Ophion kevoensis Jussila 1965

Ophion kevoensis Jussila, 1965 Figs 13D, 16E, 21E Ophion kevoensis Jussila, 1965: 97–98. Material examined Holotype, ♂, and allotype, ♀ (RJC); 95 ♀♀, 46 ♂♂ (Sweden); 4 ♀♀ (Finland); 8 ♀♀ (Norway)....

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Johansson, Niklas, Cederberg, Björn
Format: Text
Published: Zenodo 2019
Online Access:https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3477038
Summary:Ophion kevoensis Jussila, 1965 Figs 13D, 16E, 21E Ophion kevoensis Jussila, 1965: 97–98. Material examined Holotype, ♂, and allotype, ♀ (RJC); 95 ♀♀, 46 ♂♂ (Sweden); 4 ♀♀ (Finland); 8 ♀♀ (Norway). Diagnosis Fore wing length 15–17 mm. Antenna with 52–57 flagellomeres. First flagellomere about 3.5–4.0 times as long as wide. Central flagellomeres about 1.5–1.6 times as long as wide. Subapical flagellomeres approximately 1.5 times as long as wide. Temple buccate, in lateral view 0.6–0.8 times as long as compound eye. Head in dorsal view with gap between compound eye and lateral ocellus about 0.2–0.3 times the diameter of the ocellus. Malar space in both sexes, especially in the male, slightly longer than in O. slaviceki (Fig. 21E), in female about 0.3 times as long as mandibular base and 0.5–0.7 in males. Face wide (Fig. 16E) below antennal sockets densely and deeply punctate. Gap between mandibles obtuse or right angled, with internal angles present. Wing membrane usually yellowish. Ramellus long, 0.3 times the width of the discosubmarginal cell. Radius sinuous. Structure of mesopleuron weakly shagreened with distinct punctures. Interstices between punctures about equal to their diameter. Epicnemial carina, in antero-ventral view, with pleurosternal angles obviously anterior to sternal angles. Pleurosternal angles rounded, obtuse to right angled (as in Fig. 9E). Scutellum with lateral carinae present in basal 0.5–0.6. Anterior transverse carina of propodeum present, quite strong. Posterior transverse carina only present laterally, widely interrupted centrally. Petiolar carina and longitudinal carina delimiting area superomedia weak. Sclerotised part of first sternite ending level or slightly posterior to spiracle. Hind trochantellus shorter than wide in dorsal view. Legs normal, with hind femur about 6.0–6.5 times as long as wide. Hind trochantellus shorter than wide in dorsal view. Inner spur of hind tibia about 0.3–0.4 times as long as hind metatarsus. Colour Mesosoma usually brownish testaceous. Mandibular teeth black. Head with inner and outer orbits reddish-yellow, distinctly darker than in O. slaviceki . Apical flagellomeres in male slightly infuscate. Pterostigma evenly testaceous (Fig. 13D). Ovipositor sheath of the same colour as posterior segments of metasoma. DNA barcode The DNA barcode sequences of seven Swedish specimens of Ophion kevoensis are available at the BOLD systems database (www.boldsystems.org, BIN. BOLD: ACF9514. Specimen codes: STI-NJBC: 71–72, 319–321, 332–333). Ecology The species occurs in semi-open coniferous forests with Vaccinium L. during August–October in Central and Northern Sweden. Distribution in Sweden Widespread and locally very abundant in subalpine taiga forests where it is the dominant Ophion species. Remarks A rather variable species. Closely related to O. slaviceki , but easily distinguished from that species by the partly carinated scutellum, the generally longer ramellus, the right angled mandibular gape, the generally shorter hind trochantellus, the usually yellowish wing membrane, the longer malar space, especially in the male, and the usually darker colour. Also very similar to O. autumnalis Johansson sp. nov., but on average larger and with the pterostigma evenly testaceous (Fig. 13D). Sometimes the carinae of the propodeum can be quite distinct and the sclerotised part of first sternite end posterior to spiracle in which case the species can be mistaken for Ophion arenarius . Ophion kevoensis is distinguished from that species by the more buccate head with a distinct gap between the lateral ocellus and the inner margin of the compound eye. The barcoded specimens form a group that is closely related to O. slaviceki (Fig. 3). The allotype female (Jussila 1966) is smaller, has a narrow face and the ovipositor sheath black, contrasting with the posterior metasomal segments. The specimen probably represents a different species, most likely Ophion sylvestris Johansson sp. nov. (see further comments under Discussion- ‘additional comments on type material’). It is important to note that the interpretation of this species in this study is based on detailed drawings made by the second author when he gained access to the type material in the 1970-s. For the present paper, the types were unavailable for detailed examination as they were on loan for a study of Ophion species in Finland (Gergely Várkonyi, Finnish Environment Institute, pers. com.). Ophion longigena Thomson, 1888 Figs 10M, 20 C–D, 35A–B Ophion longigena Thomson, 1888: 1191. Material examined Lectotype, ♂ (ZMLU); 20 ♀♀, 7 ♂♂ (Sweden); 11 ♀♀, 7 ♂♂ (Germany); 1 ♂ (Estonia). Diagnosis Fore wing length 14–16 mm. Antenna in females with (52) 54–58 flagellomeres, 47–52 in males. First flagellomere 3.0–3.5 times as long as wide. Temple in female, and especially male, very strongly buccate, in lateral view temple at least as long as compound eye (Figs 20D, 35 A–B). Head in frontal view distinctly transverse (width/height measured from the apical margin of clypeus to the top of head = 1.40–1.45 (Fig. 20C). Face relatively wide, inner orbits almost parallel. Face densely punctate, the interstices 0.2–0.5 times the diameter of punctures. Malar space about 0.4 times as long as mandibular base in female and about 0.6–0.7 times in male. Mandibles in about 90% of the studied specimens more or less worn. Wing membrane weakly yellowish. Ramellus relatively short, reaching 0.1–0.3 times the width of the discosubmarginal cell. Radius sinuous. Mesopleuron polished or weakly shagreened and densely punctate with small punctures. Interstices between punctures about equal to their diameter. Pleurosternal angles slightly anterior to sternal angles, quite distinct, right angled or slightly acute, but apically rounded. Scutellum with distinct lateral carinae at least in basal half (as in Fig. 6C). Propodeum distinctly punctate, often polished with anterior and posterior transverse carina often strong. Longitudinal carinae delimiting area superomedia often weak or absent (Fig. 10M). Central longitudinal carinae often distinct basally. Hind trochantellus shorter than wide in dorsal view. Sclerotised part of first sternite ending level to spiracle. First metasomal segment in lateral view rather stout (as in Fig. 20E). Inner spur of hind tibia as long as 0.5 times hind metatarsus. Colour Body testaceous. Mandibular teeth black. Head with inner and outer eye margins yellow. In female metasoma with posterior segments from fifth segment onwards mostly infuscate, dark brown or black at least in the ventral 0.5 (Fig. 35A). Ovipositor sheath brownish-blackish, concolourous with posterior metasomal segments. DNA barcode The DNA barcode sequences of two Swedish specimens of Ophion longigena are available at the BOLD systems database (www.boldsystems.org, BIN. BOLD: ADF9569. Specimen codes: STI-NJBC: 130, 298). Ecology Brock (1982) refers to rearings from Cucullia chamomillae (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775), which is also confirmed by multiple Swedish rearings (by H. Elmqvist in NHRS). In the studied material there are also additional rearings from Cucullia lychnitis (Rambur, 1833) and Cucullia scrophulariae (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775). Schmidt et al . (2012) refers to a rearing from Cucullia verbasci (Linnaeus, 1758). The species is active during late May–July. Distribution in Sweden Rare in Southern Sweden including Öland and Gotland. Older records from Central Sweden (Uppland) which indicate a wider distribution. Remarks In its typical appearance a distinct species. Closely related to Ophion paukkuneni Johansson sp. nov., but with head and face usually wider in anterior view, temple slightly more buccate and first metasomal segment stouter. The face below the antennal sockets is more densely punctate than in O. paukkuneni Johansson sp. nov., distinctly denser than on the clypeus, while the punctation on the clypeus and face below the antennal sockets is of almost the same intensity and size in O. paukkuneni Johansson sp. nov. The females usually have more flagellomeres, in the range of 54–55 while O. paukkuneni usually has 50–51. A frequent characteristic is that the mandibles in O. longigena are worn, while they are unworn in all known specimens of O. paukkuneni Johansson sp. nov. : Published as part of Johansson, Niklas & Cederberg, Björn, 2019, Review of the Swedish species of Ophion (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae), with the description of 18 new species and an illustrated key to Swedish species, pp. 1-136 in European Journal of Taxonomy 550 on pages 72-75, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2019.550, http://zenodo.org/record/3476402 : {"references": ["Jussila R. 1965. The Ichneumonidae of the Kevojoki area in Inari Lapland (Finland) (Rep. Kevo Subarct. Res. Stat. 2). Annales Universitatis Turkuensis. Series A. II 34: 1 - 186.", "Jussila R. 1966. The female of the ichneumonid species Ophion kevoensis Jussila (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). Annales Entomologici Fennici 32: 315 - 317.", "Thomson C. G. 1888. Ofversigt af de i Sverige funna arter af Ophion och Paniscus. 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