc. IRE vol. 24, pp. 1298-1328, October 1936", "Belland, P., Crenn, J.P., Matching of a Gaussian Beam into Hollow Oversized Circular Waveguides, Int. J. 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