Ilyocypris Brady & Norman 1889

Ilyocypris Brady & Norman, 1889 Syn.: Ilyocyprella Daday, 1900 (fide G.W. Müller 1912) Syn.: Ilyocyprois Masi, 1906 (fide G.W. Müller 1912) Ilyocypris aestivalis Fuhrmann, 2008: PA Ilyocypris alta Sars, 1910: AT Ilyocypris angulata Sars, 1903: OL, PA Ilyocypris australiensis Sars, 1889: AT, AU,...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Meisch, Claude, Smith, Robin J., Martens, Koen
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2019
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Summary:Ilyocypris Brady & Norman, 1889 Syn.: Ilyocyprella Daday, 1900 (fide G.W. Müller 1912) Syn.: Ilyocyprois Masi, 1906 (fide G.W. Müller 1912) Ilyocypris aestivalis Fuhrmann, 2008: PA Ilyocypris alta Sars, 1910: AT Ilyocypris angulata Sars, 1903: OL, PA Ilyocypris australiensis Sars, 1889: AT, AU, OL, PA Ilyocypris botniensis Kovalenko, 1972: PA Ilyocypris bradyi Sars, 1890: NA, NT, OL, PA Syn.: Ilyocypris gibba var. repens Vávra, 1891 (fide Klie 1938a) Syn.: Ilyocyprella repens Daday, 1900 (fide Klie 1938a) Syn.: Ilyocypris bradyi var. compressa Masi, 1906 (fide Martens & Savatenalinton 2011) Syn.: Ilyocypris bradyi var. brachytela Gauthier, 1938 (fide Martens & Savatenalinton 2011) Ilyocypris brehmi Schäfer, 1952: PA Syn.: Ilyocypris turca Ghetti, 1972 (fide Martens 1991) Ilyocypris decipiens Masi, 1905: NA, PA Syn.: Ilyocypris iners Kaufmann, 1900 (unused older synonym) (fide Meisch 2000) Syn.: Ilyocypris iners var. affinis Masi, 1906 (fide Pieri et al. 2015) Syn.: Ilyocypris almi Sywula, 1968 (fide Meisch 2000) Syn.: Ilyocypris decipiens f. almi Sywula, 1974 (fide Meisch 2000) Ilyocypris dentifera Sars, 1903: OL, PA Ilyocypris divisa Klie, 1926: PA Ilyocypris echinata Huang, 1979: PA Ilyocypris fallax Brehm, 1929: AU Ilyocypris getica Masi, 1906: PA * Ilyocypris gibba (Ramdohr, 1808) Brady & Norman 1889: NA, NT, OL, PA Cypris gibba Ramdohr, 1808 Syn.: Cypris biplicata Koch, 1838 (fide Meisch 2000) Ilyocypris hanguk Karanovic & Lee, 2013: PA Ilyocypris hartmanni Lerner-Seggev, 1968: PA Ilyocypris inermis Kaufmann, 1900: PA Ilyocypris innermongolica Zhai & Xiao, 2013: PA Ilyocypris japonica Okubo, 1990: PA Syn.: Ilyocypris haterumensis Okubo, 1992 (fide Okubo 2004) Ilyocypris kashmirensis Bhatia, 1968: OL Ilyocypris lacustris Kaufmann, 1900: PA Ilyocypris mckenziei Bhatia & Mannikeri, 1975: OL Ilyocypris microspinata Huang, 1982: PA Ilyocypris mongolica Martens, 1991: PA Ilyocypris monstrifica (Norman, 1862) McKenzie 1970: PA Cypris monstrifica Norman, 1862 Syn.: Ilyocypris tuberculata Brady, 1868 (fide Meisch 2000) Syn.: Ilyocypris ambigua Lowndes, 1931 (fide Meisch 2000) Ilyocypris montana Margalef, 1952: PA Ilyocypris nagamalaiensis Victor & Michael, 1975: OL Ilyocypris neoaspera Huang et al. , 1983: PA Ilyocypris nitida Lerner-Seggev, 1968: PA Ilyocypris perigundi De Deckker, 1981: AU Ilyocypris propinqua Sars, 1910: AT Ilyocypris ramirezi Cusminsky & Whatley, 1996: NT Ilyocypris salebrosa Stepanaitys, 1960: NA, OL, PA Syn.: Ilyocypris shawneetownensis Staplin, 1963 (fide Bates et al. 2002) Syn.: Ilyocypris steegeri Kempf, 1967 (fide Bates et al. 2002) Syn.: Pelocypris alatabulbosa Delorme, 1970 (fide Bates et al. 2002) Ilyocypris salebrosa var. carinata (Kovalenko, 1970) Kovalenko 1976 Ilyocypris carinata Kovalenko, 1970 Ilyocypris salina (Daday, 1910) Martens 1984: AT Ilyocyprella salina Daday, 1910 Ilyocypris sebeiensis Yang & Sun, 2004: PA Ilyocypris subpulchra Yang, 1982: PA Ilyocypris taprobanensis Neale, 1976: OL Ilyocypris xizangensis Yang, 1982: PA : Published as part of Meisch, Claude, Smith, Robin J. & Martens, Koen, 2019, A subjective global checklist of the extant non-marine Ostracoda (Crustacea), pp. 1-135 in European Journal of Taxonomy 492 on pages 70-71, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2019.492, : {"references": ["Brady G. 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