Two new species of stalked crinoids from the northeastern Pacific in the genera Gephyrocrinus and Ptilocrinus (Echinodermata, Crinoidea, Hyocrinidae). Effects of ontogeny and variability on hyocrinid taxonomy

Roux, Michel, Lambert, Philip (2011): Two new species of stalked crinoids from the northeastern Pacific in the genera Gephyrocrinus and Ptilocrinus (Echinodermata, Crinoidea, Hyocrinidae). Effects of ontogeny and variability on hyocrinid taxonomy. Zootaxa 2825: 1-54, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.277262 : {&q...

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Main Authors: Roux, Michel, Lambert, Philip
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Zenodo 2011
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Summary:Roux, Michel, Lambert, Philip (2011): Two new species of stalked crinoids from the northeastern Pacific in the genera Gephyrocrinus and Ptilocrinus (Echinodermata, Crinoidea, Hyocrinidae). Effects of ontogeny and variability on hyocrinid taxonomy. Zootaxa 2825: 1-54, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.277262 : {"references": ["Agassiz, A. (1890) Notice of Calamocrinus diomedae, a new stalked crinoid from the Galapagos, dredged by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer \"Albatross\". Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology Harvard University, 20, 165-167.", "Agassiz, A. (1892) Calamocrinus diomedae, a new stalked crinoid. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard, 17, 2, 1-95.", "Ameziane, N. & Roux, M. (1997) Biodiversity and historical biogeography of stalked crinoids (Echinodermata) in the deep sea. Biodiversity and Conservation, 6, 1557-1570.", "Ameziane, N. & Roux, M. (2003) Environmental control of ontogeny in the stalked crinoid Guillecrinus. In Feral J.P. & David B. (Ed.) 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